Posts in iWork4Him
Ep 2012: If You’re Not Dead, You’re Not Done

The word “liminal” refers to a transition period. You know where you’ve been, but you’re not sure where you’re going. The unknown is often scary, but it’s less scary when you’re prepared for it. Retirement is full of these liminal periods, and Retirement Reformation and iRetire4Him Podcast co-host, Bruce Bruinsma, encourages listeners that you can prepare for a purposeful retirement.

Traditional American retirement focuses on leisure and tells us “it’s all downhill from here.” Leisure can have value, but it doesn’t give us the purpose we need to live intentional, godly lives. Likewise, financial planning is a big aspect of retirement, but Bruce attests that it shouldn’t be the main focus. God has more for us if we’ll follow Him into our retirement years.

So, what do we need to start changing our perspective on retirement? Our churches need to encourage intergenerational relationships instead of siloing individuals according to their age groups. And just like moving to a new country, you might need to learn a new language and culture. As long as you’re willing to learn, you’ll be able to flourish.

Change your thinking about retirement! Head on over to Retirement Reformation to start taking advantage of their many resources. Subscribe to the iRetire4Him Podcast. Sign up for the iRetire4Him newsletter and have episodes and updates delivered straight to your inbox. Leave a review after listening to this show and let us know what you think.


This show is sponsored by Safernet:

Just like you’ll want to protect yourself against the lies the world feeds us concerning retirement, you should also want to protect you, your family, and even your business against cyber threats. Safernet can do just that with 84 internet filters, virus protection, and a powerful VPN (virtual private network). Stay secure while supporting a Kingdom business. Sign up with Safernet!

Featuring: Bruce Bruinsma

Ministry/ Workplace: Retirement Reformation; iRetire4Him Podcast

Ep 2011: Start Your Mentoring Journey

Mentoring doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s as simple as sharing your life with someone. And that’s exactly how John and Liz Jacobs – a couple with a heart for pouring into others – view mentoring relationships. In this episode they share their experiences as Pauls, Barnabases, Timothys (and if you don’t get that reference, check it out in this week’s blog).

Grant Skeldon, author of chapter 16 in the iRetire4Him book, wrote The Passion Generation This book shows that young people do want relationships with "chronologically superior” generations. So, don’t think that your listening ear and guidance isn’t valuable!

John and Liz give some great ideas of how you can start pouring your life into others. For Liz, she feels the song My Story is a great reminder that every part of your life should be constantly pointing to Jesus. It doesn’t necessarily take a Bible study to create a good mentoring session. For John, he meets with a couple of guys for an accountability breakfast each week, then asks four questions:

1.     How is your relationship with God?

2.     How is your relationship with your spouse?

3.     How is your relationship with your kids or loved ones?

4.     What are you being tempted with this week?

Commitment and intentionality are the main keys to making these relationships work. Another quick, daily way to be poured into? Listen to the iWork4Him PowerThoughts each week. This is something you can even listen to and discuss with a friend (or mentor/mentee).

There is so much fantastic advice packed into this show that you won’t want to miss! For more information and guidance on mentoring – whether you want to mentor or be mentored – reach out to Jim at

This show is sponsored by Safernet:

Just like you’ll want to protect yourself against the lies the world feeds us concerning retirement, you should also want to protect you, your family, and even your business against cyber threats. Safernet can do just that with 84 internet filters, virus protection, and a powerful VPN (virtual private network). Stay secure while supporting a Kingdom business. Sign up with Safernet!

Featuring: John & Liz Jacobs

Ministry/ Workplace: Mentors

Ep 2010: Celebrate the Blessed Alliance!

Catherine Gates has held several different roles and been able to connect with so many people throughout her career. In fact, this show refers to her as a “human bridge,” as she has brought together so many different businesses and individuals.

Amy Cedrone is grateful for the opportunity to celebrate and pour into women but would like to see Christian working women further equipped and encouraged. They testify that no role, connection, or experience is ever wasted by God.

Due to a mutual calling to embolden women in their faith, this duo collaborates together at Polished Network, an organization that helps women develop both their personal and professional lives – and all from a biblical perspective! Their most notable resource is the Boldly Conference – taking place in Carrollton, TX, this year on Friday, October 20th.

