The Miracle of the Bible Being Taught at School
The public school system was founded to ensure every child got a basic education, teaching them math, reading, and writing. The Bible was the basis for almost all of the reading materials. Prayer was a common part of the everyday public-school experience, as well as the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America. Patriotism, loyalty, and service to God were woven throughout the curriculum. As you can imagine, things are quite different today.
In the early 1960s, prayer and the Bible were thrown out of schools. Parents went from being the primary influencers over the educational process to the government controlling everything, including what public school students should think. Without stating the obvious too many times, public schools are in trouble. But what can we do?
There’s a lot we can do! Many great organizations are serving public school students from the outside. Every day these organizations pray for our students, providing meals for them and after-school activities. What’s amazing is that since the 2022 election, parents have woken up to the fact that they are desperately needed to be involved in the public school system if they want to protect their kids from being brainwashed and programmed to be anti-God and anti-country.
Martha and I were introduced to an organization called Bible2School a few years back. This is an organization dedicated to teaching biblical truth to students. And this doesn't just happen after school; it happens during school. Did you know that students have Released Time programs built into their daily school schedules in elementary school? They have the option to participate in biblical training during the school day. And the schools have to allow it. Bible2School is infiltrating public schools all over the country and bringing God and prayer and the Bible back where it needs to be. Talk about a pretty rough-and-tumble workplace!
Our workplace is really our mission field. And Bible2School recognizes that public school students are ripe for the harvest. These students have never been presented with truth from the public school curriculum and are open to truth when they hear it. The public school system workplace is tough to break into, but it's possible. And if you've got extra time and Bible2School is not in your area, perhaps you can help start a local chapter where you live. Because your students and the students of your community need to hear about Jesus. Talk about a transformational workplace experience for the students and the volunteers that bring Bible2School into the schools weekly —way to go! We need more cutting-edge ministries like this who are willing to go into workplaces that aren't Jesus-friendly. Is this a mission field that you're being called to?
Listen to or watch show 2018: Kids Need You to Teach Them the Truth
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About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!