sw4H -1 | Ellie Nieves: Leadership strategies for women

Featured Guests: Ellie Nieves

Ministry/Workplace: Leadership Strategies for Women, LLC

YouTube Video Interview

 We can plan our careers; we can work hard and hustle. But we can't anticipate every adversity, challenge, or disruption. Ellie Nieves is no stranger to life's curveballs, but with faith, she has come through it all with grace! Join Catherine Gates, Martha Brangenberg, and special guest Ellie Nieves as we discuss work-life balance, being a Christian woman in the corporate world, and developing personal resiliency through all of life's seasons!

Ellie Nieves has been laser-focused on achieving her goals from the beginning. She launched a successful career as a lawyer in New York City politics and then became vice president for a Fortune 250 company. Ellie didn't think she had time for all that "Christian stuff" when she first started out. However, when she had reached the pinnacle of her career, something was still missing. That's when God brought her to her knees – a defining moment that put everything in life – including her career – into context.

Tune in to hear more about how Ellie came to Christ through a business connection, how she balances her faith with being a wife, mother, attorney, diversity, equity and inclusion consultant, speaker, podcast host, and corporate VP. Hint, it all starts with four simple things: prayer, attitude, discipleship, and Scripture!

Resources for you from today's show:

Ellie recently launched a community for Christian women in the marketplace on Facebook and has virtual bible studies and coffee breaks available online at ChristianCareerWomen.com! Ellie also started Leadership Strategies for Women at EllieNieves.com to work with organizations that want to help emerging women leaders become effective managers in the workplace. Oh, and don't forget to download Ellie's FREE guide: How Christian Career Women Rise at ChristianCareerWomen.com/rise and on Instagram and Facebook.

Our Guest's Current Reads:

Ellie Nieve's current read: A Gentle & Quiet Spirit by Virginia Lefler

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sheWorks4Him is Sponsored by Dayspring / Mary & Martha, a Dayspring company, online at www.MaryAndMartha.com or www.DaySpring.com