In this captivating episode, hosts Jim and Martha Brangenberg engage in a thought-provoking conversation with Joshua Brown, the visionary behind Joshua shares his transformative journey from a challenging upbringing to serving as a pulpit pastor for 22 years and, subsequently, venturing into entrepreneurship with a unique focus on pressure washing. He challenges traditional views on what it means to be a “pastor.” Don’t we all pastor or shepherd in some way? You'll learn more about the innovative concept of Pressure Washing Pastor — a franchise initiative seamlessly blending entrepreneurship and ministry.
The conversation is totally iWork4Him’s bread and butter, as it emphasizes the significance of adopting a missionary lifestyle in the workplace and reframing perspectives on the integration of ministry and work. We’re ALL called to reconcile others to Christ (2 Corinthians 5:18).
Watch this fantastic UpFlip video featuring Joshua that was recently released.
Another way to integrate your beliefs into your daily life? Support businesses that want to bring God’s Kingdom here on earth! Jim and Martha have switched to Patriot Mobile and encourage you to make this company your cellular service provider in 2024. Go to to make the switch and have your activation fee waived!
And make your 2024 more secure by signing up for SaferNet VPN – a “virtual private network” with antivirus, web filters, and 24/7 monitoring for your home and business.
Featuring: Joshua Brown
Ministry/ Workplace: The Pressure Washing Pastor