Fame and the Christ Follower
04-23-21 - New Podcast Episode Alert2.png

Fame. It’s attractive and it’s mesmerizing. So many of us have had at least one moment in our life that we thought being famous would be awesome. But as a Christ Follower, fame takes on a different meaning. You may be famous but it’s no longer about you, it’s about Jesus. How do you use your fame for His glory and His Honor? And what happens when your fame starts to fade or an illness takes you out of the limelight, how you react to your circumstances is being watched by everybody. Then fame may not be all that you were hoping for.  Today we talk with Singer, Songwriter, Artist and Comedian Kelly Lang. She has sung alongside some of the greatest singers of our time, performed in front of huge audiences and been on many TV shows and she has a story to tell when that fame and career was threatened by cancer. Walk with us as we talk with Kelly Lang about her story.

Kelly Lang was born into a loving family where her dad was a road manager for Conway Twitty.  Her life was surrounded with famous people but her dad often told her to not be like the people that let fame get to their heads and treat others badly.  She became a Christ-follower at the age of 12 and was involved in her youth group and church.  God gave her many opportunities to perform in and around Nashville and grew her confidence as a performer. 

16 years ago Kelly wrote a song for a friend as she watched her console her dying husband and kept telling him she wasn’t going anywhere.  After her own serious bout with breast cancer Kelly’s song has become the voice of a hospital commercial where she was treated for her breast cancer.  God used her words to not only minister to a few but now thousands that are struggling with hurt, pain, suffering, and loss in this season. 

Kelly Lang sees her work as her ministry.  God has shown her that her breast cancer wasn’t a death sentence but rather a life sentence while she is here on earth.  Everyday is an opportunity to live and make a differene in those around her.  Early in her career she was encouraged to sing at church and perform Gospel music, but she understood that she could minister to those that may not enter a church if she performed elsewhere.  So Kelly knows that when she is performing in a bar she can be a light to someone there.  She knows that having confidence in her path and trusting her personal friendship with Jesus allow her to be strong and not compromise. 

Kelly is doing interviews and podcasts so she can share her message of all that God is doing and using her music, songwriting, artist and comedy as the platform.  You can watch the song video of I’m not going anywhere.  https://www.kellylang.net/videos

Featured Guests: Kelly Lang

Ministry/Workplace: Singer/Songwriter

YouTube Video Interview

Thrive – The Outcomes Conference 2021
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You know it’s always amazing when a bunch of Jesus followers from all over the country get together.   The mutual camaraderie and mission pull us together as brothers and sisters in Christ.  The excitement is palpable and inspiring.  Now for the last 14 months we haven’t had events and we have barely gotten together with people in our own neighborhoods let alone our country. But the Country is opening up and God is on the move. As is our calling, we are covering a move of God called the Christian Leadership Alliance. Their mission is dedicated to equipping Christian non-profit leaders to a high level of excellence while protecting and projecting the Gospel message to the lost and hopeless of our land. Martha and I have grown very fond of the Christian Leadership alliance and their leader Tami Heim. We invited Tami to join us today to talk about the Blockbuster event The Christian Leadership Alliance is hosting in Orlando in June. A Perfect time to break out of quarantine lockdown and join a 1000 others in pursuing excellence with others in the kingdom.  Tami Heim is here to talk about all things Outcomes Conference and their theme for 2021 – Thrive.

The Outcomes Conference 2021 June 15 –17, 2021 Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Hotel – Orlando

Tami Heim shared with us how the Christian Leadership Alliance prepares leaders of non-profit for the uncertainty of tomorrow.  This was a huge benefit in 2020 as many non-profits had to adjust and learn how to function during the pandemic. 

God has taught her to wait, be patient, and listen to Him for guidance.  As a leader these can be difficult to do, but they paid off as God provided miraculously for the increased expansion of The Outcomes Conference to several countries because of the digital approach last year. 

This year’s theme of Thrive is increasingly important as non-profits learn what it really means to thrive both personally and corporately. 

LATE BREAKING NEWS:  The Outcomes Conference early bird pricing has been extended to May 7th and you can find out more at www.outcomesconference.org Jim and Martha Brangenberg are this year’s emcees for The Outcomes Conference.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Featured Guests: Tami Heim

