What pain in this world drives you to your knees?
God made each of us unique.
Each has a unique set of gifts, talents, and abilities.
Each has a unique relationship with God – experiencing Him differently than I do.
Each has a unique passion in their heart.
Each is brought to their knees by a different pain in the world.
These unique qualities drive us to solve different problems in our work, homes, and communities. What is it for you?
Justice & integrity are two of my core values. The pain of injustice and the lack of journalistic integrity are just two of the issues that drive me to my knees. I pray about them and ask God to show me what I can do to make a difference.
The Holy Spirit of God has laid a burden on your heart for some ill in our society. Fixing this problem is impossible on your own. That is the way God likes it. It is impossible to solve the problem without Him by your side. So many of us stop at "impossible" instead of going to our knees and bringing this impossibility to God.
King Hezekiah looked over Jerusalem's walls at an Assyrian army of 185,000 men and knew that Judah couldn't win a war against them. But Hezekiah, and the entire city, petitioned the Lord, and He delivered them from the impossible. It happened to Gideon and Deborah. It happened for King Jehoshaphat. It happened for Peter at Pentecost, and it can happen for you.
God is ready to solve the impossible He has laid on your heart, if only you will ask Him to join you. Nothing is impossible with God. As a follower of Jesus, our culture needs you to solve the "ill" that drives you to your knees. Ask God to be your impossible solver today.
Our book iWork4Him is full of incredible faith stories of people just like you that God used to solve impossible problems in the workplace. An incredible example is a recent interview: Taking on the Goliath's of the World where a few unlikely physicians shaped the future of Health Care. Does that sound impossible? Well guess what? It's God possible!
About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!