Ep 2085: Revolutionizing Workplace Discipleship

In this episode of iWork4Him, hear from Michael Boerner of Mission 17, who shares his powerful journey to Christ and groundbreaking work in equipping the Church. Raised in the LDS (Latter Day Saints/Mormon) Church, Michael’s faith took a pivotal turn when a conversation with a former Mormon introduced him to a life-changing truth: "Truth never fears to be investigated." This sparked a deep exploration that led him to the realization that salvation is a grace gift—not something to be earned but freely given through Jesus. 

As he embraced this new understanding, Michael saw the immense value of churches working together in unity, a conviction that later shaped Mission 17’s mission. Rooted in John 8:32—"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"—his work is dedicated to breaking down theological barriers and equipping believers for workplace ministry through cutting-edge technology. 

He also emphasizes the power of friendship, trust, and relationship speed in citywide church collaboration. When leaders build genuine connections, it accelerates their ability to create lasting impact. Now, through Mission 17, Michael is embarking on a project to use innovative storytelling and digital discipleship tools to activate faith in the workplace like never before. Could this be the key to unlocking the full potential of the faith and work movement? Listen in to find out. And to start unlocking your faith and work potential, join the iWork4Him Nation


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  • It’s 2025 and cyber criminals are more prevalent than ever. Get protected with SaferNet! A VPN, web filters, internet controls – this robust app will cover you at work and at home.  

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  • Do business with generous people who love Jesus – like the team over at ePaymints, your payment processing partner! 

 Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform and, better yet, subscribe on YouTube to get the full effect of each episode. 

 Featuring: Michael Boerner

Ministry/ Workplace: Mission 17

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