iRetire4Him Show 126: You're an Influencer

Jim Brangenberg: You've tuned in to iRetire4Him, the voice and resource of the Retirement Reformation, an organization dedicated to you, the retiree who loves Jesus and wants purpose for all of your days. Kingdom purpose! Especially the days ahead of you. Bruce Bruinsma is here today, the founder of the Retirement Reformation. He's here to encourage you and walk with you through retirement. And I'm Jim Brangenberg. Check us out online, please. RetirementReformation. org. Out there we have so many resources for you, we'd love to put into your hands. Download s, some books, small group materials, so many things. RetirementReformation. org.

Just because you're retired doesn't mean you're done. When you have a pulse, you have a purpose, and it is God assigned. You've been chosen to carry out the mission of God for the remainder of your life. Your mission didn't retire just because you did. You have so much wisdom and knowledge inside of you, it needs to be shared with others. You also have more time to love on neighbors and impact your community, whether it's small or large. So get off that couch, put on your sneakers, and get back into action. The King has things for you to do in his kingdom, and they're going to make an impact.

Bruce, the enemy wants all of us to be sidelined as retired believers. Why is that?

Bruce Bruinsma: If you can take the most knowledgeable, experienced, with the greatest amount of time, flexibility and freedom and resources, and you can set them on the side, then, in fact, the message of the devil has clear sailing into our activities. If you think of your favorite football team, and you took the quarterback, the center, you took the two wide receivers and the tight end, and you took them off the field and you took the coach with them, and then you said, now people that are left, go get them , they would be in a world of hurt. And so that's the way it works in our senior world when those are on the couch or just out visiting, but are not being proactive and are not having kingdom impact or meaning and purpose in their life.

Jim Brangenberg: What I like to say is that, as retired believers, most people have been shoved up into the grandstands of life to say, Hey, you could just watch us young kids do the work. When in fact, that's a disaster. Maybe you as a retired person can't handle running the plays anymore, but you need to get back on the field as a coach to walk alongside those running the plays. But you can run plays on the sideline too. A coach is one of the most important pieces to any team because it brings the cohesiveness and when you've got 65, 75, 85 years of wisdom, you can be a coach. Bruce, by the way, what is that favorite football team of yours?

Bruce Bruinsma: That would be yes, actually, I got two of them now. Got the Ohio State Buckeyes cause that's where Judy and I met. And so they got a huge, they have some huge games coming up, but then I have two grandsons and I'm so proud of them that are both played for the Air Force Academy. And my Saturdays are very full of of watching games that I enjoy.

Jim Brangenberg: Too bad Ohio and Air Force Academy never get to play each other because that would be really fun to watch.

All right, so Jesus talked more about the kingdom than he did the church, like significantly more about the kingdom than he did a church. How important is it that we embody Jesus's teaching in our lives?

Bruce Bruinsma: Jesus was very clear. He talked about building the kingdom more than anything else . And his whole three years of ministry was unpacking for his followers what that kingdom was. And it took three years and they still didn't quite get it at the end. And so it was only when the Holy Spirit shows up that in fact they went, Oh, okay. Ah, the kingdom of God is in us and we are to represent him. And we are to then to follow what it is that he taught us.

And as you read through the Scriptures, particularly in the New Testament, and you see how the disciples got it, but then they would lose it. They said, this is so unusual. And we have such a unique opportunity as Christ followers to be able to look at what it is that they learned, then what it is that they shared, and now what it is that the Holy Spirit is guiding us to be able to do. And the Great Commission has said, teach everyone in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth everything I taught you.

Jim Brangenberg: But how do we do that? I mean if we're living out Jesus's teachings in our lives, aren't we automatically making a kingdom impact?

Bruce Bruinsma: Everything that we do has kingdom impact. The question is whether in fact it is truly representative of what God is. So the kingdom of God was, you know, it was the entire theme. Matter of fact in Matthew 4: 17, repent for the kingdom of heaven has come near. In Luke 4: 43, I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent. That was Jesus' words and his disciples who were called to him and were attracted to him, but they didn't have the full picture of what that really meant.

And so as all of the events that we all know so well that are unpacked in the Bible, as those unfold and we see, sometimes we scratch our head and go, man, they really didn't, they really didn't get it, did they?

Jim Brangenberg: I don't think they got it till the day after he rose from the dead or maybe the day he rose from the dead.

Bruce Bruinsma: I totally agree. And then we look at, maybe sometimes we look at our community of believers that we're a part of, and we go, huh, I wonder if maybe we're more disciple like before the resurrection than we are after the resurrection.

But that's why Christ created the church. He said, you are to represent me as your whole body, but each one of us has a role in it. Christ embodied all those roles. But in the church, we are - a matter of fact I wrote down the other day, I wrote down this phrase, this question, actually, and I think it's a good way to end this segment.

