Thriving in Community

In an interview from the most recent CLA Outcome’s Conference, we talked with Mark Tjernagel, CFO for Cru, about holistic living and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit every day. Cru has a set of organizational values: faith, growth, and fruitfulness. However, during COVID-19, Mark’s team has added an additional value to the list: community.

Throughout the Pandemic, Mark’s finance team has been intentional about staying connected and recognizing the importance of every department playing out their role to the greater mission. Romans 12 is a whole chapter that drills down to the beauty of the body. We are all part of the body of Christ, and we need each other.  The members of his team need each other, their department needs other departments, and Cru needs other organizations for the whole body to thrive.

Guests: Mark Tjernagel

Ministry/ Workplace: Cru

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Did He Get ALL of You?

Want some unique charitable ideas? If you own or lead a company, hear about some unique funding ideas to support and come alongside employees in distress. Helping Hands Ministries specializes in helping others be generous with the blessings their work provides.

Featured Guest: Dan Baker, Jon Evans, and Bryan Green
Ministry/Workplace: Helping Hands Charitable

It’s Time for a Revolution

Dr. Jessica Rothmeyer is a born encourager. In fact, she was the person everyone went to for help fixing their issues. As a counselor, Jess often saw that people would get discouraged and not only walk away from their healing, but also their faith. Her recent book, It’s time for a Revolution, is an answer for practitioners to cast out the worldly teaching of today and realign their thinking with a new, healthier way of thinking – the Kingdom mindset.

In today’s show, Jessica boils it all down to two practical steps:

1. Read the Word of God 

2. Grow an intimate relationship with God 

We all have areas that need healing and Dr. Jessica is offering our listeners the chance to win a copy of her new book by calling 866-713-9675. Plus, receive 50% off her online course, Healing the Wounds of the Soul, by entering the code iWork4Him

Guests: Dr. Jessica Rothmeyer 

Ministry/ Workplace: Kingdom Mindset

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No Matter What You Do...

How do you honor God with your money? Find out from two financial dynamos: Luke Andrews and Dave Kruis, BRI experts (Biblical Responsible Investing) – do YOU know about that yet? Don’t let your portfolio miss out…

Featured Guests: Luke Andrews & Dave Kruis
Ministry/Workplace: Belleair Wealth Management & Inspire Advisors

Connections That Grow Culture

In this interview from the most recent Outcomes Conference, we talk with the Founder and CEO of iDonate, a powerful tool to help nonprofits transform their online giving experience. Ray Gary shares with us about what it takes to create a thriving workplace culture through authenticity and a “people first” mentality. Plus, we dig into leadership, the powerful presence of God in your work, technology for giving, and tips on managing workplace culture and healthy relationships in this post-COVID digital work-world.

Gary shares his personal mantra that, “excellence honors God and inspires others.” Every day he wakes up and asks himself how he can do his job with the right heart, the right values, and excellence – and he inspires his team at iDonate to do the same!

Guests: Ray Gary 

Ministry/ Workplace: iDonate

Sponsored by GiANT

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WHERE Are We Leading People?

Discipleship. “Be One, Make One”, so says Chad Hood. It’s something we all have been called to do, but where do we even start? “Go Disciple” has those answers. Find out how Chad got the call to help fill the ranks of believers and some of the best discipleship wisdom we’ve heard in a while!

Featured Guests: Chad Hood
Ministry/Workplace: Go Disciple

God’s Call to Congress

Scotty and Ester (Ish-tay) Moore met through a series of God-ordained events. Their relationship had always centered around their work with CRU, but all that changed when Scotty received a prophetic word and began to feel led to run for Congress to represent District 9 in Florida. After praying and seeking Godly counsel, the couple agreed to walk together in obedience to God’s call on their lives. Tune in to hear more about how Scotty and Ester Moore are serving God in the realm of politics.

Prayer is a key component of any journey! The Moores have a dedicated prayer team not only for their campaign but also while they serve and lead their family daily. Scotty and Ester are determined to be trustworthy and avoid pitfalls that other politicians may have experienced. Let’s all commit to praying for the Moores and the many other Christian couples serving through an elected office in our country! We need their leadership, and, as it says in 1 Peter 5, “the enemy is prowling around looking to devour.” Join us in lifting up these Christ-followers as they choose this responsibility!

Guests: Scotty and Ester (Ish-tay) Moore

Ministry/ Workplace:

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Radical Generosity

In this special interview from the most recent Outcomes Conference, Bill High, Executive Chair and Founder of The Signatry, shared about radical generosity and how he keeps his faith strong and centered through reading the Chronological Bible every year. He says that seeing the events of Scripture line up in history gives him a much-needed context for trusting God – something all of us could use more of! Learning to say, “It’s ok” and “I don’t understand, but I’ll still trust” has been key to keeping him going. Plus, Bill talks with us about several practices the Signatry has instituted to help their employees thrive during COVID-19.

Guests: Bill High

Ministry/ Workplace: The Signatry

Sponsored by GiANT

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