Uniting faith & work ministries: the tapestry project
Imagine if ministry organizations were united together and working in harmony, advancing toward the same Kingdom goals!
iWork4Him’s vision is to unite faith and work ministries like never before. We believe that collaboration is key, and that we need to connect like-minded organizations and individuals. For more than a decade, God has been weaving the stories and work of so many ministries into iWork4Him, connecting us to connect you. Here are some goals that you can help us achieve by donating:
Establish a "Tapestry Database" that catalogues faith and work ministries across the country
Use the connections we have made over the years for a greater purpose, resulting in a bigger impact on the Kingdom
Forge more connections, resulting in greater collaboration, more workplace believers, and a more supportive and equipped community
Generous partners have made the start of the Tapestry database possible, but your help is needed to see this project through!
Just like a tapestry, the work is sometimes messy and takes time, but in the end, a beautiful, unified vision emerges. We invite you to partner with iWork4Him in creating a spectacular tapestry of unity and impact.