Money Talks
Money talks. And we know that when money walks, it actually talks louder. Do the retailers that you use on a regular basis support your values, your morals, and your patriotism? 30 or 40 years ago, we never even had to have this conversation, but today, this is a critical conversation. Many of the companies that we engage with actually support the enemy's campaign to destroy our country and to destroy the fabric of our society in the United States of America. Our country was founded on the belief in one true God and our Savior, Jesus.
So, which are the brands that you're supporting? Have you ever looked at how they spend their profits? It's hard to argue with convenience, and some of the most convenient brands in this country support ideologies that are totally against Christianity, the Bible, and the very existence of the United States. Over the years, we have studied many brands and even changed how we choose our investments based on how companies score on a biblically responsible investment basis. We continue to dive into this topic and keep learning.
We’ve learned that our cell phone company, big box retailers, many of our gas stations, favorite places to buy clothing, and favorite places to go out to eat – almost every one of them – support morals and ideologies completely opposite to a biblical worldview. Why does this matter? I think it's obvious, but I'll state the obvious.
When the companies that we support with our dollars turn around and invest in ideologies that destroy the family and besmirch the reputation of the Church, the body of Christ; these companies have evil in mind. They want to destroy the very things that God created. They want to destroy the things that bring stability to any country or community. And just to be clear, I'm not just talking about supporting abortion – it’s so much more. But honestly, if the places where you are spending your money are supporting the killing of innocent children, then it’s time to find a different place to spend your dollars.
Recently, Martha and I were really distressed after finding out that our cellular phone carrier supported so many things that are anti-biblical, anti-God, anti-family, and anti-country. The number is staggering when I look at how much money I have spent using cellular service with this company in the last 20 years. And then to think that a percentage of every dollar I have spent has gone to supporting the things I fight against every day as a Christian talk show host. So, we looked for options and were so relieved to find Patriot Mobile. This is a company dedicated to God, family, and our country.
We made the switch after learning that they don’t compromise their quality, since they utilize all the major cell phone carrier towers. We have become passionate supporters of Patriot Mobile over the last few months. Their overt support of God, the family, and the United States of America makes them our #1 choice for spending our mobile service budgetary dollars. You can discover more about their service and story online. Visit and use promo code “IWORK4HIM” to get free activation when you switch.
Christ followers hold over $30 trillion in retirement funds in the United States. Imagine if all those dollars were invested in companies that only supported God, family, and country. Or even if the companies we invested in didn't actively fight against God, family, and country. Remember, money talks. Imagine if we allowed our retirement fund investments to talk about our values by investing only in companies that align with those values. It would send a tidal wave of communication to companies constantly fighting against the things we stand for. We serve the one true God, our Savior Jesus, whose power is given to us through the Holy Spirit. Be a good steward of the dollars you've been given and spend them wisely. Remember, your money talks even when you can’t!
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About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!