So, what are some ways we can celebrate Chrisitan working women?

·       Just as Polished Network and iWork4Him embody a spirit of collaboration, we can seek out ways to include women’s voices and participation.

·       Recognize the “blessed alliance” that is women co-laboring with men. Women bring a unique sensitivity to hearing God’s voice, “juggability,” and a fuller perspective to any table.

·       Encourage the women in your life to get involved in communities like those that Polished offers, where women can connect, celebrate each other, and grow.

·       Read and gift the sheWorks4Him book – a field guide chocked full of practical advice to help Christian working women embrace their calling each day.

·       Specifically for our female listeners: attend the 2023 Boldly Conference! If you’re not able to make it to Texas, have your church host a watch party. This is a great next step for any women in any career.

Martha is a 2023 Boldly Conference Ambassador! Use code MARTHA20 to get 20% off your tickets. And if you’re headed to Boldly this year, shoot Martha an email at so that she can connect with you there.

This year’s Boldly Conference motto is “Be renewed. Be emboldened. Be transformed.”, and we pray that this episode will catapult women into truly chasing God’s purpose as the incredible Christian women He’s created them to be.

We’d also like to introduce a new iWork4Him Partner: SaferNet! This Kingdom business offers a VPN that you can use on your digital devices to protect you from any number of cyber threats out there. It also helps you set up controls to keep your family safe from any unwelcome content. Check out all that SaferNet provides at

Featuring: Amy Cedrone; Catherine Gates

Ministry/ Workplace: Polished Network; Boldly Conference

Ep 2009: Your One-Way Ticket to Intentionality

Last week’s episode introduced you to the concept of a Marketplace Mission Trip and invited you to take one with iWork4Him in November. This current episode will go into more detail about what you can expect. Mike Henry, who leads these workplace mission trips, invited a former trip goer, Daniel, to share his experience.

Daniel took a 6-week Marketplace Mission Trip with Follower of One and his excitement for being Jesus at his workplace – working as a high school weightlifting instructor – is contagious. He believes that the Gospel is fun! It’s like one beggar telling another beggar where to find the bread (or prime rib). When we’re living intentionally at work, there are no wasted conversations or interactions.

You might think: how does Follower of One support participants during their trip? Mike personally prays for you along with others. There are daily lessons (just 5 minutes – don't worry) to process your experience. And each day has specific focuses to prepare and motivate you for your mission field.

So, what’s holding stopping you from signing up for the Nov 5th 2-week Marketplace Mission Trip? iWork4Him is hosting this trip to help reignite your passion for your workplace! If you need more information, you can download the 2-week mission trip outline, or you can even get a copy of the Marketplace Mission Trip workbook that outlines the 6-week workplace mission trip. Or read chapter 14 in the iWork4Him field guide (now available in a downloadable PDF format).

Register for the upcoming trip with iWork4Him, and discover how to be a missionary at work!

Featuring: Mike Henry; Daniel Dolan

Ministry/ Workplace: Follower of One

Ep 2008: No Suitcase? No Fundraising? No Problem!

Join iWork4Him on a 2-week mission trip starting November 5th – right from the comfort of your own home! This is a trip that everyone can go on. And as you’ll hear in this episode, once you go on one Marketplace Mission Trip, you’ll want to keep going “taking” these trips. Follower of One’s Mike Henry outlines what a Marketplace Mission Trip looks like and why you should consider participating.

Life’s circumstances can make it hard to find time and raise money to go on a mission trip overseas, but foreign missions should be the exception, not the rule. Our “rule” is our normal, everyday lives. In our day to day, busyness robs us of intentionality. But when you realize that Jesus wants to use you in your workplace, you can help those around you move one notch closer to Him.

Jane, who works with the Polished Network, went on a mission trip recently and shares her experience. You’re NOT too busy. “Choose to show up” and it will change the way you see your actions and the people around you each day.