Ministry/Workplace: Christian Leadership Alliance & The Outcomes Conference

YouTube Video Interview

How to Affair Proof Your Marriage
04-16-21 - New Podcast Episode Alert2.png

iWork4Him is a show solely focused on the intersection of our Faith in Jesus and our Work. When these two collide – fantastic things happen all around us. People start to benefit from you following Jesus whether they believe in Jesus or not. That’s when the enemy goes full on frontal attack. He wants to compromise your reputation at work so that your testimony is no longer attractive.  What is one way he does this? An Affair with an office mate.  Whether you are a man or a woman, A committed follower of Jesus or one just finding their way in being a Jesus Follower, the enemy wants to see you fail.  How do we protect our reputation and the reputation of our savior? We need to affair proof our marriages. We need to have a solid ground to stand on at home so that our steadfastness isn’t compromised at work. Even if you are not married, an affair at work will significantly dismantle your witness as a Christian.  Today joining Martha and I in this conversation is Rhonda Stoppe with www.NoRegretsWoman.com She has written many books. We use The Marriage Mentor all the time that she wrote with her husband Steve and today’s topic will come from the pages of Real Life Romance, which we will give away today.

Rhonda Stoppe returns to iWork4Him for another great interview about marriage.  She recently commented on one of our iWork4Him PowerThoughts about the need to Affair-proof marriages in the context of our workplaces.  Her book Real-Life Romance and also The Marriage Mentor are great resources for helping to strengthen marriages at home and to help affair proof them. 

Rhonda and Steve have been married for 39 years and she knows that they continue to need to be transparent with each other and take their advice from scripture.  When they were new parents Rhonda found herself dressing up for church on Sundays and appreciated the compliments of a gentleman there.  After a few weeks of getting compliments she approached Steve and basically explained the situation and told him he needs to compliment her more, as she was looking forward to the compliments of the man at church.  She knew this behaviour could have bad consequences and that is how most affairs get started. 

Applying that story to the workplace is pretty easy.  We need to set good boundaries and clearly protect our marriages.  We can do this by strengthening our marriages and making them a priority.  We shared the 72-hour intimacy rule with her and Rhonda is going to add that to her messaging.  Rhonda encouraged women to pursue their husbands.  This is a successful way to affair proof your marriage. 

Rhonda is offering a free ebook – “A Christian Woman’s Guide to Great Sex in Marriage” when you sign up for her newsletter:  http://www.noregretswoman.com

There is a road to recovery for an affair.  God has forgiven us as far as the East is from the West.  Don’t stop protecting your marriage.  When the kids leave and our lives change we shouldn’t look elsewhere for attention.  Rhonda encouraged marriages to be careful even in our virtual relationships while we work distantly.  It can quickly get out of control. 

For more great insights to affair proof your marriage check out Rhonda Stoppes website at http://www.noregretswoman.com. It is always fun to have Rhonda as a guest on iWork4Him.

Featured Guests: Rhonda Stoppes

Ministry/Workplace: No Regrets Woman LLC

YouTube Video Interview

Tempered Resilience
04-09-21 - New Podcast Episode Alert2.png

God designed all of us to be leaders. How do I know this? Jesus handed down an assignment that designates all of us to lead others back to Him. What does it take to be a great leader in challenging times. Some would say Tempered Leaders. Leaders that have been pounded, beaten, attacked, hardened, fought in the heat of battle. Leaders who have face great opposition and have come out with Tempered Resilience. Resilience that represents our ability to rebound in the face of great challenge. Leaders who demonstrate Tempered Resilience, are leaders without pride issues and without privilege. These are tried and true leaders who have earned their position and a right to be heard. Tod Bolsinger comes back on iWork4Him today to talk about his book Tempered Resilience. Tod Bolsinger is a Senior Fellow at De Pree Center and Associate Professor of Leadership Formation at Fuller Seminary.

Tod Bolsinger has been a previous guest on the iWork4Him show talking about his last book, Canoeing the Mountain.  This excellent book about not continuing to do things the way they’ve always been done is a great leadership book that Jim has recommended often.  On March 13, 2020, Tod got off a plane from traveling and discovered that 15 of his next speaking opportunities had been canceled.  Little did he know that God would use this adversity to allow Tod to do 105 webinars instead.  He had a chance to live out what he wrote about in his newest book “Tempered Resilience.”

God also allowed 2020 to be a year to launch the Church Leadership Institute at Fuller Seminary in the DePree Center. 

Tod said a key for leaders is to keep learning and growing and allow formation during a disruption.  Be stronger and flexible and have the capacity to adapt core values.

Tod’s new book Tempered Resilience: How Leaders are Formed in the Crucible of Change is here for such a time as this.  Everyone is experiencing disruption and change.  Tempered tools are stronger than their original matter. 

Most leaders experience the most challenging resistance inside their organization and need help to know how to navigate this resistance and be resilient.  When I asked Tod when someone should read this book, he agreed it could be read anytime, as someone prepares to be a leader, or during their leadership opportunity.  The real lessons are learned in the midst of the crisis. 

