There are over 4 million Primary and Secondary school teachers in America. There are millions more in higher education. What does it look like for you to live out your faith at work in higher education? Dr. Tara JG is with us today from Buffalo NY. She has a Dr. in Women’s studies and she is the CEO & Founder of TMJ Consulting where she provides innovative solutions for higher education. Dr. Tara is joining us on iWork4Him to talk about Higher Education and living out your faith in your work.
Dr. Tara JG met Jesus during college. Her and a friend liked to sit in the back of a church and listen to the preacher. Eventually she decided to attend the women’s ministry and on her first visit accepted Jesus as her Savior. For the past 17 years she has worked in Higher Education in many different facets. Today she helps others navigate higher education and provide innovative solutions through her consulting firm.
Dr. Tara says we need more pioneers to go beyond their fears and be strong and courageous in education. We had a great conversation about listening to students and getting to know them and their dreams. Through her experience she’s been involved in women’s groups to help each other advance and succeed in high education. It’s amazing to hear how the women work together not in competition but encouraging and helping each other to succeed.
Dr. Tara has a group that she prays with early each morning and meets a couple times per month on Saturday to keep her grounded in her faith and fellowship with other believers. A mentor once encouraged her to work smarter not harder and later she discovered that mentor was watching her actions and following her faith.
Featured Guests: Dr. Tara JG
Ministry/Workplace: TMJ Consulting, LLC