Two Great God Stories

Chris Conlee with Leadership Works talks his move from Atlanta to join FCCI/Ergon 412 during our first half of the program; then, Dan Anderson, the President & CEO Kingdom Way Ministries, details how his ministry is transforming the workplace culture with the Gospel.

Featured Guests:  Chris Conlee; Dan Anderson

Ministry/Workplace:  FCCI; Kingdom Way Ministries

InterviewJim Brangenberg
About FCCI

A couplet of founders of FCCI, Bobby Mitchell & Jim Moye, grabbed some headsets and talked with Jim and Martha about the rich history of the ministry they helped create, and its growth since its inception.

Featured Guests:  Bobby Mitchell & Jim Moye

Ministry/Workplace:  FCCI

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Raising the Standard of Leadership

Co-Founders of GiANT Worldwide, Jeremie Kubicek & Steve Cockram, hopped on the program to detail how they’re helping companies grow by developing their people, implementing a Leadership Operating System to help build better leaders, increase team performance, and create a thriving organization where everyone can bring their best.

Featured Guests:  Jeremie Kubicek & Steve Cockram

Ministry/Workplace:  GiANT Worldwide

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Workplace Chaplaincy

In the United States there is an enormous amount of money invested in workplace health benefits but there is a gap: we don’t address people’s spiritual wellbeing. Chaplaincy is like a workplace health benefit for the mind and spirit. 

Our focus at this past year’s FCCI Conference, was ministries that offer chaplaincy services. Tune in today as we talk with Larry Griffith from Corporate Chaplains along with Marketplace Chaplains CEO, Doug Fagerstrom, about how true ministry in the workplace can change lives and souls and hearts. 

Doug Fagerstrom is a Contributor to Chapter 11 of the iRetire4Him Field Manual, and Jeff Brown with Corporate Chaplains is a Contributor to Chapter 12 of the iRetire4Him Field Manual

Featured Guest: Larry Griffith; Doug Fagerstrom 

Workplace/Ministry: Corporate Chaplains; Marketplace Chaplains


Learn about Creative Generosity

A double dose of giving in this podcast from our time at the FCCI Conference earlier this year where we interviewed a TON of folks doing some great Kingdom Works, and today features Dan Baker from Helping Hands along with Bill High from the Signatry.  Learn how there two ministries are using “moldy” Christian assets to forward the Good News.

Featured Guests:  Dan Baker; Bill High

Ministry/Workplace:  FCCI; Helping Hands; Signatry

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Two CEOs, One Vision

A couple of heavy -hitters from this year’s FCCI International Summit on this show with Chad Merrill – CEO of FCCI – and Greg Leith – CEO of Convene – who gave some great insight on their respective on organizations, and why they’re imperative to the Workplace Revolution.

Featured Guests:  Chad Merrill; Greg Leith

Ministry/Workplace:  FCCI; Convene

InterviewJim Brangenberg
More Speakers from the Workmatters Conference

We continued getting an insider’s look at this year’s Workmatters Conference in Rogers, AS as we had another chance to hear from some more speakers at this World Changing Event; today, it’s Loriann Biggers with Bella Vaughan; then, Catherine Gates & Steve Blair operating with The Harvest Group.  Grab these words from these speakers at this event!

Featured Guests:  Loriann Biggers; Bella Vaughan; Catherine Gates & Steve Blair

Ministry/Workplace:  Workmatters; The Harvest Group

An Attendee's Look at the Workmatters Conference

So you’ve heard a TON about the inner-workings of this year’s conference, but what of the perspective of those who were in the crowd?  That’s the look we got from interviewing four folks who were in the audience this year.  Hear their experiences, and how it’s shaping how they operate at work.

Featured Guests:  Conference Attendee’s

Ministry/Workplace:  Workmatters

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Workmatters in Rogers, Arkansas

Our continued extensive and immersive look into the Workmatters Conference in Rogers, AR this year to learn how they’re transforming the workplace, just as we are.  And today, we grabbed one of the speakers at the conference, Jon Tyson – Pastor at Church of the City in NYC – to hear his insight; then, some inspired words from Shelley Simpson at JB Hunt.

Featured Guests:  Jon Tyson; Shelley Simpson

Ministry/Workplace:  Workmatters

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Workmatters in Banking and Manufacturing

It’s Jim and Martha for a very “iWork4Him” laden gathering in the Workmatters Conference in Rogers, Arkansas.  And we had a chance to hear from Chris Thornton of Arvest Bank & Mark Scabarozi with Central States Manufacturing.  How is Workmatters working for them?  Find out now.

Featured Guests:  Chris Thornton; Mark Scabarozi

Ministry/Workplace:  Workmatters

InterviewJim Brangenberg