Leading With Excellence in a Covid-19 World
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iWork4Him is a non-profit organization. Because of this we have a board of directors that we have invited to walk alongside us in the mission of iWork4Him. We invite people from all over the US in all types of work to share in helping iWork4Him to impact millions. You are one of those millions. Today we wanted to get personal with a couple of our Board members. Sue and Jeff Wilson. They are both leaders within their organization Driessen Water. Jeff leads a local Culligan franchise in Owatonna MN and Sue works in the Franchise HQ. Hear their story of leading with Excellence in a Covid 19 world.

Featured Guest: Sue & Jeff Wilson

Workplace/Ministry: Driessen Water

Luke Andrews Talking Lottery or Sensible Investing With a Biblical Perspective
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Ever bought a lottery ticket?  You hope and pray and then the Powerball numbers fly by on the screen and you lose once again.  Where does that money go? How is it invested?  Is playing the lottery really the best way to build wealth?  Hopefully you just said no.  Investing in well run businesses is the best way to grow your money and get a good return. But how will they invest the dollars you give to them?  That’s what biblically responsible investing is all about.

At iWork4Him we believe that Biblically Responsible Investing is a huge win for the Kingdom of God and Luke Andrews is here to help us invest our dollars the best way, to honor God in the Process.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace/Ministry: Inspire Advisors

FaceBook Live Video Interview

Be Salt Strong
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Jesus Said in Matthew 5:13

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” 

Joe Simonds and his Salt Strong podcast, unchurched edition, lives this out in a huge way. Joe understands that we as Christ followers in our work need to be salty – we need to be tasty – people need to be attracted to our being, because of Jesus living in us. We need to be Salt Strong because that brings out the best flavor in life and when we add flavor, we experience more of the life that God intended.  Joe Simonds joins us today to interview us on why is it important for us to be able to say iWork4Him.

Featured Guest: Joe Simonds

Workplace/Ministry: Salt Strong

Going All In To Save A Life – Special Kidney Edition
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Sometimes the relationships in our workplace and our community go to an all new level. Sometimes God asks you to go all in with a friend to save a life.  Joe Carroll felt the call to give his friend Larry Matthews one of his kidneys but after all the qualifying, it turns out Joes kidney is wired up with such complexity, the plumbing just can’t be undone.  A huge disappointment for Larry and his wife Julie but also for Joe and his wife Martha. …So, Larry still needs a kidney. I understand. My friend Bill went through the same scenario. He needed a kidney and we did a show telling the world of his need. One of his good friends Bob from Canada stepped forward to donate but it didn’t work out for Bob to be able to donate either. Then God had me step in and I was given the greatest gift of my life…next to Jesus…and I got to donate my kidney to my friend Bill on 12/10/18.  

This special show is all about the miracle of life and the miracle of being able to serve a friend with a body part most of us can do without. It isn’t a sacrifice to donate a kidney it is a privilege that few will experience. In this show, we are going to give you a chance to get that honor because like I said, Larry still needs a kidney donor.

Featured Guest: Larry & Julie Matthews and Joe & Martha Carroll

Workplace/Ministry: iWork4Him - a special Kidney edition

FaceBook Live Video Interview

Together on Tuesdays – COVID-19 Relationship Challenges at Home
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It’s been almost 6 months since Covid-19 invaded our world. It alone has shifted the paradigm for every citizen of the United States of America. We have gone from a fast and crazy world where relationships get little to know attention to a slowed down and kept inside world where relationships with those at home are all we have. Today Martha and I are going to talk about those relationship challenges at home, specifically our marriages and how it impacts our work and we will also talk about the impact of Covid on our other relationships at work too.

Featured Guest: Jim & Martha Brangenberg

Workplace/Ministry: iWork4Him

FaceBook Live Video Interview

The Intersection of Faith And Work
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Where did iWork4Him come from and how are we adjusting to the new Covid-19 world?  Where is iWork4Him heading the rest of 2020 and how do we see the intersection of faith and work playing out in the new work from home world? All this and more as Martha and I get interviewed by Dr. Jack Klem and Ben Armstrong on the Intersection Podcast.

Featured Guests: Dr. Jack Klem and Ben Armstrong

Workplace/Ministry: The Intersection Podcast

What God’s Doing Within Hollis Strategies
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We’re talking Impact, Leadership & Outcomes with Holly Moore of Hollis Strategies – Christian Leadership Alliance Outcomes Conference

Featured Guest: Holly Moore

Workplace/Ministry: Hollis StrategiesChristian Leadership Alliance Outcomes Conference

Small Church Explosion
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It’s been 4 months now. Across the country, church buildings have been closed and even when limited gatherings have been allowed, singing has been forbidden. In Nevada, it is okay to have the casino open, but churches remain closed. Is this the work of the enemy or has it been allowed by an almighty God? This same God that allowed the death of Stephen to scatter his church across the Roman Empire. This same God may have allowed this virus and restrictions to scatter the church across communities for them to see the significance of their ministry in their own neighborhood. Across the country Christians have been set loose to do the ministry that Jesus called them too almost 2000 years ago. In essence, small is big and we are unleashing the power of intentionally small churches because that is what the law will allow. You may be asking what does this have to do with iWork4Him, EVERYTHING.  The body of Christ has already been scattered across workplaces in America for centuries, it is only now that we are realizing the significance of this scattering. We are all called to our work and our homes to be a light to fight the darkness. We’re talking with Tony and Felicity Dale, experts in the small church movement who have seen it transform London in the 70’s and 80’s and are hoping this explosion of small churches in America will transform our great country.

Featured Guest: Tony and Felicity Dale

Workplace/Ministry: Sedera

FaceBook Live Video Interview