Stop and Pray Now

“Would you pray for me?  Sure I will…see you later…”  This conversation goes on daily across the globe in all aspects of life; home, work, neighborhood, grocery store and church.  So, what is wrong with it?  So much…read on.

To be honest, that conversation represents hundreds of conversations I had during the first 30 years walking with the Lord.  How pathetic of me to be afraid to stop and pray right then.  I often remembered to pray later for the need but why did I not pray right then?  Was I afraid of what someone would say?  YES

Let us stop this craziness, NOW. There is so much power in prayer.  

I admit, I really didn’t understand this until about 10 years ago. Occasionally I saw the hand of the Lord in my prayers but most of the time my prayers were filled with empty words spoken so that I could get on with my busy day.  What is so important right now that you can’t stop and pray in that moment, with the person asking you to pray?  God allows people to intersect our lives all day long.  If we slow down, we will see people that are hurting and hopeless.  Take some time and talk to them.  

At the end of every conversation I challenge you to say “Can I pray with you about that?”  I don’t believe anyone has ever said “No”, when I have asked.

I have experienced an explosion in my faith as I learned to step out and start praying with people when they ask for prayer.  The people the Lord intersects my life with each day need to experience that time of prayer and I cannot be too busy to stop and pray.

Are you too busy to stop and pray?  Watch for opportunities to pray with someone today.  Once you start praying with people the gloves come off and the battle begins. God will defeat the enemy in people’s lives when you introduce them to the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of our Father and His son Jesus.

Next week: Prayer Intentionality in our homes.

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!

Jim Brangenberg