Posts tagged hope
Emmanuel, God with Us

A show like no other! In this special Christmas episode, the entire iWork4Him team joins Jim and Martha behind the microphone for a conversation on what Emmanuel, God with us, means for us today.

Our two operations assistants – Rebecca and Hannah – discuss God’s faithfulness, the role of the Holy Spirit, and how Jesus’ earthly life provides comfort in seasons of grief, loneliness, or change. Then, our producer, Todd, talks about God’s unique plan and divine design for our lives (especially as it pertains to the workplace). Finally, we come together to give you some practical ways to see the truth of Emmanuel during this Christmas season! Emmanuel, God with us and with you all! Merry Christmas from the iWork4Him team!

Guests: Rebecca Smith de Hernández; Todd T Riley; Hannah Fordice

Ministry/ Workplace: iWork4Him Ministries

YouTube Video Interview

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From Ditches to Destinations

Nearly 92% of Americans believe in God but 70% don’t have an ongoing relationship with Him. Chaplains are called to provide emotional, mental, and spiritual care to those on the frontlines of life… encouraging them to “move out of ditches, towards a better destination”, including a deeper relationship with God. With the stress of the past few years, Marketplace Chaplains have been able to avert suicide, introduce workers to Jesus and connect workers to local churches. This is all brag worthy, but Jason Brown, the CMO of Marketplace Chaplains, said on today’s show, “don’t touch God’s glory.” And may we be the first to say that Marketplace Chaplains gives it all back to Him!

In addition to Jason, we also talk with chaplain and recruiter Paddy Warman about our basic human need to be seen and to experience connection, and with Roland Barlowe about how we all can experience ongoing missions in our work.

There are currently 400 openings for chaplains at Marketplace Chaplains. If you are looking for a way to invest in the workplace that will make a Kingdom impact, this might be for you!

Guests: Jason Brown, Paddy Warman, & Roland Barlowe

Ministry/ Workplace: Marketplace Chaplains

YouTube Video Interview

Sponsored by GiANT

Left and Right Kidneys Reunited!

Welcome to our guests and friends: Bill and Marietta Boysen! Most people take it for granted that both of their kidneys are in the same room, but today is a special day for Jim and Bill because Bill’s visit means that Jim’s kidneys are together. In this unique show, we spend some time unpacking the Living Kidney Donor Program and the 100,000 people that are currently on the waiting list for a kidney.   

Us for Them is an organization that we can get behind because they have a vision for Christ-followers to solve this problem.  No, not every believer needs to donate a kidney, just 100,000 of them. 

Bill inherited polycystic kidney disease. By the time his kidneys were removed, they each weighed a whopping 34 pounds and were roughly the size of a basketball. So many parts of Bill’s body had been affected by the stress and underperformance of those kidneys. Through our friendship of several decades, Jim and Bill had been praying for his future donor – but little did we know that the donor would end up being Jim! God brought us together, and there was no doubt that this was a part of His plan.   In this episode, we have the chance to walk through some of the process together.

Why did we do this episode, and why should you listen?  To raise awareness that you could save someone’s life! What a gift to give an organ we don’t need to someone who can’t live without it! After hearing this episode, we hope you’ll be inspired to visit and learn more about living kidney donation.  Please share this with your friends and family. Jim says this was the best gift he ever received – giving Bill his kidney.  

Guests: Bill and Marietta Boysen

Ministry/ Workplace: Us for Them

YouTube Video Interview

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Walking With The Lord In Times Of Isolation
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Its been a year. A year since the Covid-19 Lockdowns hit. A year since almost Normal got lost in a panic to keep millions from dying around the world. Covid has impacted everything. EVERYTHING.  Shopping, driving, socializing, church, family, school, traffic, work. A year ago, the dream for some was to work from home. Today, the nightmare for some is to work from home another day.  Isolation has led to suicide/depression/lonlieness the likes of which our world has never known.  So where does the Body of Christ at work fit into all of this.  How does our faith impact our work when our work is intertwined with schooling and other homebound complications?  Throw into that mix a week of temperatures that broke a ton of modern low temperature records where our home, which has been our safe haven, has now been destroyed by broken water pipes and flooding. The world is in chaos and peace is hard to find. Where does God fit into all these questions? Lets ask Tony Dale. Founder of Sedera Health and The Karis Group out of Austin Texas. Tony has a unique perspective to share with us today.

Tony and Felicity Dale live in Texas.  Texas had a rough time recently with all of the unusually cold weather.  We asked Tony to talk about the adversity and the challenges from Covid-19 and the Deep Freeze on them personally and his companies.  After explaining that he had run out of gas to heat his home and cook, lots of cancelled meetings, etc. he truly felt blessed.  When asked to explain, he sweetly said well Felicity and I have spent a lot of time together this past year and let’s just say – “cold weather leads to warm fellowship!”.  Now there’s a great perspective for us all to consider.  Seriously, Tony acknowledged that many people have had worse conditions than they did, but he knows that the kinds of issues they experienced are far less severe than most of the world. 

