Posts tagged Christian podcast
Bonus Interview With iWork4Him Author Ryan Haley

Hustle more! Rise and Grind! We’ve all heard these phrases, but Ryan Haley believes there is a better way to live. In fact, his ministry is called A Better Way. Ryan was a helicopter pilot in the Navy until a crash ended his military career and brought him into the world of entrepreneurship, where he firsthand experienced the power of inviting God into your work. In this bonus interview, Ryan talks with us about finding fulfillment and effectiveness by being a good steward of not only your finances but also your gifts, talents, and passions. 

Ryan Haley is a contributing author to Chapter 25 of our new book, iWork4Him: Change the Way you Think About Faith and Work.

Guests: Ryan Haley

Ministry/Workplace: A Better Way

YouTube Video Interview

Bonus Interview With sheWorks4Him Author Ellie Nieves

When Ellie was an attorney on her way up the corporate ladder, she thought that God would only get in the way of her aspirations. But as her career grew, she found that all her achievements were empty; she was missing a greater purpose or meaning – the kind that only God can fill. When we believe that our job or title or perceived success is our purpose, we are short-changing ourselves – because God has more in store for us. Moreover, our jobs are only one aspect of our lives that God wants to use to make an eternal impact. In this bonus interview, Ellie talks with us about what it looks like to glorify the Lord in the context of a Fortune 250 company, battling anxiety and fear in the face of the unexpected, and the two most important things to successfully living out your faith at work.

Ellie Nieves is a contributing author to Chapter 8 of our new book, sheWorks4Him: Embrace Your Calling as a Christian Woman at Work.

Guests: Ellie Nieves

Ministry/Workplace: Christian Career Women

YouTube Video Interview

Bonus Interview With iRetire4Him Author Doug Fagerstrom

If you don’t go into the workplace and share Jesus, who will? This is the question that God asked Doug Fagerstrom many years ago, and it’s the same question God is asking each of us today! But in this special bonus interview, Doug talks about how his life as a new retiree still centers on the same question – just a different location. Whether it’s in the workplace, the home, the community, or the golf course, we each have the opportunity to bring the person, words, and work of Jesus to those around us. Tune in to hear our discussion with Doug about purpose in retirement, faith in the marketplace and beyond, and becoming a chaplain in the second season of life.

Doug Fagerstrom is a contributing author to Chapter 11 of our new book, iRetire4Him: Unlock God’s Purpose for Your Retirement.

Guests: Doug Fagerstrom

Ministry/Workplace: Marketplace Chaplains

YouTube Video Interview

Podcasting with a Purpose

So many believers feel called to full-time ministry, so they think they should quit their jobs and go to work in a church or Christian non-profit. But that’s simply not what Scripture teaches us about ministry and missions! Each one of us has a unique set of gifts, talents, and abilities. These gifts were meant to be used not only to provide for us, but also to give us access to unbelievers in the workplace – the kind that will never set foot in a church. Today, we head down under to talk with Annemarie Cross from Podcasting with a Purpose. She has taken her love for communication and her expertise in podcasting and used it to create a platform that helps equip followers of Jesus to go out and make a difference for Christ!

Annemarie Cross was adopted into a family that lived their lives so on mission that she never had to learn how to do that in her work, it was natural. Today, she gets to help others learn how to communicate their branding and message through the medium of podcasting. Her perspective that we are ambassadors for Christ is timely, to say the least, as Australia is dealing with increased restrictions and issues around freedom of speech. Join us as we talk about the workplace mission field, the challenges of being a Christian working woman, and speaking out about your faith in difficult situations. You can listen to Annemarie Cross’s podcast, The Christian Entrepreneur Podcast, on Awaken Podcast Network.

Guests: Annemarie Cross

Ministry/ Workplace: Podcasting with Purpose

YouTube Video Interview

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The Key to Business Done Right

Seth Buechley is an entrepreneur through and through. He has sold two businesses, written a book, runs a consulting business, and has a podcast called Business Done Right, which can be found on the Awaken Podcast Network. Today, we talk with Seth about gratitude adjustments, the importance of mentorship, and how to share our faith with CONFIDENCE.

Seth’s dad had a mentor whose motto was: In God’s world, business done right is a blessing. This motto has characterized and shaped not only Seth’s dad’s work but also Seth’s work over the years (I mean, look at his podcast name). Serving as an example of the longstanding legacy of a good and godly mentor. In today’s show, Seth challenges our listeners to look for their own mentors by prayerfully seeking four things.   Seth is giving away a copy of his new book, Ambition: Leading with Gratitude, by calling our listener line at 866-713-9675 (WORK).