Where do you fit in the kingdom of God as an active influencer for change? Let me say that one again. Where do you fit in the kingdom of God as an active influencer for change?

Jim Brangenberg: When we come back we'll talk a lot more about that in segment three and in upcoming segment two, Mark Andrews is going to be joining us. We'll be right back with more on iRetire4Him.





Jim Brangenberg: Hey, welcome back to iRetire4Him. As we do in every second segment of every show - you've heard me say this 126 times - we always bring in a guest who's living out their faith in their quote unquote retirement years. And what does it look like as we talk about kingdom impact. Bruce, who do you have for us today?

Bruce Bruinsma: Oh, I've got a friend, Mark Andrews, and Mark and I have been connected now for probably a year and a half, two years, I would guess. And I've just grown to really appreciate his heart. And Mark we're doing a series on Kingdom Impact. So let me just start out with an easy one. Tell me what your definition of Kingdom Impact would be.

Mark Andrews: Wow. I think, Bruce, I think it's just finding and creating avenues of service. Yeah. I remember sharing, when we did this podcast, a number of months ago, that I started our organization, Adoptive Family Resources, at age 60, when most people are thinking about retirement .And that, I know for us sitting here, there's that word is not in our vocabulary. And so I think Kingdom Impact is just, is finding and creating ways to serve. And it doesn't have to be something that is done with great fanfare, just finding places to serve. That's my concise definition in a nutshell,

Bruce Bruinsma: When Jesus created the church, he was aware that it was going to be composed of literally millions of people, each one with an individual capacity, an individual call, an individual capability to be able to fit into the kingdom in some place that would make a difference. And so talk to me a little bit, Mark. When you find that place and that where you're making a difference, how does that feel to you? What does the Holy Spirit well up inside of you when you were able to identify, ah, there's a place where I can make a difference?

Mark Andrews: Yeah, I use the image, Bruce. It's like a snowball rolling down a hill. It just keeps gathering momentum and getting bigger. And that's, that's how I felt in finding my place, if you will, in what they call the retirement years. Again, being able to create something and to get feedback from people that it's a blessing to them in the kingdom world. That's what motivates me.

And I've shared this before, the past six years since turning age 60 have been the most fulfilling for me personally ever. Both personally and professionally, they say life begins at 50, and for me it really began, as far as kingdom service. Not that I have not enjoyed things prior but in kingdom service this is the most excited and energized I've ever been.

Jim Brangenberg: And part of that is the reason for the iRetire4Him podcast, but, Mark, it's really the reason behind the iWork4Him podcast because it's a shame that it took until you were 60 to find purpose in your work when God had kingdom purpose in all of that, what you've been doing the last 40 years. But most people haven't woken up to that idea.

And I want to make, just grab that because there may be people listening today that are doing work and they're thinking, that's what I need to do. I need to retire and do something different, but you can find your ministry place on your mission field of your workplace. You don't need to quit your job to go into ministry. You just need to shift your mindset to realize you're already there.

So Mark, one other question. I'll then turn it back to Bruce. You mentioned snowballs going downhill and picking up momentum. But when snowballs go downhill - I grew up in Minnesota, so I know a lot about snow - they also pick up other things that are unexpected. Sometimes it's odd sticks or stones. It could be odd weeds or grass. When people catch momentum, other unexpected things come along with that too, don't they?

Mark Andrews: Sure. There's challenges, there's hurdles. Sometimes even naysayers come along. Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this now? And when that happens, you just have to have an affirmation within yourself that this is where I am to be right now in God's kingdom. And there's going to be hurdles and there's going to be those unexpected things that you pick up on the way rolling down, but look at those things as not as the enemy, if you will, but look at those things as challenges to be even more effective at what you're doing,

Bruce Bruinsma: One of the ways that someone spoke about kingdom impact was that we are active influencers for change. Now, the change may be small, and the change may be just showing love to someone who seems to be unlovable. But talk to me a little bit about what you think being an influence for change, how that plays a role in kingdom impact.

Mark Andrews: Wow, that requires a little thought . Can you, Bruce, I'm sorry, can you share that again? I'm sorry.

Bruce Bruinsma: Sure. For example, I'm going through a time in my life where I'm now being a caregiver. I've never been a caregiver before. Never thought about being a caregiver, never wanted to be a caregiver, never anything, but here I am deep into it. And so the opportunity to influence those who are supporting me in this role, and my role in supporting Judy in this, in ways that I never expected , so I'm an influencer for change in bringing the fruits of the spirit to the circumstances that God puts in front of me. . .

Mark Andrews: And so the question you're asking is, how do I see myself as an influencer of change?

