YOUR Kingdom Calling - Part I

Do YOU understand your Kingdom calling? Even if you do, take a listen. Dr. Amy Sherman wrote the definitive book on faith and work ‘Kingdom Calling’, and her book is a great place to start! She wants us Christ-followers to cause rejoicing in the city because of how God is using us.

Featured Guest: Dr. Amy Sherman
Ministry/Workplace: Vocational Stewardship

Someone God Can Use: Overwhelmed & Underqualified - Part II

There is such a thing as a Kingdom business: So, what does that look like?  Enter Betenbough Homes out of Lubbock, Texas. They have the formula and share it with others through Kingdom At Work.

Featured Guest: Rick & Holly Betenbough and Casey Brewer
Ministry/Workplace: Kingdom at Work & Betenbough Homes

The ACTUAL Culture War - Part II

Challenge your Christianity. You’ll be challenged, maybe even a tad offended by Carmen LaBerge, a “truth-telling it like it is” radio talk show host, who shares her views on really LIVING like a Christ-follower, in every conversation.

Featured Guest: Carmen LaBerge
Ministry/Workplace: Reconnect with Carmen

Connecting People with Purpose

How do you go about changing an entire city for God? We find out at the headquarters of the Austin Bridge Builders Alliance in Texas. They don’t build highway bridges, but they build relationship bridges between marketplace Christ-followers.

Featured Guest: Tony Dale, Rich Carney, Tammy McKinney, Felicia Betancur, J-Pier Durio

Ministry/Workplace: Austin Bridge Builders & Sedera Health

Be Busy, Not Hurried - Part II

Is there a benefit to rest while we work? Find out what an Unhurried Leader is from the author, Alan Fadling, as he schools us on “unhurried living and working”. Find out how to be an unhurried leader and their secrets to “success”. You can start now by slowing down and listening NOW!

Featured Guest: Alan Fadling
Ministry/Workplace: Unhurried Living