Guests: Seth Buechley

Ministry/ Workplace: Cathedral Consulting

YouTube Video Interview

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Hope 4 Kids - Christian Charity Transforming The Community
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As we travel the country and gather stories from all 50 states, rarely do we circle back and gather stories from our home territory of Ft. Myers Florida.  Just recently, The National Christian Foundation in SW FL held a Launch party for Naples/Ft. Myers and we had the opportunity to meet and hear from an amazing ministry in our backyard. Hope 4 kids FW FL.  Jeannie Gawronski is the director and her story is nothing short of miraculous. God placed her in this work with a calling to help Foster Families and kids in the foster system in ways that can only be described as Christian Charity transforming the community.

Jeannie Gawronski grew up in a Christian home but it wasn’t until the night she held her first born child in her arms that she told God she wanted to “do this right” and have Him guide her life.  And guiding it He is.  She is the director at Hope4Kids in SW Florida, where there are currently over 2200 kids in foster care in the 5 county area. 

Jeannie wasn’t sure how God would use her faith in her role at Hope4Kids but very early on they had a client in crisis.  All Jeannie could think to ask her was “Where is God in this for you?”  The client didn’t know but said she figured that Jeannie and her staff must know and they would help her.  She was hooked and from then on her goal has been to make sure that people don’t get a can of corn and be heading to hell, but rather make sure they know they are loved and about the love of Jesus.  This is Jeannie’s work and she cares about the souls of those she works with and helps.  Jeannie sees her workplace as her mission field and wants to encourage others to do the same.

Hope4Kids has a thrift store to sell your unused items to raise money to get this items that the foster families need.  You can look for the foster family support groups in your own area to find an organization similar to Hope4Kids.  Every city has a need for foster families, guardian ad litem, or funding.  If you have questions you can reach Jeannie at 239-789-1145 and locally you can shop or donate at the Hope Co Resale Store.

Featured Guests: Jeannie Gawronski

Ministry/Workplace: Hope 4 Kids

YouTube Video Interview

Best New Years Resolution Ever
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Every year we start off with ridiculous resolutions that never happen. We want to give you a new years resolution that will be easy to keep and it will change your work life. Stay tuned for the best new year show ever as Martha and I roll out the iWork4Him Nation and the plans for expanding iWork4Him from 1 show to 9 shows/podcasts and Introducing the Awaken Podcast Network. A jam packed show in 15 minutes or less…You’ve tuned in to iWork4Him and we are your hosts Jim and Martha Brangenberg…Hang On…

Featured Guests: Jim & Martha Brangenberg
Ministry/Workplace: iWork4him

YouTube Video Interview

iWork4Him on Kurt & Kate in the Mornings on Moody Radio Florida
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So often we start our year with new years resolutions and promises to ourselves to live a different, more meaningful life. Martha and I do that too. In 2021 we want to be interviewed on lots of platforms to encourage the 55 million Christ Following workplace believers to know their work matters to God. We had an opportunity recently to appear on Kurt and Kate in the Mornings on Moody Radio Florida. Andrew was in as a guest host for Kurt. We had a great conversation…check it out.

Featured Guest: Kurt and Kate in the Mornings

Workplace/Ministry: Moody Radio Florida

Guaranteed Wins Every Time
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Mike Sipe with recently invited Jim to be a guest on his show 10 Talent Leader Talk. Mike and Jim talk about the creative ways Christian Business Owners are winning during the coronavirus outbreak. Guaranteed Wins every time.

Featured Guest: Mike Sipe

Workplace/Ministry: 10xGroups & 10 Talent Leader Talk

YouTube Video Interview

Ten Qualities of Great Christian Business Leaders – #1-5
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As Christ Followers out in the Marketplace, should we look different, sound different and act different than our pre-Christian friends and competitors? If we run a business, or lead in an organization, what are the defining characteristics or qualities of a Great Christian Business Leader, or any leader proclaiming Christ as savior and Lord. Jesus changed all of us, including our ability to lead like Him. So Todd Hopkins has been working on this list, for himself and the young professionals he pours his life into on a regular basis. He wanted to share these 10 qualities with our audience so we can all put them into practice. Today we will deal with the first 5 and then in December we will hit the final 5.

Ten Qualities of Great Christian Business Leaders – #1-5

  1. Protector of Gratitude

  2. Committed to prayer, reading and learning – As leaders, our prayers must outpace normal people. For our people, organization and ourself. Prayer of Jabez!

  3. Challenge culture’s definition of success with God’s – Care more what God thinks than what people think. Many say this, yet what people think is influencing their decisions more than what God says.

  4. Align personal and Business goals with God’s calling

  5. Committed to and implements system of distraction control – Good is enemy of great, residual distraction (we are addicted to distractions), environment – Stop using the “B” Word (busy)

Featured Guest: Todd Hopkins

Workplace/Ministry: Office Pride Franchise

YouTube Video Interview