Posts tagged performance evaluation
Job Search With Jesus
03-19-21 - New Podcast Episode Alert.png

When we lose our job, it’s terrifying. Finding a new job is daunting. Who do we turn to? Jesus can be our job search partner and Glenn Inn is here to tell us about his brand new eBook called I Lost My Job: Heaven Help Me. Join us as Glenn Inn shares just a little about his book, which you can download for free at

After 22 years in high-tech, Glenn found himself in a job transition. As he spoke with other job seekers, he observed a lot of successful but broken people. It wasn’t long before God challenged him to write a book about unemployment, I Lost My Job: Heaven Help Me. In it, Glenn tells people that its okay to grieve the loss of a job, but also challenges them to see themselves as God sees them: as more than the title on their business card. So whether you were laid off, downsized, let go, or are simply seeking out a refreshed sense of purpose in your work, Glenn’s book will help you understand God’s will for you in this season of transition.  

I Lost My Job: Heaven Help Me can be downloaded for free at .  Please share this with your friends that may be looking for jobs.  This book will help them make a great transition and be a better person in the process! 

Featured Guests: Glenn Inn

Ministry/Workplace: Job Search With Jesus

YouTube Video Interview

7 Pillars For A Zooming Ahead Mindset
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When you have been doing something for almost 30 years straight, it’s easy to get lazy and unmotivated. It’s also easy to get sloppy and unintentional.  Doing the same things over and over again, even if you are very successful can sometimes lead to boredom and disconnectedness. But not for one Tampa Bay Kingdom franchising company. Todd Hopkins is more motivated than ever to build up his teams and encourage and equip them for the decades ahead with a fresh vision with 7 pillars for a zooming ahead mindset. As always, Todd is a deeply committed Christ Follower, so these pillars are based on Todd’s walk with the Lord and the scripture he feasts on each day. #OPVirtualRetreat

Featured Guest: Todd Hopkins

Workplace/Ministry: Office Pride

YouTube Video Interview

Year End Performance Reviews

Proverbs 27:23 says, “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds…” So today, I want to ask, do you, as a manager, CEO, business owner, or supervisor, know the state of your employees – both personally and professionally? Do you know where they are coming from? Do you know where they are at? If not, today is your chance to start - and Martha and I want to show you how!

If you do regular employee performance reviews (we’re talking quarterly, not just annually!), you will have more opportunities to share the Gospel with your people because of how you are regularly investing in them. Employee performance evaluations are an opportunity to sit down without interruptions, show that you care, and improve company culture! 

Employee reviews allow you to sit down and have an open, purposeful, and transparent conversation. And, by doing regular performance reviews, you are able to: 1) Shows that you care, notice, and acknowledge their work 2) Set goals, so they have somewhere to go in the future 3) Create an opportunity for an open dialogue 4) Provide productive feedback and investment 5) Allow the employee an opportunity to do a self-evaluation. 

Download the iWork4Him Performance Review Template and set up a performance evaluation with your employees today!

Featured Guests:  Jim & Martha Brangenberg

Ministry/Workplace:  iWork4Him