Put a Fish on it Part 2

This cartoon really symbolizes some of the reasons for decline in the United States of America.  Way too many Christians, including me early on in my marketplace career, have used a fish symbol to indicate their “conversion” instead of using a transformed heart that “Loves the Lord your God with all your heart, Mind and Soul and loves your neighbor as yourself”.  Too much religion is about arrogance and rules and power. Jesus was all about bringing inner healing , “LIVING WATER” he said. He wasn’t about pomp and circumstance.  The issues of decline in our society are directly related to Christ Followers failing to bring the Jesus Solution to society.  Every sin issue in our world already has a solution. Jesus paid the price for all sin, even the ones you don’t think are worthy of forgiveness. When our lives depict a reticence and reluctance to forgive and bring healing to our neighbor, we are part of the problem.  A fish symbol doesn’t solve anything.  It’s original intent was to be a secret messaging tool for Christians in persecution, not an advertising tool.

Your workplace is filled with broken and hopeless people who are living in fear. You are a messenger from God to them. Be the healing balm in your workplace today.  Don’t use a fish symbol to announce your Christianity, use love, forgiveness and truth to do that.



PS. I do have a fish symbol on the back of my car. It is the iWork4Him Logo.  It keeps me in line in my driving because I know it is a statement of my faith. However, I don’t think it has ever inspired someone to follow Jesus, yet.

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!