Barna Makes Data Come Alive

Roxanne Stone, the Editor in Chief at the Barna Group, joined us to talk about their survey re: Faith and Work and highlighted some surprising stats over a wide range of topics: millennials, work and faith, economic activity, and so much more.  These stats are impressive – learn about them now.

Featured Guest: Roxanne Stone

Ministry/Workplace: Barna Group

Advancing the Kingdom in Austin

We took another stop in Austin (TX) to visit with our friends at Sedera Health and chat about how their mission is progressing, and also to get an introduction to the Austin Bridge Builder’s Alliance, who are looking to advance the Kingdom of God through flourishing communities across Greater Austin – great testimonies, both.  Hear them now:

Featured Guests: Dania Heffington; Rich Carney

Ministry/Workplace: Sedera Health; Austin Bridge Builder’s Alliance

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Make Plans for this Summit

It’s coming up at the end of March in DC, and you NEED to be there – the Culture Shapers Summit and it’s packed with headliners.  We grabbed the sponsor of the event, Os Hillman, and a couple of integral players to hear more about how they intend to change the world with this event.  Tune in.

Featured Guests: Os Hillman; Tyler Johnson; David Ferguson

Ministry/Workplace: Culture Shapers Summit; Redemption Church

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Impact the World with a Biblical Worldview

Guest, Christian Overman, brought on a few folks with him to put on display how – and why – having a Biblical worldview can literally change the world.  It impacts how we interact with folks EVERYWHERE – inside our workplace, and out.  Change your perspective and move the movement inside this podcast.

Featured Guests: Christian Overman; Dean Ritter; Cynthia Longabaugh

Ministry/Workplace: Worldview Matters

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Host Vs Host

DC Radio Host, Carl Grant, joined us as another Brother in broadcasting to talk about how his radio show, Faith @ Work, is highlighting faith’s movement in the center of the political universe.  His parallel message of bringing faith to work is touching hearts and souls EVERYWHERE.

Featured Guest: Carl Grant III

Ministry/Workplace: Faith @ Work

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Apartment Livin’

Mission fields are EVERYWHERE – including apartments, and that’s exactly where Sean Bailey and company are operating with their organization, Apartment Life, which is bringing Jesus to this living space; one unit at a time.

Featured Guests: Sean Bailey; John Leslie

Ministry/Workplace: Apartment Life

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Live Life Generously

Everyday!  How?  Easy* – well, maybe not that easy, but definitely worth it – it takes God-led, intentional movement and processes.  And we heard about it via the father-son duo, Drew and Brad Formsma, who wrote the book, “Everyday Generosity”, and told us why it works.  Be generous with your listening of this podcast and understand how this concept is changing the world.

Featured Guests: Drew and Brad Formsma

Ministry/Workplace: Everyday Generosity

InterviewJim Brangenberg
Two CEOs, One Vision

A couple of heavy -hitters from this year’s FCCI International Summit on this show with Chad Merrill – CEO of FCCI – and Greg Leith – CEO of Convene – who gave some great insight on their respective organizations, and why they’re imperative to the Workplace Revolution.

Featured Guests: Chad Merrill; Greg Leith

Ministry/Workplace: FCCI Insurance Group; Convene

InterviewJim Brangenberg