The sheWorks4Him Book: Embrace Your Calling as a Christian Woman at Work

About a year and a half ago, we set off on a journey to write a collaborative resource for Christian women in the workplace. Over the last eight years of being on-air interviewing workplace believers – we heard so many stories coming from women of faith who love to work outside the home and be a part of the marketplace but felt second-place in the Kingdom. This should never be! So, that kicked off a year and a half long journey of Martha and me to create a collaborative resource that would encourage every Christian working woman.  

sheWorks4Him was written to celebrate, validate, encourage, and equip women in the workplace to vibrantly live out their faith in every area of life! In addition to myself, we invited 19 other women of faith to contribute their own inspiring stories of activating their workplace mission field. The audiobook version of sheWorks4Him is especially exciting – as each chapter is read by its contributing author!  

As our Gift to you, we are releasing the audio from the Introduction and first chapter on our podcast so you can get a feel for the content inside sheWorks4Him: Embrace your calling as a Christian woman at work. To listen to the rest of the audiobook CLICK HERE or go to To get a hard copy of sheWorks4Him or our other two books, iWork4Him and iRetire4Him, go to

Guest: Jim and Martha Brangenberg

Ministry: sheWorks4Him

YouTube Video

Bonus Interview With iWork4Him Author Joe Carroll

When you own something, you get the title to that property – it gets deeded over to you. You may have given God your heart, but have you deeded over your work to him? In this bonus interview with Joe Carroll from Biblical Leadership for Excellence (BLE), we talk about what it looks like to connect, consecrate, and become commissioned as a minister in your workplace! 

Joe Carroll is a contributing author to Chapter 28 of our new book, iWork4Him: Change the Way you Think About Faith and Work.

Guests: Joe Carroll

Ministry/Workplace: Biblical Leadership for Excellence

YouTube Video Interview

Conflict is Inevitable

Whether you love or hate conflict, it’s still inevitable. Join us for this special PowerPod with Tony Deal, Felicia Betancur, and Mike Martin from Sedera Health as we talk about resolving conflict in the workplace - Texas Christ-follower style – with a British influence!

Featured Guest: Tony Dale & Felicia Betancur & Mike Martin
Ministry/Workplace: Sedera Health

Redeeming Your Time

New Year’s is the time to make resolutions – and Jordan Raynor is the king of living out what he learns. Jordan’s new book, Redeeming Your Time: 7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful, Present, and Wildly Productive, is all about taking what he has learned in Scripture and applying it to daily life. This fantastic read is full of practical insights and wisdom – all based on Scripture. Join us as Jordan talks about cultivating a Gospel-centric approach to ambition and rest!

A few take-aways from today’s conversation:

  • Rest is productive

  • The Sabbath is essential and not a crutch

  • Redeeming his time has made Jordan more “present” in life

  • For Jordan, Principle #7 – Eliminate Hurry, has been a challenge worth addressing

  • Scripture is full of timeless principles for our everyday

Jordan and Mark Batterson have recorded a 7-part podcast called Redeem the Day that can be a great next step to this podcast and book. 

Call 866-713-9675 to enter to win a FREE copy of Redeeming Your Time by Jordan Raynor.

Guests: Jordan Raynor

Ministry/ Workplace: Jordan Raynor & Company

Sponsored by GiANT

YouTube Video Interview

Bonus Interview With iRetire4Him Author Jeff Brown

Everybody feels alone sometimes, especially when unexpected circumstances arise. Chaplains are a way for your company or organization to show its employees that they are not alone by building caring relationships over time! Chaplains provide one-on-one, grassroots ministry to employees that may never have set foot in a church before. Whether it is support through a crisis like suicide, family loss, illness, or financial distress, or a celebration like a new marriage, baby, or promotion. Whatever the life situation, chaplains are able to offer the power of presence – God’s presence!

Jeff Brown is a contributing author to Chapter 12 of our new book, iRetire4Him: Unlock God’s Purpose for Your Retirement.

Guests: Jeff Brown

Ministry/Workplace: Corporate Chaplains of America

YouTube Video Interview


Is there Millennials vs. Boomers conflict? Yep. Hear from both who wrote a book together, that shares both generations’ perspectives. Tune in and learn how we, as believers, can be leaders in resolving these conflicts and impact our organization’s culture.

Featured Guest: Hans Finzel & Patrick Kelly
Ministry/Workplace: MillennialBOOM

The iWork4Him Book: Change the Way You Think About Your Faith At Work

About a year and a half ago, we set off on a journey to write a book that would encourage the everyday believer to engage with their workplace mission field. But we had NO IDEA how enormous that undertaking would be –thankfully, we didn’t do it alone! In addition to our own stories and insights, we opened the door for 23 other voices from the faith and work movement to share their stories as well. This unique collaboration resulted in an incredible resource, filled with the practical, tactical, factual, and biblical insights that every workplace believer needs to truly live out their faith at work.  

Since our roots are in radio and podcasting, we are especially excited about this audiobook version of iWork4Him! Each chapter is read by its contributing author – so you get the chance not only to hear new perspectives but also the new voices that go along with them. As our Gift to you, we are releasing the audio from the Introduction and first chapter on our podcast so you can get a feel for the content inside iWork4Him: Change the way you think about your faith at work. To listen to the rest of the audiobook CLICK HERE or go to To get a hard copy of iWork4Him or our other two books, sheWorks4Him and iRetire4Him, go to

Guest: Jim and Martha Brangenberg

Ministry: iWork4Him

YouTube Video

Bonus Interview With sheWorks4Him Author Sue Wilson

Sue Wilson, the CFO of Driessen Water, Inc, is a contributing author to our new book, sheWorks4Him, where her Chapter is titled “Who’s in Control Here?” In this bonus interview, she talks with us about what it means to let go and let God find true joy in the midst of transition, love in the everyday ordinary, and how King David is the perfect example of a fellow recovering control freak! If you’ve ever felt yourself holding too tightly to your future plans – this one’s for you. 

Sue is a contributing author to Chapter 9 of our new book, sheWorks4Him: Embrace Your Calling as a Christian Woman at Work.

Guests: Sue Wilson

Ministry/Workplace: Driessen Water, Inc

YouTube Video Interview

Our Motivation is Ministry, Our Method is Business

An interview with James Barnett, President of DaySpring. Learn how DaySpring is providing cards and gifts we can use to keep Christ at the center of our everyday conversations. Learn how James and Dayspring actively integrate their faith and work.

Featured Guest: James Barnett & Kathy Branzell 
Ministry/Workplace: DaySpring - Love2020