Protect Your Workplace Mission Field
We are on the internet all the time. Since the internet became widely available to everybody around 1994, it has entered every corner of our lives. We can literally automate our thermostat, draperies, garage door opener, the lights inside of our house when we get woken up, and the list can go on and on and on. This is all possible because of the internet. The internet has brought so many incredible resources to the fingertips of everyday people across the globe. It makes it easier for us to do our jobs, and it makes it easier for us to communicate with people. Frankly, I find it amazing how easy it is to research and study Scripture. But with all that good comes a lot of bad, too. How do we protect those we love at home and those we love at work from the dangers of the internet?
The first phase in any project trying to protect the hearts, minds, and souls of those we love at home and work is to recognize the dangers. The dangers of the internet are far and wide. There are people sending you e-mails all the time, trying to get you to click on a really pretty little link in order to invade your privacy and steal your information. They also want to steal your money. E-mail phishing is an art form that is now over 30 years old. You can't just click on links in an e-mail from somebody you know anymore. There really is danger lurking behind every corner of the internet.
I’m a news junkie. I love to catch up on current events throughout the day as they happen. The amazing part of the internet is that I can do just that. The latest stock quotes and up-to-the-minute news reporting are available at my fingertips. But all of those sites can lead you down a deep and dark path to try to capture your mind, heart, and soul and wrap it up in an addiction to pornography, gambling, inappropriate chats, etc.
As business owners and leaders, we are responsible for protecting those we lead. As husbands, fathers, parents, and grandparents, we are responsible for protecting those we love and those who enter our home. As church leaders, we must recognize that Internet sin is way more pervasive within the body of Christ than almost any other kind of sin, except for maybe pride. What are you doing proactively to stop the invasion and attacks on your heart, mind, and soul? And the hearts, minds, and souls of those you love and work with?
For years, Martha and I have had web filters and used many different brands just to make it difficult for me to click on things I shouldn't. Recently, we became aware of the power of a VPN. A VPN coupled with web filters and anti-virus can be a powerful tool on any desktop and really a tool of the Kingdom to protect the hearts, minds, and souls of those you love.
Stop trusting those you love and work with, with one of the most dangerous tools on the planet. Open internet can damage people to deep levels. Choose a solution. We recently chose SaferNet as a solution for iWork4Him. There are many options, but you need to be proactive in fighting the enemy's attacks because he wants to damage your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Filling your mind with the internet's garbage can do that in a matter of seconds. Put on the full armor of God every morning, and turn on your web filters, VPN, and anti-virus to protect your eyes. The only reason Paul didn't write about that is because he didn't know about the internet.
Listen to or watch show 2019: Our Frenemy, The Internet
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About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!