Call our listener line at 866-713-9675 to win a copy of this book Tempered Resilience: How Leaders are Formed in the Crucible of Change. You can also text:  change to 66866 to get a link to resources by Tod Bolsinger.

Featured Guests: Tod Bolsinger

Ministry/Workplace: Church Leadership Institute

YouTube Video Interview

AWAKE = Ambassadors working as Kingdom Educators
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A few Weeks Back I had an opportunity to sit down with some Christian Educators from around the country who teach in the public school system. 4 teachers, 4 different stories of how they are living out their faith in their work and how www.CEAI.org (The Christian Educators Association International) is encouraging them to be AWAKE in their jobs as teachers. AWAKE = Ambassadors working as Kingdom Educators. From The Twin Cities to California we hear the real stories of teachers working in the teaching trenches of America. Enjoy.

Featured Guests: Karen Cuen, Heather Kohnen, Craig Olsen & Terry Meier

Ministry/Workplace: The Christian Educators Association International

YouTube Video Interview

Walking With The Lord In Times Of Isolation
03-26-21 - New Podcast Episode Alert2.png

Its been a year. A year since the Covid-19 Lockdowns hit. A year since almost Normal got lost in a panic to keep millions from dying around the world. Covid has impacted everything. EVERYTHING.  Shopping, driving, socializing, church, family, school, traffic, work. A year ago, the dream for some was to work from home. Today, the nightmare for some is to work from home another day.  Isolation has led to suicide/depression/lonlieness the likes of which our world has never known.  So where does the Body of Christ at work fit into all of this.  How does our faith impact our work when our work is intertwined with schooling and other homebound complications?  Throw into that mix a week of temperatures that broke a ton of modern low temperature records where our home, which has been our safe haven, has now been destroyed by broken water pipes and flooding. The world is in chaos and peace is hard to find. Where does God fit into all these questions? Lets ask Tony Dale. Founder of Sedera Health and The Karis Group out of Austin Texas. Tony has a unique perspective to share with us today.

Tony and Felicity Dale live in Texas.  Texas had a rough time recently with all of the unusually cold weather.  We asked Tony to talk about the adversity and the challenges from Covid-19 and the Deep Freeze on them personally and his companies.  After explaining that he had run out of gas to heat his home and cook, lots of cancelled meetings, etc. he truly felt blessed.  When asked to explain, he sweetly said well Felicity and I have spent a lot of time together this past year and let’s just say – “cold weather leads to warm fellowship!”.  Now there’s a great perspective for us all to consider.  Seriously, Tony acknowledged that many people have had worse conditions than they did, but he knows that the kinds of issues they experienced are far less severe than most of the world. 

Tony’s company has experienced a 50% increase in size this past year.  In fact, he said many new team members have never even seen the office space for the company as they were onboarded virtually.  He acknowledged that his team has determined to not let anyone be left out. 

Isolation has become a real problem around the globe during the pandemic.  Tony reminded us that Jesus asked God to help him only do what the Father asked of him.  We are to let every part of our life be led by Him. 

Jeremiah spent time in the well.  Joseph spent time in prison.  We can make Godly use of our time.  The truth is, even this interview is church.  We are having church when 2-3 gather in His name.  Tony has a new book that will be released this year, instead of what is wrong with health care, he takes the opposite approach.  Stay tuned for more as we get closer to the release of that book.  As always, we are grateful for time with Tony Dale and appreciate his insight for our lives.

Featured Guests: Tony Dale

Ministry/Workplace: Sedera Health & The Karis Group

YouTube Video Interview

Job Search With Jesus
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When we lose our job, it’s terrifying. Finding a new job is daunting. Who do we turn to? Jesus can be our job search partner and Glenn Inn is here to tell us about his brand new eBook called I Lost My Job: Heaven Help Me. Join us as Glenn Inn shares just a little about his book, which you can download for free at www.JobSearchwithJesus.com

After 22 years in high-tech, Glenn found himself in a job transition. As he spoke with other job seekers, he observed a lot of successful but broken people. It wasn’t long before God challenged him to write a book about unemployment, I Lost My Job: Heaven Help Me. In it, Glenn tells people that its okay to grieve the loss of a job, but also challenges them to see themselves as God sees them: as more than the title on their business card. So whether you were laid off, downsized, let go, or are simply seeking out a refreshed sense of purpose in your work, Glenn’s book will help you understand God’s will for you in this season of transition.  

I Lost My Job: Heaven Help Me can be downloaded for free at www.JobSearchwithJesus.com .  Please share this with your friends that may be looking for jobs.  This book will help them make a great transition and be a better person in the process! 