Tony’s company has experienced a 50% increase in size this past year.  In fact, he said many new team members have never even seen the office space for the company as they were onboarded virtually.  He acknowledged that his team has determined to not let anyone be left out. 

Isolation has become a real problem around the globe during the pandemic.  Tony reminded us that Jesus asked God to help him only do what the Father asked of him.  We are to let every part of our life be led by Him. 

Jeremiah spent time in the well.  Joseph spent time in prison.  We can make Godly use of our time.  The truth is, even this interview is church.  We are having church when 2-3 gather in His name.  Tony has a new book that will be released this year, instead of what is wrong with health care, he takes the opposite approach.  Stay tuned for more as we get closer to the release of that book.  As always, we are grateful for time with Tony Dale and appreciate his insight for our lives.

Featured Guests: Tony Dale

Ministry/Workplace: Sedera Health & The Karis Group

YouTube Video Interview

Hired: Cut Your Career Search Time in Half
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YOU’RE FIRED! YOU’RE LAID OFF! WE ARE CLOSING THE PLANT – HERE IS YOUR PINK SLIP!  These statements cast fear into our lives in the forms of a tidal wave of emotion. You start to be riddled with questions that seem to have no answers. How will I feed myself? How will I pay my bills? How will I find another job?  Why me? It is a freeway to depression and discouragement. But wait - God promises to never leave us or forsake us and in Isaiah he says, 

“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you” – Isaiah 43:2

So where can I find out how to find a job in half the time it usually takes? George C. Murray has the answer in his new book Hired. George is here to tell his story and share some of the answers on what to do when you find yourself out of a job and looking for work.

George lost his job not once, but twice. These unexpected career transitions were a shock to his system and stretched his faith, but he realized some important things along the way. While praying and listening to God’s voice in the midst of his job transition, George felt led to write down a roadmap for cutting the career search time in half in his book, Hired. 

George’s book is for the newly unemployed or for anyone struggling in their unemployment.  Losing a job is hard, but George says some simple, important steps need to happen right away to optimize your opportunities.  1.  You need energy, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude.  2.  You are the CEO of you. 3. Assemble a personal board of advisors.

In his book, Hired, George also talks about his morning routine and tips for taking care of yourself in the midst of your job transition.  He outlines a “day in a life” structure to help you maintain a high level of performance and momentum in the midst of your unstructured time. Remember, your career transition is an opportunity to evaluate your values, purpose, and make positive personal changes. 

If you know someone who is on a job search or you yourself are in that place now, get a copy of Hired: cut your career search time in half by George Claystin Murray and use this roadmap to turn your career search into a great experience! 

Two copies of the book Hired are available by calling the iWork4Him listener line at 866-713-9675 or you can get it online at It’s never too late to take the next step in the process towards a new job / career.  iWork4Him is happy to present this opportunity to you and learn to focus on what is ahead for you.

Featured Guests: George Claystin Murray

Ministry/Workplace: ADJ Consulting

YouTube Video Interview

Community Matters Café
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The Homeless and drug addicted are all around us. Most of them are looking for hope and a solution. We’re talking with Ed Price from Charlotte Rescue Mission about Community Matters Café and how this business is transforming the lives of those who work there and eat there.

Featured Guest: Ed Price

Workplace/Ministry: Community Matters Café

Faith. Work. Women.

Author, speaker, Christ-follower, supermom and workplace revolutionary, Stephanie Winslow, popped by to share about her new book and blog about faith and work issues faced by women in the workplace today. 

Through a traumatic season in Stephanie’s life, God called her out of an executive position in the corporate world and into writing and consulting. Her book, Ascent to Hope, encourages those who are stuck in despair, depression, addiction, trials or stagnation to find hope in the message of Jesus Christ. Tune in for an insightful conversation on her passion, her love and her faith. 

Featured Guest: Stephanie Winslow

Workplace / Ministry: Ascent To Hope

Bill Wolf Works 4 Him

Local business owner of Midway Services, Bill Wolf, is in studio to talk about how his Christ-centered focus is at the heart of his business, how this focus shapes his work environment, and what it means to truly work for Him, which he has been doing since day one – and it hasn’t always been easy.

A real focus on today’s show is walking with integrity on a day-to-day basis in your business. Bill gives us insight on how he handles mistakes, what integrity has looked like in his business and marriage, and how the integrity mindset sets us apart as Christ-followers! These daily decisions made by the grace of God are what add up to a life full of supernatural success! 

Featured Guests:  Bill Wolf

 Ministry/Workplace: Midway Services