2024-Style Thinking
Shifting our thinking.
Changing the way we think.
Renewing our minds.
All of these things imply that the way we are currently thinking needs to change. And I agree.
For the first 40 years of my life, I thought work and God had nothing to do with each other. I worked hard, and I gave the church money so they could do the ministry. I did my best to make volunteer time in order to work at church when I wasn’t working at my job.
Then came the shift in my thinking. Right as I was turning 40 years old, a friend of mine sent me a devotional that told me that my work mattered to God. I learned that I didn’t need to quit my job to go into full-time ministry. In fact, my workplace was my place of ministry and was a mission field because it was full of lost and hopeless people.
From that point began the journey of really understanding Colossians 3:23: Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. This is the iWork4Him mentality. You see, our work matters to God and our boss really is the Lord. Yes, we have human masters but ultimately, we report to God.
But in 2024, our conversations within iWork4Him are going to shift from focusing on working for God to working with God. Involving God in all our decisions and actions at work, working with Him to complete projects for His glory and for His honor. Recognizing that the standard he set in the garden with Adam, as he named all of the animals, was a standard God wants us to continue today. God wants to work with us. He wants to start today.
As believers, the ultimate experience is walking through life with God, so why wouldn’t we work with God, too? If you do this, 2024 is guaranteed to be an exciting year.
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About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!