Posts in Podcast
In Today’s Public School Environment Can You Even Be A Christian?
11-23-20 - New Podcast Episode Alert.png

I don’t think there is a question that our public servants often get the least amount of public appreciation. Today we are going to talk about public school teachers. Teachers often get paid okay but their work environments can be tough. Being an educator means dealing with Administrators, School Board members, Parents and the least of their trouble – the kids. In today’s public school environment can you even be a Christian? It seems like there is a large outcry about people sharing their Christian faith in schools. Martha and I are here today to let you know that there are lots of Christian educators and we are going to hear from one today. Craig Olsen and I grew up in the same youth group 35 years ago. We lost touch after Martha and I got married and moved away. A couple of years ago we connected on Facebook and recently we actually had a conversation on Zoom. Craig has a great story to tell about how God is using him in his position in the public-school system in MN.

Featured Guest: Craig Olsen

Workplace/Ministry: Work Coordinator/Special Education Teacher - The Christian Educators Association

Visit Craig’s YouTube - Email Craig:

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What Happens When God Invades Your Business?
11-18-20 - New Podcast Episode Alert.png

We’ve heard about army invasions between countries. Invasions of insects on our picnics, even invasions on our privacy on the internet, but what happens when God invades your business?  Does it mean automatic success? Does it mean p & l’s in the black and a big Lexus in the driveway?  What happens when God reveals to you that He wants to be involved in your work life, even running your business. Kim Avery experienced just that about 5 years ago. God invaded her business, and she has never been the same again. Author of The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur and Co-host of the Professional Christian Coaching today. She’s got a story to tell, and we are here to capture it for you.

Featured Guest: Kim Avery

Workplace/Ministry: Kim Avery Coaching & Prayer Powered

Take the FREE Prayer Quiz to best determine what area of your business would most benefit from strategic prayer at

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Prayer. Does It Really Make A Difference?
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Prayer. Does it really make a difference? Does gathering as a nation to pray on a single day a year change our trajectory? Some would say no, some would say yes, God would say that all prayer matters. He loves hearing from you. The National day of prayer was established to unite our nation in prayer. The National Day of prayer task force has been led by many and now it is led by Kathy Branzell, longtime friend of iWork4Him because of her involvement in the Love2020 movement. Kathy is here today to kick off the 2021 preparations for the National Day of prayer on 5/6/21. Kathy will give us the skinny and help us to prepare our workplaces for prayer every day.

Featured Guest: Kathy Branzell

Workplace/Ministry: Love2020

National Day of Prayer Date is 5/6/21 - Theme is 2 Cor. 3:17  Spirit pour out your love, life & liberty

YouTube Video Interview

7 Steps To Putting Our Faith Where Our Paycheck Comes From
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It takes a tremendous amount of faith to start living out your faith at work. It takes faith in Jesus and it takes faith in yourself. It really takes faith in your faith to put your faith where you work! But what are the steps to putting your faith into action? Tony Dale is one man who has had to put his money where his faith is more than one time in his life, and today he is going to give us 7 steps to putting our faith where our paycheck comes from.

Featured Guest: Tony Dale

Workplace/Ministry: Sedera

Check out Tony’s Blog -

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Relationology Is Changing The World
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Our Guest Today is Matt Bird, an international business and social entrepreneur. He has spoken to more than a million people in 30 countries, authored 10 books, written for The Times newspaper, and is a regular broadcaster on radio and TV. In his keynote speeches, Matt uses the power of story, experience, and humor to inspire people that they can change and provides them with the practical tools they can implement for immediate results. The top three subjects he has been asked to speak on recently include…

Growth Through Relationships,

The True Currency Of Business,

and Building Profitable Relationships.

Matt doesn’t know how to play tennis, but He lives in Wimbledon, England, with his wife Esther and their three children. In his spare time, you can find him at his local garden growing goodies for the Birdnest kitchen table. Matt Bird’s most famous book is Relationology and it’s changing the world.