Bruce Bruinsma: Yeah. Or how can you, how could you explain If you had an audience of 50 in front of you, what would you tell 'em about that they could be an influencer for change?

Mark Andrews: Yeah. I think, Bruce, I would just use my story. And it sounds cliche, but to say, here's something that I'm doing and, God has a plan for you too. We are never too old to influence change. One thing that, one thing that comes with age is having learned from our hard knocks and accumulating that wisdom along the way. And if I'm speaking to a group of seniors, I'm speaking from my own experience of, the 2020 hindsight stuff, as well as what I've been able to do in a positive way and just encouraging people.

Bruce, like you've shared before, mentioned, I remember you mentioning a statistic that 10, 000 people in this country are turning 65 every day. I remember you talking about it. You or Elliott that mentioned that. And what a, what a great reservoir of talent that is. So if I had that audience in front of me, it would be just to challenge them, you've got something to give here and don't think that it's too small. We're all pieces in this big scenario here of working for the kingdom. No contribution is too small.

Just like this wraparound grandparents initiative that we're working together on. For a person who can just come for a senior, who can just come and spend an hour with a child in need, helping them with their homework. or helping cook a meal - that's major kingdom stuff right there. None of us are without excuse. We all have a place and a responsibility in this kingdom, as our health permits us to do.

Bruce Bruinsma: And the beautiful part is that as we identify and step into those circumstances, it brings meaning and purpose to us and joy to our lives as we're able to influence those of others. Jim, you got a last question?

Jim Brangenberg: Yeah, Mark, as you continue to move forward with the mission of adoptive family resources, where do you see God asking you to shift things up, to change things? You're six years into this mission, and God sometimes has us change things up just to keep us on our toes. Where do you see God stretching you right now as you continue to make a kingdom impact in the adoptive family world?

Mark Andrews: I remember, Jim, you asked a similar question the last time we met, and I remember my answer was something like just doing more and more of the same, expanding our services to serve more families through our parent coaching service, expanding our services to do more training. I think the best way for me to answer that. It's not really a shift, but it's just doing more of the same for more people and more families in need out there.

Jim Brangenberg: Mark Andrews, thank you so much for being here. Check him out online at adoptivefamilyresources. org. Adoptivefamilyresources. org. Mark Andrews. Thanks for being with us today.

Mark Andrews: Thanks for having me, Jim and Bruce. I appreciate it.

Jim Brangenberg: We'll be right back with more on iRetire4Him.





Jim Brangenberg: Hey, welcome back to iRetire4Him. Great middle segment with Mark Andrews from adoptivefamilyresources. org. We encourage all of you to get involved with them. Talk about wraparound grandparenting and figure out how to do that in your own hometown.

Bruce the question we left with our guests at the end of the first segment was, where do you fit into the Kingdom of God as an active influence for change? And I'd like to change that to an active influencer for change, because everybody likes to be an influencer today.

Bruce Bruinsma: Some do, and some just are passive and don't want to see change at all. One of the things that I've learned is that when you think about the fruit of the Spirit, the love, joy, peace, patience... and whenever any of those are evidenced, in our lives, in circumstances, change is going to take place. Now, it may be a change in someone realizing that they're loved, and they didn't know that.

Someone who is experiencing a problem and that you care, and they didn't know that anybody cared. And so as we reflect those fruits of the spirit, things will change. They'll change in us and they'll change within the people or the circumstance that we are inserting those fruits of the spirit.

Jim Brangenberg: So let's be practical here. What does it look like for retired believer to influence culture and society? Can you give us some examples? What does that mean to be to influence culture and society?

Bruce Bruinsma: I can. One of the things where a an older person, a chronologically superior person, can step into a situation where there is a need. It could be with foster parents. It could be with their children. It could be with your grandchildren. There are so many people now that are taking care of their grandchildren as parents. In each one of the circumstances where we step into a role where we can reflect love, take responsibility, and bring the message of Jesus Christ to a group, a person, or a group of people in a way that is often unexpected then in fact, we are in influencer for change.

Jim Brangenberg: How do you see that as influencing the society though? Societies come in small groups. It could be a small town. It could be a small church. Could be just your retirement community. How do you see chronologically superior retired folks influencing society or the culture that they play within? What are some of the things that they can do proactively to make that happen?

Bruce Bruinsma: Here's where it becomes really complicated and difficult. You open your front door and you walk out of it. And you, then you turn either left or right . And within three blocks you will find an opportunity to interact with someone or something or some situation where you can do it. It is actually that simple.

Now it can be much more complex. For example, in your community where they need volunteers for X, Y, or Z. And either you volunteer, or you help someone who can volunteer that you can be supportive of. And you look for the creative ways to be able to make a difference in people's lives through your words, through your actions, through your attitude, through your suggestions.