Featured Guests: Glenn Inn

Ministry/Workplace: Job Search With Jesus

YouTube Video Interview

Hired: Cut Your Career Search Time in Half
03-19-21 - New Podcast Episode Alert2.png

YOU’RE FIRED! YOU’RE LAID OFF! WE ARE CLOSING THE PLANT – HERE IS YOUR PINK SLIP!  These statements cast fear into our lives in the forms of a tidal wave of emotion. You start to be riddled with questions that seem to have no answers. How will I feed myself? How will I pay my bills? How will I find another job?  Why me? It is a freeway to depression and discouragement. But wait - God promises to never leave us or forsake us and in Isaiah he says, 

“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you” – Isaiah 43:2

So where can I find out how to find a job in half the time it usually takes? George C. Murray has the answer in his new book Hired. George is here to tell his story and share some of the answers on what to do when you find yourself out of a job and looking for work.

George lost his job not once, but twice. These unexpected career transitions were a shock to his system and stretched his faith, but he realized some important things along the way. While praying and listening to God’s voice in the midst of his job transition, George felt led to write down a roadmap for cutting the career search time in half in his book, Hired. 

George’s book is for the newly unemployed or for anyone struggling in their unemployment.  Losing a job is hard, but George says some simple, important steps need to happen right away to optimize your opportunities.  1.  You need energy, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude.  2.  You are the CEO of you. 3. Assemble a personal board of advisors.

In his book, Hired, George also talks about his morning routine and tips for taking care of yourself in the midst of your job transition.  He outlines a “day in a life” structure to help you maintain a high level of performance and momentum in the midst of your unstructured time. Remember, your career transition is an opportunity to evaluate your values, purpose, and make positive personal changes. 

If you know someone who is on a job search or you yourself are in that place now, get a copy of Hired: cut your career search time in half by George Claystin Murray and use this roadmap to turn your career search into a great experience! 

Two copies of the book Hired are available by calling the iWork4Him listener line at 866-713-9675 or you can get it online at www.GeorgeClaystinMurray.com It’s never too late to take the next step in the process towards a new job / career.  iWork4Him is happy to present this opportunity to you and learn to focus on what is ahead for you.

Featured Guests: George Claystin Murray

Ministry/Workplace: ADJ Consulting

YouTube Video Interview

Know Yourself Know Your Money
03-12-21 - New Podcast Episode Alert.png

Money has a way of twisting us. It has a way of taking over and driving us crazy. If we don’t manage our money, it can manage us. If we don’t put parameters around our money, we can lose sleep and peace and it could damage our most important earthly relationships. In order to manage your money in a way that reflects Christ in us, whether this is at home or in our work life, we need to first know and understand the attitudes and actions in our life surrounding how we handle money. Second, we need to be knowing where our money is going. Rachel Cruze is back with another best selling book, Know Yourself, Know your money. She is going to pull all this together for us so that no matter where we are or what we are doing, our faith, our work and our money are all tied to Jesus in us.

Rachel Cruze grew up as the middle child of Dave Ramsey.  Her father’s job was to talk about money, debt, and helping people to become debt free.  He also talked about Jesus in their home.  Rachel shares on the air and in her new book, Know Yourself, Know your Money about the impact our upbringing has on how we handle money. 

It was quite a shock to Rachel when she discovered that not everyone looks at money the say way she does.  In fact, she could see that there were some distinct differences in how households talked and handled money and how this directly impacts our response to money.  80% of what we do is from observation, and only 20% is from head knowledge.  Imagine if we all took the time to know ourselves and how it relates to handling our money. 

Throughout her new book, Know Yourself, Know your Money – Rachel Cruze shares insights and helpful direction to a healthier perspective.  Winston and Rachel have been married for 11 years and are exact opposites for their money tendencies.  As each couple struggles with merging finances and having financial harmony, Rachels’ book is a great help to a successful, healthy approach.  Imagine how healthy the next generation could be if their homes do a better job dealing with money in a secure environment.  We are giving away a copy of her book on our listener line:  866-713-9675

Featured Guests: Rachel Cruze

Ministry/Workplace: Personal Finance Expert with Ramsey Solutions & author of Know Yourself, Know Your Money

YouTube Video Interview

Introducing iRetire4Him
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The Retirement Reformation is committed to encouraging a movement where every Christ follower is confident in God’s plan for a lifetime of faithful service and committed to helping the body of Christ reform its understanding of retirement-then bearing fruit without measure throughout all of life. We assert the Biblical truth that Jesus followers are called to bear fruit in every season of life and affirm that commitment with the 10 principles of the Retirement Reformation Manifesto. Bruce Bruinsma, the founder of The Retirement Reformation is here today to talk about the Retirement Reformation manifesto.

Featured Guests: Bruce Bruinsma

Ministry/Workplace: iRetire4Him - The Retirement Reformation

YouTube Video Interview