Five Ways To Practice Gratefulness At Work
There is no shortage of things to complain about in 2020. It would be easy to create a list of ways to complain at work, but who needs help doing that? What if we could develop habits during Thanksgiving that we could practice year-round? Now that would be an accomplishment! So, as we go about our work – no matter if we work alone, lead a group of 4 or 5, or a team of 100, here are a few steps we can take to increase gratefulness around us every day.
Write down the names of 5 people you work with. List one thing you appreciate about each of them and make a point to share that with them this week.
List 3 things that you can accomplish because of your paycheck. Be thankful for the income to do those things.
Send an email to a vendor or customer and tell them how much you enjoy your relationship with them.
Add a grateful sentiment to the end of your email signature.
Think of the person at work that gets under your skin and pray for them. Thank God for something specific about that person.
1 Cor. 1:4-5 I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. 5 For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge—
This verse tells me that I should always thank my God for others because of God's grace. I don't deserve anything, but God gives me His grace freely. So, it's my turn to do the same thing to other people—what better place to practice this principle than in our work. We can start to develop a habit of Thankfulness when we practice simple steps like the ones listed above. Will you join me?
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Happy Thanksgiving, Martha & Jim