A Permanent Paradigm Shift
Welcome to 2024! This is the year where it all changes. Oh, sure, political things are going on this year, but that change is only temporary. The permanent change is happening in you this year. What kind of change are we looking for? The kind of change that could transform the world. The kind of change that could reshape you from the inside out. The kind of change that can convert your workplace into a mission field and into a place of ministry. That's the kind of change we're talking about — a permanent paradigm shift in your mind.
Almost 11 years ago, we launched the ministry of iWork4Him. This ministry has been dedicated to purposefully equipping Christ followers to live out their faith at work vibrantly. But there's one more piece that I think we've been missing. There's one more piece that eliminates the need for us to do anything. We've spent the last almost 11 years focused on recognizing that our work matters to God. God assigned us our work to match up with the gifts, talents, and spiritual abilities that were given to us at birth and rebirth when we got saved. But there's a piece that I just have come to discover in the last year or so. We need to stop working for God.
Now I have you thinking, don't I? You may think I've actually fallen off my rocker. And you may be right to some degree. But here's my point. Noah did it, Moses did it, Joseph did it, Joshua did it, Elijah did it, and, of course, Jesus did it. What did they all do in common? They didn't “Work4Him.” They understood that God doesn't need us to work for Him; He wants us to work with Him. This is a pretty tough concept to understand, but it comes down to Jesus saying He never did anything His Father didn't tell Him to do. He was always listening and following what His Father said. He always went to where His Father was working. He never said He came to work for God. He constantly gave us the understanding that He was working with God.
What does that look like in your world? It starts with involving God in every decision. It continues with involving God in every interaction you have with every human being. It requires talking with God all day long and finding out where He's working and going and working with Him. He doesn't need a bunch of adopted sons and daughters doing things just for the sake of doing things. He wants us to do what He called us to do with Him. Celebrate 2024 with a new paradigm shift. Work with God this year.
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About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!