Ep 2055: A Supernatural Journey in the Marketplace

Being a daily partner with God looks different than simply asking Him to bless our work. Bill Hollis, the founder of Ruach Ministries in Johannesburg, South Africa, takes us through his fascinating journey to faith, sparked by God surrounding him with Christian colleagues and an intriguing book on near-death experiences. This newfound faith shifted his worldview, transforming his workplace into a mission field.  

Bill’s career took many twists and turns, guided by faith, divine nudges, and lessons learned. He stresses the value of partnering with fellow believers and explains the difference between Christian businesses and Kingdom businesses, where Jesus is the CEO. His upcoming book, A Supernatural Journey in the Marketplace: Money, Marketplace, and God, offers his unedited life stories and practical advice for running a Kingdom-focused organization. Bill wants you to see your workplace as mission field and to collaborate with God in all business ventures.  

The “takeaway” Bill wants you to remember: Make your requests known to God. He’s faithful to hear us!  

This episode also features shout-outs to world-changing sponsors like Patriot Mobile and SaferNet VPN, champions of conservative values and top-notch service. Let’s commit to aligning our money with our values!

Check them out on our sponsors page.

Featuring: Bill Hollis

Ministry/ Workplace: Ruach Ministries

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