Posts in iWork4Him
Bible Study at Work?

Why have a bible study at your workplace?  Tony Dale, founder of Sedera Health details his “Wisdom Journey Bible Study”, which offers an opportunity for employees and managers to have God-conversations for the greater good of his company and their families.

Featured Guest: Tony Dale & staff

Ministry/Workplace: Sedera - The Karis Group

Stretch Me, Lord

What happens when you ask God to stretch you?  Find out as we interview two ministry leaders in Jacksonville, Florida: Lifework Leadership, which provides Christian leadership training and The Potter’s House – serving the city.

Featured Guests: Tammie McClafferty & Glenn Henderson

Ministry/Workplace: LifeWork Leadership - The Potter's House International Ministry

The Day I Met Stanley Tam

Hear the inspiring story of Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (FCCI), a pioneer organization in the Faith and Work Movement. Founded 44 years ago, FCCI asked the question, “what would it look like to apply biblical principles to business, and how would it impact the world for God’s glory?”

Taped on location from D.C. at the Impact Summit, one of FCCI’s founders, Bobby Mitchell, recalls meeting Stanley Tam, the Christ-loving CEO of U.S. Plastic, in May of 1980. At the time, Tam said that his goal was to bring five people to Christ each day, donate two million dollars annually, and plant churches internationally. Today, the business Stanley Tam built has generated more than $140 million towards the work of the Lord. It was this conversation that awoke Mitchell to the kind of Kingdom impact that businesses could have if they collaborated. Imagine thousands of companies like Tam’s, all dedicated to hearing God’s voice and fulfilling God’s purposes!

According to Chad Merrill, the current CEO of FCCI, their vision is to transform the world through Christ, one business owner at a time. They do this by equipping and encouraging business owners to live lives of cultural influence through biblical business practices, generosity, service, and stewardship. Ultimately, FCCI believes that God owns it all, and we are entrusted with resources to further His glory, not ours. It is from this place of stewardship that business owners are finding purpose and fulfillment at work.

To hear Bobby Mitchell’s story and more about what FCCI is doing for faith-led businesses worldwide, listen now.

Featured Guests:  Bobby Mitchell & Chad Merrill

Workplace / MinistryFCCI

The Business Cost of Divorce

What does divorce cost you, the employer?  More than you think. Tune into this podcast with Jim and Martha Brangenberg, avid marriage mentors, and hear about the hard costs, and potential options employers can offer their employees.

Featured Guests:  Jim & Martha Brangenberg

Workplace / MinistryJoin the 50 50 CHALLENGE!

Wise Counsel

Every business is a ministry and…every ministry is a business.  Hear about the Wise Counsel round-table group and from some of their members, and how to build businesses with a solid foundation of character, morals and spiritual principles.

Featured Guest:  John Beehner, with Glen Hettinger & Harry Lewis

Workplace / MinistryWise Counsel

So, I Went Looking...

Where do you go looking for Christ? Jon Dengler, bike enthusiast, bike shop owner and now bike minister, shares his story of finding Christ through LSD, and on the streets with the homeless.  Another bike brother and fellow minister, Pat Simmons shares Bikes for Christ.

Featured Guests: Patrick Simmons & Jon Dengler
Workplace / Ministry: Bikes4Christ - Well Built Bikes