Featured Guest: Matt Bird

Workplace/Ministry: Relationology

Get your Free book download @

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Ministering Unto The Least Of These With Bicycles
11-09-20 - New Podcast Episode Alert.png

Everybody has a story of how they first met Jesus and every one of those stories is different. Not wrong just different. When Jon Dengler was last on our show, we opened up the show with Queen’s song “Bicycle Race” and then he blew the minds of most Christ-followers when he said these words. I met Jesus on an LSD trip. I started reading my Bible and it said that I was supposed to minister unto the least of these. So I started hanging out with homeless people. It wasn’t until later that I realized that Christians don’t really do that sort of thing.  Its been 4 years since that show and Jon Dengler has grown a Biznistry out of helping folks in need of transportation learn how to fix bikes…and so much more.

Featured Guest: Jon Dengler

Workplace/Ministry: The Well Incorporated & WellBuilt Bikes - Help the Bike Drive In Tampa

YouTube Video Interview

Stewarding Your Investments To Make A Positive Impact On Our Communities & The World Around Us
11-06-20 - New Podcast Episode Alert.png

They say that money makes the world go around but I am not sure who they are. Money is a think that can be used for evil and can be used for good. But money often leads to heart issues. There is likely not one person listening today who hasn’t struggled with the incredible pull and influence money has on your life. Money may make your world go around. You can let money manage your life or you can manage your own life using money but either way, without money, life is hard to live. So what do we do with this powerful influence that money has on our lives. Can we use that power for good? Biblically responsible investing is one way you can use your money to make sure it is being used for good. Luke Andrews is here today to make sure that we all know how to make sure our money is powering positive impacts on our community.

Featured Guest: Luke Andrews

Workplace/Ministry: Inspire Advisors &

YouTube Video Interview

Can Truth & Hope Be Brought To A Workplace?
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There is a destructive force in this world. It has a name and a leader. That leader is the father of lies…and you know what he loves for you to do? He loves for you to believe the lies he tells you about your self and about others.  How do you combat the lies you believe and I believe about ourselves and others? With God’s hope and the transformational truth of Jesus.  But can you do this in a workplace?  Can Truth and Hope be brought to a workplace to bring healing and build community?  KP Lovejoy joins us today to shed some light on this subject by sharing the truth’s she has learned.

Featured Guest: Kimberly "KP" LoveJoy 

Workplace/Ministry: LoveJoyCO

YouTube Video Interview

Trusting God To Turn Life’s Difficulties Into Growth & Blessing
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Before our guest surrendered his life to God, his marriage was a ticking time bomb, only salvageable by divine intervention. His business was his idol, and he felt immense pressure to run others over with it. He was a walking ball of fear, which manifested itself as uncontrolled anger. But Christ changed all that, granting our guest the peace he had not realized was possible. Dedicating his life and his business to God didn’t take away all of his problems. Keeping his new restaurant, Peter D’s, and running the family business Demos Brands was incredibly challenging and was the source of some of his biggest business failures. But God used those failures to draw Peter Demos to Himself and make Peter more like Him. Learning to trust God to lead him through it all has turned those difficulties into growth and blessing in Peter’s life.

Featured Guest: Peter Demos

Workplace/Ministry: Demos Brands - Afraid to Trust

YouTube Video Interview

Identity And Destiny Classes For Women In Business
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On September 3, 2013, I heard from God; I heard from Him three things that resulted in the mission of iWork4Him. This revelation came after six months of studying Identity and Destiny. Back then it was a workbook study that I went through alone, and then Martha went through it. Now, Identity and Destiny has gone international and our guest today is going to tell us about how you can get involved in what I call the “Bible Study workbook that every Christian around the world should be required to experience”.  Wendie Klem is the Regional Director for The Nehemiah Project in North America and she is leading Identity and Destiny Classes for Women in Business. We can’t wait to hear more about the online launch of Identity and Destiny.

Featured Guest: Wendie Klem

Workplace/Ministry: Nehemiah Project International Ministries

YouTube Video Interview

For your chance to win 2 FREE tickets to upcoming classes starting SOON, call 866-713-9675 to enter or email

Starts Nov. 2nd Women in Business I&D class details

Starts Nov. 10th General - USA I&D class details