Is God’s Will Collaboration?
In John 17:21, Jesus said, "I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me."
Before his crucifixion, this is what Jesus prayed for; this is what he deemed absolutely essential to the spread of the gospel, and what he asked for according to the will of the God the Father: unity within all believers.
Do you think that the body of Christ currently exudes such incredible oneness that there is no doubt the Almighty dwells among us? Friends, I think we have some work to do.
For years, I read John 17 and wondered where the collaboration and cooperation among believers was. Everywhere I looked, I found ministries and churches rivaling one another for attention, financial support, and recognition; I saw an attitude of individualism become pervasive among Christ-followers and lead to a culture of competition rather than cooperation. It was about this time, I asked God to show me what true unity and collaboration looked like among believers so that I could reproduce it, and I heard God say, "Jim, you show them!"
Since then, Martha and I have been working to demonstrate unity in all of our pursuits. From its inception, iWork4Him has been dedicated to unparalleled collaboration, strategic connection, and workplace transformation. It is all about the Faith and Work Movement and how God is showing up in everyday believers' workplaces. So, let me ask you, what are some ways to turn competition into collaboration in your workplace today?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Lighten a coworker's load by offering to help with some of their tasks
- Use your giftings/skillsets to go above and beyond your expected work duties
- Consider forming a common goal for your team to move towards
- Find good qualities in those you work with and tell them what you see
- Look for ways to lift up and honor the work of those around you
- Think of new ways to convey employee appreciation / staff recognition
- Don't forget to say thank you to your coworkers/employees/bosses
For more ideas and encouragement about living your faith out at work, check out the brand new Awaken Podcast Network - one place with all the podcast voices of the Faith and Work Movement. It's easy to find a voice that will resonate with you as you seek out God's purpose for you in your work! If you prefer watching videos to listening to podcasts, head over to our YouTube Channel - one place where all our broadcasts/Interviews/short clips/short visits are captured as we seek out Christ-followers working with the Lord every day.
These are just two places where collaboration and cooperation are demonstrated in our work today; two places where you can get access to other people sharing from their heart about God's purpose for you in your work today.
About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!