Pray about taking part in the iWork4Him hosted mission trip in November, where you’ll spend week one preparing your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and then week two truly living out your faith in your workplace. Check out the 2-week mission trip outline, or you can even get a copy of the Marketplace Mission Trip workbook that outlines a 6-week workplace mission trip.

For regular content to inspire you on your mission field, make sure you follow iWork4Him on the social platforms you’re on: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Truth Social, YouTube, and Rumble. And just like Martha mentioned in the show, if you’re trying to bolster your prayer life, consider joining the iWork4Him Prayer Team.

Featuring: Mike Henry; Jane Doerman

Ministry/ Workplace: Follower of One

Ep 2007: What Would God Say About Your Priorities?

Sometimes (or often), we let our priorities get out of order. Taiwan and Sh’nai Simmons are no strangers to this situation, especially at the beginning of their marriage. Sh’nai was a new convert and Taiwan had an upbringing with beliefs that were all over the place, so you can imagine that they faced many challenges in getting their priorities right.

And just what is that priority order we need to pay attention to?

God > Spouse > Kids > Work > Hobbies/Volunteer work

As humans, it’s easy to make one or more of these secondary priorities an idol. How do we get back into alignment? Matthew 6:33 is the answer: “Seek first His Kingdom” in whatever you’re doing. God will let you know where you need to realign. Although Jesus should be above everything else, it’s more about having Jesus at the center of everything we do.

Want to make sure to keep your priorities right in your marriage? First of all, listen to this show! Then check out Taiwan and Sh’nai’s book The ABCs of a Strong Christian Marriage and their YouVersion reading plan Pray, Play, and Stay Together.

Another effective way to be hypervigilant about prioritizing correctly is by listening to the daily, 1-minute iWork4Him PowerThoughts, which you can subscribe to on your favorite podcast platform.

By the way, we see some particularly entertaining facial expressions and gestures in this fun episode, so it’s a great one to watch on the iWork4Him YouTube or Rumble channels!

Featuring: Pastor Taiwan and Dr. Sh'nai Simmons

Ministry/ Workplace: Playfuelled Marriages

Ep 2006: Your Business is a Blessing

Business should be a blessing! The Good Place Institute helps businesses bless others through valuing and developing people and making sure organizations are benefiting (aka: blessing) all those around them.

President Chris Young wants everyone in Good Place organizations to know they’re contributing to the overall mission – no matter their role! This is a key message that he promotes in his leader resource The Good Place Organization. This book shows how the Bible is the most practical guide for implementing best practices at any business.

Ryan Shutt is CEO of Southwest Exteriors, a company that goes above and beyond in the San Antonio area and has gone through Good Place training. Since Jim and Martha visited and interviewed at Southwest Exteriors previously (in this show), they saw firsthand that it was a good place to work, but it’s become even better thanks to its involvement with the Good Place Institute.

Connect your business to the Good Place Institute to start conversations that challenge the status quo and change processes for the better. Don’t miss the opportunity for your business to be a blessing to you, your family, your employees, vendors, clients, and community!

And we want to bless you, too:

-        Make a donation of any amount to iWork4Him, and we’ll send you one of the iWork4Him books. Just email Martha ( after you’ve made your donation and confirm which book you’d like.

-        Get The Good Place Organization leader guide by Chris Young at a discount! Use code GOODPLACEPODCAST.

-        Jim and Martha would love to speak to any group about how your business has purpsoe and should be blessing others. If you have an event coming up and think they’d be a good fit, let us know using the online contact form

Featuring: Chris Young; Ryan Shutt

Ministry/ Workplace: The Good Place Institute - Southwest Exteriors

Ep 2005: The Power of Connection

Just like Jim and Martha, Chad Hawley struggled with the pull between business and ministry, until realizing that his business was his ministry. He realized this while going through somewhat traumatic life circumstances, but the message that God gave him totally changed his perspective and the trajectory of his life.

Chad created the Nexus Mountain Network that connects the seven “mountains of influence” in which believers reside. He gets that you’re not just a ____. Each and every role that you hold is significant! People in so many spheres of work and life can and should join together for greater impact (just like we promote in the Tapestry Project).

