Ep 2040: The Christian Woman Resource You’ve Been Waiting For

Writer, coach, and businesswoman Peggy Bodde joins this iWork4Him Podcast episode to encourage Christian working women to use their God-given talents and abilities in the marketplace. She opens up about her own past doubts navigating a corporate leadership role while being a Christian. The work that she does can be summed up as help that she wishes she had earlier as a woman in the marketplace.  

Our work – and every part of our lives – is sacred because we bring God into those spaces. That’s the key message of this conversation and of Peggy’s new book, Sacred Work. It’s written specifically for women and serves as a handy reference guide for tons of different work dilemmas and circumstances. To get to know Peggy even better (which we recommend because she’s a gem!), check out her previous sheWorks4Him Podcast interview


Shout out to a couple of incredible companies that help make this episode happen: 

SaferNet is your answer to computer and smart phone security at home and work. The SaferNet VPN includes internet controls, antivirus protection, and 84 website filters – sign up today to get protection you can count on. 

Patriot Mobile is America’s only Christian conservative mobile carrier, supporting faith, family, and freedom. Stop giving money to businesses that support antibiblical agendas; make the switch to Patriot Mobile. 

Featuring: Peggy Bodde

Ministry/ Workplace: Sacred Work

iWork4Him, Awaken Podcast Network, PodcastJim Brangenbergfaith and work, resources, testimony, iWork4Him, work is worship, workplace ministry, workplace missions, discipleship, prayer, intercession, business leaders, leadership, event, devotional, resource, inspiration, book, training, discount, couples, marriage, priorities, Kingdom perspective, Follower of One, mission trip, marketplace, participate, christian women, women at work, celebrate women, women leaders, working women, mentoring, mentorship, accountability, advice, relationships, retirement, retirement reformation, generations, planning, ministry, family, marriage advice, marriage problems, quality time, family time, work, appreciation at work, assessment, thanksgiving, neighbor, neighboring, thankfulness, loneliness, Kingdom business, values, BRI, Patriot Mobile, Kingdom culture, affiliate, public schools, Bible, teachers, students, release time programs, internet safety, sponsor, cybersecurity, vpn, virus protection, unity, Christian chamber, marketplace workers, networking, coworkers, neighbors, paradigm shift, reflection, I Work with Him, iWorkWithHim, business as mission, When Jesus Calls, supernatural business, entrepreneur, pastor, shepherd, God talks, author, faith at work, events, military, faith integration, finance, women in business, customer care, Polished Network, women, Women in the Marketplace, collaboration, SaferNet, USCCC, abiding, balance, Valentine’s Day, entrepreneurs, groups, G7, LinkedIn, diversity, Lifework, Dallas, Jacksonville, transformation, job search, tradition, conservative, DEI, CEO, spiritual gifts, Holy Spirit, coaching, practical faith, revival, tent revival, identity, work excellence, iWork4Him Nation, South Africa, supernatural, marketplace faith, fostering, adoption, calling, vocation, Pennsylvania, social work, sacred, Christian women, women in leadership