A God Sized Remodel
Martha and I acquired a little house in the middle of small-town, mid-west America recently. The place is 125 years old and drew us in immediately with its quaint appearance and excellent location. But here’s the funny thing about old houses: they look great on the outside, but they usually need A LOT of fixing on the inside.
Ever since iWork4Him launched, we have used Romans 12:2 as our team verse.
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”
You and me… we’re a lot like my old house. Our lives might look pretty good on the outside, but the inside is full of broken, malfunctioning, outdated things. But when we give our lives to Christ, God does a full inspection of the interior of us and prepares for a complete remodel on our hearts, minds, and souls. Just like Martha and I had to rip out the old plumbing, sewer, and electrical in our old house, God dismantles all of the bad connections, wiring, and plumbing inside of our minds and replaces them with brand-new, more effective versions.
This internal remodeling process is a lifelong venture – one that God will be doing until our very last day on this earth. I don’t mind it, but sometimes the remodeling projects on my heart, mind, and soul take a little longer than I think they should. It can be tiring to be a work in progress, but take heart: no matter what the pace, God IS transforming you. The work of the Holy Spirit is perfect and purposeful, and He is building in you qualities and characteristics that will reflect Him to everyone you come into contact with.
Take a few moments to do a self-evaluation today. Is God actively remodeling something in you? If not, is there something that you need to allow him access to?
Have a great week and enjoy working on your next personal remodeling project.
About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!