Bonus Interview With iWork4Him Authors Tom & Pam Wolf

If we’re honest, we’ve all asked the question, “why am I here?” Well, Tom and Pam Wolf developed a process to help you discover the answer to this very question through their course Identity and Destiny. In this bonus interview, we discuss finding your sweet spot, discovering your purpose, and understanding your unique design so that you can be a better leader, have more breakthroughs, and engage in your Kingdom assignment! 

Tom and Pam are contributing authors to Chapter 16 of our new book, iWork4Him: Change the Way you Think About Faith and Work.

Guests: Tom and Pam Wolf

Ministry/Workplace: Identity and Destiny

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The Business of Poverty – Part II
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Business and poverty may seem like opposites, but is there a deeper connection between the two? Find out in part two of this PowerPod with Dr. E. Calvin Beisner and Ephie Johnson from “Neighborhood Christian Centers.” All throughout Scripture we see Jesus’ care for the poor and impoverished, a compassionate calling that is still on us as Christ-followers today. And we aren’t just talking about donating money to charity – we are talking about personal engagement and long-term societal solutions to poverty. Join us as we discuss holistic care, networking and collaboration, generosity and charitable donations.

Featured Guest: Calvin Beisner & Ephie Johnson 
Ministry/Workplace: Neighborhood Christian Centers

Emmanuel, God with Us

A show like no other! In this special Christmas episode, the entire iWork4Him team joins Jim and Martha behind the microphone for a conversation on what Emmanuel, God with us, means for us today.

Our two operations assistants – Rebecca and Hannah – discuss God’s faithfulness, the role of the Holy Spirit, and how Jesus’ earthly life provides comfort in seasons of grief, loneliness, or change. Then, our producer, Todd, talks about God’s unique plan and divine design for our lives (especially as it pertains to the workplace). Finally, we come together to give you some practical ways to see the truth of Emmanuel during this Christmas season! Emmanuel, God with us and with you all! Merry Christmas from the iWork4Him team!

Guests: Rebecca Smith de Hernández; Todd T Riley; Hannah Fordice

Ministry/ Workplace: iWork4Him Ministries

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Bonus Interview With iWork4Him Author Ryan Haley

Hustle more! Rise and Grind! We’ve all heard these phrases, but Ryan Haley believes there is a better way to live. In fact, his ministry is called A Better Way. Ryan was a helicopter pilot in the Navy until a crash ended his military career and brought him into the world of entrepreneurship, where he firsthand experienced the power of inviting God into your work. In this bonus interview, Ryan talks with us about finding fulfillment and effectiveness by being a good steward of not only your finances but also your gifts, talents, and passions. 

Ryan Haley is a contributing author to Chapter 25 of our new book, iWork4Him: Change the Way you Think About Faith and Work.

Guests: Ryan Haley

Ministry/Workplace: A Better Way

YouTube Video Interview

The Business of Poverty – Part I
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Business and poverty may seem like opposites, but is there a deeper connection between the two? Find out in part one of this PowerPod with Dr. E. Calvin Beisner and Ephie Johnson from “Neighborhood Christian Centers.” Throughout Scripture, we see Jesus’ care for the poor and impoverished, a compassionate calling still on us as Christ-followers today. And we aren’t just talking about donating money to charity – we are talking about personal engagement and long-term societal solutions to poverty. Join us as we discuss collaboration, generational care and support, and other real solutions for a tough subject.

Featured Guest: Calvin Beisner & Ephie Johnson 
Ministry/Workplace: Neighborhood Christian Centers

Finding Your True Home

We scour the country for stories of people living out their faith in a noticeable and attractive way in the marketplace, and today we have just such a story. Joe Kallis tells us about how he went from a success-driven big city big shot to a Gospel-driven realtor in Tennessee. Joe’s story starts like many career-driven individuals: the pursuit of success and money. But by God’s grace, he found himself surrounded by some excellent businessmen that modeled a different way of life.

Tune in to hear more of Joe’s personal journey towards people over profit and to hear our discussion on slowing down to speed up. It’s a show full of so many great nuggets of truth that are applicable to each of us, no matter what industry or workplace we find ourselves in!

Guests: Joe Kalis

Ministry/ Workplace: EXIT Rocky Top Realty

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Bonus Interview With iRetire4Him Author Bob Spence

Retirement isn’t in the Bible. True story! We were never meant to work for 30 years and then go on a 30-year vacation. Instead, God’s intention is that we would have a purpose throughout our entire life. In other words, retirement isn’t VACATION; it’s a JOB CHANGE. In this bonus interview with our personal mentor, Bob Spence, we talk about intentional retirement, ministering in the second half of life, and cultivating a mission, vision, purpose, and core values.

Bob Spence is a contributing author to Chapter 15 of our new book, iRetire4Him: Unlock God’s Purpose for Your Retirement.

Guests: Bob Spence

Ministry/Workplace: Bob Spence Consulting

YouTube Video Interview

Poodles and Wolverines - Part II
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In part two of this PowerPod, we talk with one of the most expensive consultants and social media experts in the world - Perry Marshall.  A pastor’s kid and nephew of missionaries, Perry grew up around ministry and felt the pressure placed on many Christians to go into the church full-time. However, he says he never felt called to work in the church, a place he felt was full of “poodles”; rather, he felt called to go out and be a “wolverine” in the competitive world of business. Tune in as we discuss going BIG, taking risks, holy discontent, and using success and influence for the glory of God! You aren’t going to want to miss it!

Featured Guest: Perry Marshall

Celebrating Our Blue-Collar Workers

At the ripe old age of five, Dave Hataj started working in the family business, Edgerton Gear, Inc. Although he was labeled as not being “college material,” Dave was hesitant to settle into a life of working in the gear business. However, as he wrestled with what he was meant to do with his life, God spoke to him in a way that changed his trajectory… not by taking him out of the business but by showing him that the business was his ministry. There are so many golden nuggets in this interview, and we can’t wait for you to listen and hear all that God has been doing through the work of Dave Hataj!

“Community” and “purpose” are two topics near and dear to Dave. You can learn about Dave’s ministry at when you listen to this week’s show.  Oh, and we are giving away a copy of Dave’s book Good Work: How Blue-Collar Business Can Change Lives, Communities, and the World to 5 listeners! To enter to win, simply call our listener line at 866-713-9675.

Guests: Dave Hataj

Ministry/ Workplace: Edgerton Gear, Inc.Craftsman with Character

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Bonus Interview With sheWorks4Him Author Ellie Nieves

When Ellie was an attorney on her way up the corporate ladder, she thought that God would only get in the way of her aspirations. But as her career grew, she found that all her achievements were empty; she was missing a greater purpose or meaning – the kind that only God can fill. When we believe that our job or title or perceived success is our purpose, we are short-changing ourselves – because God has more in store for us. Moreover, our jobs are only one aspect of our lives that God wants to use to make an eternal impact. In this bonus interview, Ellie talks with us about what it looks like to glorify the Lord in the context of a Fortune 250 company, battling anxiety and fear in the face of the unexpected, and the two most important things to successfully living out your faith at work.

Ellie Nieves is a contributing author to Chapter 8 of our new book, sheWorks4Him: Embrace Your Calling as a Christian Woman at Work.

Guests: Ellie Nieves

Ministry/Workplace: Christian Career Women

YouTube Video Interview