Thank You

Thank you for letting God work in your life – and letting Him direct you.

Thank you for being an example to others – even when it’s hard.

Thank you for doing your work with excellence – or at least trying to.

Thank you for praying for your co-workers – who doesn’t need extra prayers?

Thank you for hearing others’ stories and allowing them to impact your life.

Thank you for being doers of the Word and not just hearing it.

Thank you for using the gifts, talents, and abilities that God has given you.

Thank you for waking up today ready to serve!

Thank you for choosing to use some of your precious time to listen to iWork4Him.

Thank you for sending encouraging/challenging notes to iWork4Him.

Thank you for your prayers as we pursue God sized plans.

Thank you for your support as we grow to meet more needs.

Phil. 1:3 Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.

We love you and THANK YOU, Jim and Martha Brangenberg