Go Into Ministry, The Ministry of Business!
We all want to make a Kingdom impact; we all want to transform the world for Christ. And here’s the thing: God has placed you right where you are to do exactly that! iWork4Him: Change the Way You Think About Your Faith at Work is today’s guide for the everyday believer. Filled with real-life stories, practical tools and resources, and biblical encouragement designed to help you engage in your Kingdom calling NOW!
In Chapter 18 of iWork4Him, author, producer, and speaker Rich Marshall writes about a conversation he had over 25 years ago with a man named Dennis who was looking to sell his business to go into full-time ministry. Dennis sought out Rich, a local pastor at the time, to encourage him in his decision to leave the marketplace and go into ministry. But what happened next was surprising to both men. In Rich’s words,
Imagine my surprise when the Lord spoke clearly in my mind, “Tell Dennis not to sell his business, but rather to begin to see his business as a ministry”’ [So], I did, in fact, tell him to go into ministry, the ministry of business!
So many Christ-followers are asking the same question as Dennis today: should I leave the marketplace and go into full-time ministry? The answer may be yes for some, but for most of us, the answer is ‘go into ministry, the ministry of business!’
Because here’s the thing, you may be the only Jesus that your coworkers, bosses, or clients ever meet. That makes the workplace one of the largest mission fields in the world! And as Jesus said in Matthew 9:27, “There are many people to harvest but only a few workers to help harvest them.”
Your workplace is a field ripe for harvest! So, what are you waiting for?!
To hear more incredible stories like Rich’s and gain practical tips on sharing your faith at work, pick up a copy of iWork4Him: Change the Way You Think About Your Faith at Work. Oh, and don’t forget that you can read the first chapter for FREE by clicking HERE.
This blog was originally written for and posted on the Christian Leadership Alliance website. You can find the original over here!
About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!