LIVE From Sight And Sound
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A conversation about how arts and entertainment can be used to bring the Word of Jesus to the hearts and minds to the viewing masses was our focus today as we continued our broadcasts in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and today we had the CEO of this illustrious operation, Matt Neff, detail how they’re bringing the Bible to Life in hopes of transforming the lives of audience members.

Featured Guest: Matt Neff

Workplace / Ministry: The Pocket Testament League - Business Community Network

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Jim and Martha work on shifting your future financial focus as they brought on a very special guest – and newly named National Brand Ambassador for the iRetire4Him Movement – to talk about why it is of the utmost importance to think about how we invest in our future. Why? Because it can have some massive ramification for the Kingdom.

Featured Guest: Ted Hains

Workplace / Ministry: iRetire4Him

“The Wheel Of Balance”
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Former Chairwoman and CEO of Neighborly Brands – trust us, you’ve heard of their products – Dina Dwyer-Owens was our guest today as the flurry of iWork4Him interviews at the God@Work TV Studios continued, and Dina talked about how we can deal with flat tires in this amazing thing we call L.I.F.E.

Featured Guest: Dina Dwyer-Owens

Workplace / Ministry: God.TV

Creating Clear Messages
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Explainify is a company that works with the world’s top companies to simplify and explain their story using video, and we got the lowdown on this innovative outfit from their Founder and CEO while at the Workmatters Conference in Rogers, Arkansas. Clear messages to the masses? You know we're all about that! Get the clear-cut skinny in this podcast now.

Featured Guest: Eric Hinson

Workplace / Ministry: Workmatters & Explainify

Implementing iWork4Him
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In today’s show, Jim and Martha flew guest-less for a program on how to utilize the tools offered by our Mission Statement in your day-to-day. Over the years and many, many episodes we’ve amassed, we’ve learned a thing or two from our interviews about being Him in the workplace. And we break down some of those bigger lessons in our handy dandy “Field Manual”.

Featured Guests: Jim & Martha

Workplace / Ministry: SUBSCRIBE!

Love With No Holds Barred
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And that mean even WITHIN the bars of prisons, which was out focus today with Kathy Branzell of Love2020 and Nick Meyer, a prison Chaplain who’s ministering to the least of these. His come-up is a story full of a man following God’s plan, and his current status is overwhelmed with LOVE.

Featured Guests: Kathy Branzell & Nick Meyer

Workplace / Ministry: Love2020

Making Inspiring Films
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That’s EXACTLY what Paul Griffin is doing, and we had an opportunity to introduce our audience to the life and works of this God-led man, who is the COO of “Inspiring Films”. This podcast highlights how Paul got involved in starting and building numerous businesses from design and construction to art and media, and led him to being involved in multiple capacities with the film industry since 1999.

Featured Guests: Paul Griffin & Don Hoover

Workplace / Ministry: The Pocket Testament League - Business Community Network

Ministry In The Theatre
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Ministering from the Big Stage is Johnathan Bauer, who was our guest today as we continued broadcasting from Pennsylvania – courtesy of our good friend, Don Hoover. Johnathan’s local community theatre in Lancaster operates within stage productions that offer myriad entertainment and, above all, a heartfelt feeling of Jesus’ Love.

Featured Guests: Johnathan Bauer & Don Hoover

Workplace / Ministry: The Pocket Testament League - Business Community Network

The Investments We Make Matter
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Luke Andrews – the Inspired Advisor himself – was back for some more hard-hitting financial advice; specifically, he broke down the importance of paying attention to how we invest. Your invested money can make a Kingdom impact – and also the converse. Learn how to make your money matter.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace / Ministry: iInvest4Him