You can download the Nexus Mountain Network app today, take an assessment to determine your mountains, and get connected! The app’s capabilities range anywhere from hosting live panels to sharing photos to setting up push notifications for groups.

Sandy Woods talks about how she’s been able to use the Nexus app for Kingdom impact. As a principal, Sandy is of great influence in the mountain of education. Nexus helped her grow New ERA (Education Reform Association) from a handful of people to hundreds. If you’re in the education field, you should definitely get involved with New ERA!

Although the Nexus Mountain Network app is our resource of focus in this episode, there are others mentioned to help you find purpose and significance in your job – no matter what it is!

·       iWork4Him books: paradigm-shifting guides to unlock God’s purpose for your work (and retirement!)

·       iWork4Him Performance Review template: a downloadable PDF that you can use to be a more effective manager

Awaken Podcast Network (APN): find over 100 Faith & Work podcasts that include topics from every mountain of influence

Featuring: Chad Hawley; Sandy Woods

Ministry/ Workplace: Nexus Mountain Network

Ep 2004: Put Some Pep in Your Prep

Think about your morning routine. What does it look like? Steve McLean wants to help you “connect your Sunday to Monday” with the daily devotionals from His Word at Work. This ministry is connected to FCCI, Fellowship of Companies for Christ International. Steve started writing the daily devotionals because SO MANY people don’t have an eternal perspective when they go to work each day.

In this episode, Josh and Mike join Steve in this conversation on workplace missions, as both have benefited from the His Word at Work resource. Both men have been inspired to share more often in their workplaces. This is because reading material like the His Word at Work devotionals make them more sensitive to God presenting opportunities.

It’s all about being purposeful and intentional with your life. As Jim mentions in the show, this is also a great reminder for retired folks (and the whole idea behind iRetire4Him). As long as you have breath in your lungs, God’s not done with you!

So, what are some ways you can you start being a workplace missionary today?

-        Sign up to receive the daily His Word at Work devotionals straight to your inbox!

-        Commit to the iWork4Him Nation Covenant, with four key steps to living out your faith at work.

-        Listen to the 1-minute iWork4Him PowerThoughts. This week’s PowerThoughts are adapted from five different His Word at Work devotionals!

-        Connect with iWork4Him on social media by searching @iWork4Him on: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Rumble, and Truth Social.

How else are you consuming content? What’s happening in your mission field? We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us at

Don’t forget this special giving opportunity that was announced: with a donation of any amount, you can receive a copy of one of the three iWork4Him books – iWork4Him, sheWorks4Him, or iRetire4Him. Simply make a donation and send an email to to confirm which book you’d like.

Featuring: Steve McLean; Joshua Claro; Michael Etchison

Ministry/ Workplace: His Word at Work

Ep 2003: Don’t Quit Your Day Job

Thinking about quitting your job to go into full-time ministry? DON’T! You’re already a full-time missionary right where you are! As Executive Director of t-factor at Coca-Cola Consolidated, Mark Whitacre has witnessed firsthand the impact that this truth can have on business leaders across the country. Actually, Mark has a fascinating story that’s even been made into a movie (learn more in his previous iWork4Him interview).

t-factor ministers to Christian leaders, inspiring them to bring Jesus into their workplaces and improve culture. For reference, Coca-Cola Consolidated is America’s largest bottling company and is determined to “honor God in all [they] do.” Mark helps to orchestrate t-factor Summits that encourage Christian CEOs and the like to transform the marketplace – and it’s effective! 68% of business leaders who attend t-factor events implement at least one t-factor takeaway within 90 days.

Richard Williams is one of those leaders whose life and business was changed by a t-factor Summit. He was shown how to make God a big deal at his company, Lineage, and has since been able to support his employees through chaplaincy and grow Lineage through a thriving workplace culture. As Richard mentions: “don’t have sloppy agape!” Instead, invest in employees, coworkers, and clients just like Jesus poured into so many in the marketplace.

You could be an attendee at one of the upcoming t-factor events, but it’s invitation only! For an invite, reach out to Jim at to connect you with Mark.

Featuring: Mark Whitacre, Richard Williams

Ministry/ Workplace: t-factor