"Enter The Ring"
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It was a special “Together-on-Tuesday’s” Edition on WEDNESDAY as Jim and Martha talked with DA and Elicia Horton about their latest book – “Enter the Ring: Fighting Together for a Gospel Saturated Marriage”.  Learn how to saturate your marriage and relationships in this podcast!

Featured Guest: DA & Elicia Horton

Workplace / Ministry:  DA Horton

InterviewJim Brangenberg
"Avoiding The Greener Grass Syndrome"
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Our “Together-on-Tuesday’s” offering this week featured acclaimed speaker, TV host and author, Nancy C. Anderson, and a conversation about her latest book – “Avoiding the Greener Grass Syndrome” – and learning  how she and her husband, Ron, overcame Nancy’s adultery.  Powerful podcast.

Featured Guest: Nancy C Anderson

Workplace / Ministry:  Nancy C Anderson

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Are You A Monday Morning Atheist?
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Learn how to kick those Monday Morning doldrums out the window with Doug Spada and WorkLife as today’s podcast will give you everything you need to say: “Thank God It’s MONDAY!”  Make ‘The Switch’ today!

Featured Guest: Doug Spada


InterviewJim Brangenberg
2020 is Love’s Year
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We grabbed the year’s final update from Love2020 with Kathy Branzell as she laid out the ministry’s accomplishments for this year that almost was, and proposes a delicious dare to YOU for this year to come…

Featured Guest: Kathy Branzell

Ministry/Workplace: Love2020

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Cynthia Ruchti Work4Him
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Jim and Martha invited in friend and author, Cynthia Ruchti, to not only talk about her latest book – ‘As My Parents Age’ – and have a conversation about our roles as kids of aging parents, but also to learn about Cynthia’s life, love and journey.  Tune in to learn all about this amazing Christ-follower!

Featured Guests: Cynthia & Bill Ruchti

Ministry/Workplace: Cynthia Ruchti

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Tony And The Wisdom Journey
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Join us for a quick pit stop in Austin (TX) today as we have another conversation with Tony Dale of Sedera Health to learn how he’s furthering the Workplace Revolution. He details his “Wisdom Journey Bible Study”, which offers an opportunity for his employees and managers to have God-conversations for the greater Good of his company, his city, and our world.

Featured Guest: Tony Dale, Justine, Myles, Ana & Addie

Ministry/Workplace: Sedera - The Karis Group

InterviewJim Brangenberg
LIVE From The Impact Summit
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Today, we were broadcasting LIVE from our nation’s capital at the Impact Summit – This summit is a gathering of over 400 leaders in the faith and work movement to build kingdom focused collaboration. Check today’s podcast for more insight from Bobby Mitchell & Chad Merrill.

Featured Guests:  Bobby Mitchell & Chad Merrill

Workplace / MinistryFCCI

InterviewJim Brangenberg