Jim Brangenberg: We're talking about living out Christ like character, service and compassion, we're not sharing the gospel. So many of us struggle with sharing the gospel. How can we get started in making sure that this is an active part of our lives?

Bruce Bruinsma: That is probably the largest challenge for the growth of the church. It's the opportunity to be able to gird our loins, as it says in the Old Testament, And to be able to share with someone an experience that is yours and then to communicate with them that it can be an experience for them also.

There's all kinds of different ways that we can learn to be proponents of the word through our actions, but through just sitting down and saying, do you know, that verse that you see on TV and the football game sometime, that John 3: 16 verse? You know what I found? I found that verse is really true. Jesus really exists. He really loves me and he's made a difference in my life.

Jim Brangenberg: And your story. I mean nobody's going to be able to refute your story, the impact on your life.

Bruce Bruinsma: Exactly right. The story is your story. And you continue to tell your story by telling it. You continue to live your story and create your story. My story is similar in many ways to what it was 30 years ago, but in many ways it's different with all the things that I've learned and seen and experienced and read and lived in these last 30 years that have made a huge difference in my story. I have so many more examples. I have so much more encouragement.

I have so much more affirmation of what it is. And so when I wrote Living the Fruitful Life, it really, I don't think I could have written that book when I was 50, but I could write that book when I was 80. And so to be able to step into what God makes available for you and has prepared you to be able to do is pretty amazing.

Jim Brangenberg: One of the other things we talk about in living that fruitful life and making a kingdom impact by embodying the teachings of Jesus. One of the other things is discipleship and mentorship, which we talk about that a lot and we just, on our next show we're going to interview Joel from Christian association for youth mentoring. So we're going to focus on that .

Prayer and Intercession . A lot of the people listening to this show could be in their 80s and even in their 90s and maybe they're not out there walking the street anymore, and they're looking for ways that they can make a kingdom impact . Praying for people and interceding for people. That's a huge way that they can do that. Isn't it, Bruce?

Bruce Bruinsma: I think here's the question that each one of us, as we progress through the years of that the world calls retirement, to ask ourselves maybe every couple of years in what areas of my life am I called to have kingdom impact? And just sit and say, what Areas of my life and then that then prompts the question, what areas of your life are there where you are active? And if there aren't any, then to say, what areas can I be active in? And then in those areas, How can I help build the kingdom?

Jim Brangenberg: So many great ways to put the teachings of Jesus into practice. Jesus summarized all the law and the prophets when he said, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.

That's one of those teachings that Jesus is like, yeah, this is pretty simple stuff for me. Bruce , you got a story of somebody you've run into that really had figured that out?

Bruce Bruinsma: Yeah. We've had him on the podcast at one time, my cousin. His name is Randall Heckman. And over the almost now 80 years of his life and that we have been close ever since we were very young, I've watched in the different stages of his life, how God has moved him and how he reflects the power of the Holy Spirit in those times, in those unique ways.

For example, he and his wife, Marsha, they have 12 kids . All one at a time, no twins, no adoptions, one at a time. And I've just seen how he was a father to 12 kids and in a family of that size and just absolutely amazed how he reflected Jesus during that time.

He was an inventor and invented, he was a mechanical engineer. And so the mechanical engineering things that he worked on and the way he worked on them was unique and it was a model to the other engineers that he worked with. He began a ministry, a prayer ministry in Michigan. And one of the times that I sat with him and I said, Randy, I said, what's the most valuable thing about your prayer ministry?

He says, we have teams of people that pray for every single person who is elected to any office in the whole state of Michigan. Oh, what an impact. And they would then go meet with those people. And many of them are not Christians. So the opportunity to say, we just want you to know, and if you would share with us how we can pray for you, because we are going to pray for you? But every elected person in the whole state of Michigan, the cities and the towns, in the counties and in the state. What a, what amazing benefit that has brought.

And then he and his wife Marsha now lead a prayer ministry in Western Michigan where they bring people together and help them to be aware of not only how to pray, but what to pray for. And so their whole life has been a model of how you can adapt to the different times and circumstances and then how you can connect.

And the commitment and the call to action is this: commit to being a vessel of Kingdom Impact through personal transformation, community engagement, and sharing the gospel.

Jim Brangenberg: Another great conversation on Kingdom Impact as somebody older than 55 in our chronologically superior years. You've been listening to iRetire4Him with your hosts, Jim Brangenberg and Bruce Bruinsma, the founder of the Retirement Reformation, online at retirementreformation. org, where there's all kinds of resources to help you live a fruitful life, including that book by that name. We're Christ followers journeying from retirement to reformation, so ultimately we can say, iRetire4Him!

Martha Brangenberg