Our Guest Today is Matt Bird, an international business and social entrepreneur. He has spoken to more than a million people in 30 countries, authored 10 books, written for The Times newspaper, and is a regular broadcaster on radio and TV. In his keynote speeches, Matt uses the power of story, experience, and humor to inspire people that they can change and provides them with the practical tools they can implement for immediate results. The top three subjects he has been asked to speak on recently include…
Growth Through Relationships,
The True Currency Of Business,
and Building Profitable Relationships.
Matt doesn’t know how to play tennis, but He lives in Wimbledon, England, with his wife Esther and their three children. In his spare time, you can find him at his local garden growing goodies for the Birdnest kitchen table. Matt Bird’s most famous book is Relationology and it’s changing the world.
Featured Guest: Matt Bird
Workplace/Ministry: Relationology
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