Ep 2042: Created to Strike His Mark

This episode of iWork4Him flips the script on lawyer stereotypes. Hear from Brooke Boltz, a Christian attorney who integrates her faith into her practice. Brooke wasn't always set on law, but her experience in the justice system ignited a passion for helping others. She transitioned from representing insurance companies to advocating for the injured.

The show explores how Brooke juggles faith, family, and a thriving business – while also co-hosting a podcast! She believes it’s important to incorporate her beliefs, from Bible verses in the conference room to pre-courtroom worship music. Want to listen to a few of those songs she mentions? 

Brooke encourages listeners to get in the Word on a daily basis and then be who God created you to be! Just like Brooke, God will use you to strike His mark (Job 36:32). 

We’re thankful for companies that put their clients first, like our phenomenal sponsors: 

  • SaferNet is your answer to computer and smart phone security at home and work. The SaferNet VPN includes internet controls, antivirus protection, and 84 website filters – sign up today to get protection you can count on. 

  • Patriot Mobile is America’s only Christian conservative mobile carrier, supporting faith, family, and freedom. Stop giving money to businesses that support antibiblical agendas; make the switch to Patriot Mobile. 

  • ePaymints isn’t just another greedy payment processor. Their priority is to show clients they care! Check them out for your business’ payment processing needs.

Featuring: Brooke Boltz

Ministry/ Workplace: Boltz Legal

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