Posts tagged impact
Introducing iRetire4Him
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The Retirement Reformation is committed to encouraging a movement where every Christ follower is confident in God’s plan for a lifetime of faithful service and committed to helping the body of Christ reform its understanding of retirement-then bearing fruit without measure throughout all of life. We assert the Biblical truth that Jesus followers are called to bear fruit in every season of life and affirm that commitment with the 10 principles of the Retirement Reformation Manifesto. Bruce Bruinsma, the founder of The Retirement Reformation is here today to talk about the Retirement Reformation manifesto.

Featured Guests: Bruce Bruinsma

Ministry/Workplace: iRetire4Him - The Retirement Reformation

YouTube Video Interview

Using Fishing For The Kingdom – Huh What An Idea
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Jesus said we were to become fishers of men.  Did he mean that literally? I don’t know but I think so but fishing.  Some people take their passion and their calling and they mesh up perfecting and “Bam” everything falls into place. For the rest of us, it is a  rocky road for 15 or 20 years until we find our God given sweet spot.  Our guest today grew up in the swampy areas of Florida.  He grew up loving fresh water and salt water, both for recreation and for fishing.  He was wildly successful in the insurance world and now is wildly successful in the fishing world. Fishing for men, you bet, the unchurched kind.  is his Biznistry and Joe Simonds is his name.

Featured Guest: Joe Simonds

Workplace/Ministry: Salt Strong

YouTube Video Interview

Together on Tuesdays – COVID-19 Relationship Challenges at Home
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It’s been almost 6 months since Covid-19 invaded our world. It alone has shifted the paradigm for every citizen of the United States of America. We have gone from a fast and crazy world where relationships get little to know attention to a slowed down and kept inside world where relationships with those at home are all we have. Today Martha and I are going to talk about those relationship challenges at home, specifically our marriages and how it impacts our work and we will also talk about the impact of Covid on our other relationships at work too.

Featured Guest: Jim & Martha Brangenberg

Workplace/Ministry: iWork4Him

FaceBook Live Video Interview

Ending Monday Morning Atheism

A long-time supporter of the iWork4Him Mission and multiple guest – Doug Spada with WorkLife – was with us this afternoon to talk more about his mission of helping folks bring their Sundays into their Mondays. Get some great advice and learn how to THRIVE at work in this vibrant podcast.

As Christians, we have a great propensity to come to church and engage with God on Sunday, but when we get to work on Monday, we flip a switch and turn off our beliefs. This habit is something that Doug defines as the “Monday Morning Atheist Mentality,” or when someone loves God but sometimes works like God doesn’t exist. 

But what if God cares more about Monday than Sunday? 

Although we are called to gather together for corporate worship, we are also called by God into the Great Commission: to go and make disciples. The reality is that work is a HUGE part of people’s lives, and the better we stay switched on, the more we can accomplish for the Kingdom of God. Every Christian is an extension of the Church into the culture – and when the Church works to grow on Monday, it automatically will grow on Sunday. 

WorkLife’s study, the Monday Switch, is a fast-paced, video-driven study to help you engage in faith all week long. Churches who practice engaging in “work-life” have increased tithing, increased volunteerism, and increased joy because they help their members find God’s purpose and an answer for the question, “why do I work?”

Doug Spada is a contributor to Chapter 10 of The iWork4Him Field Manual.

Featured Guest: Doug Spada

Workplace/Ministry: WorkLife