3/11/22 - God's Call to Congress: Scotty Moore (ScottyMoore4Congress.com)

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Jim: You've tuned into iWork4Him, the mouthpiece for the faith and work movement where your host, Jim and Martha.

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Jim: Scotty Moore is running for Congress. Now this is not a political show, but a show focused on the stories of Jesus followers, living out their faith at work. So today we are going to go and get into Scotty's position on issues. We're going to talk about all kinds of things with he and his wife.

about how they're going to serve our country while protecting their faith while protecting their marriage while protecting their family all while serving in the United States, Congress. Scotty and his day more welcome to iWork4Him.

Scotty Moore: Thank you. Thank you very much. Honored to be here.

Jim: You say that now. I hope you feel that way at the end of the show. All right, Scotty, why did you decide to be a follower of Jesus?

Scotty Moore: Yeah, well, I mean, it was one of those decisions when I was 11 years old, I grew up in central Minnesota. I went to a Bible camp. You know, I, I was very friends orientated. I just needed to be around people all the time.

If my wife jokes that I'm an extreme extrovert, I, in fact I can exhaust extroverts.

Jim: I dare you. I double dog dare you.

Scotty Moore: So it was while at this Bible camp in lake beauty Bible camp in long Prairie, Minnesota, middle of nowhere, kind of small town where the Lord met me.

And it was just really me responding to him and doing the work. And the funny thing is I had heard about Jesus a lot. I grew up in a Methodist church, very traditional, great people, but just really didn't understand the gospel. And it was at this chapel service. You know, the, the penetrating work of the holy spirit.

Did something. And I had a response, I had a choice to make. And so I stayed after and I gave my life to Jesus. And I remember going home, being excited, telling my mom, and she was excited too, but unfortunately we just didn't have the structure of the discipleship to really, to grow. In fact, there were be moments.

So like Dawson McAllister live, if you remember those kinds of moments. So I would go. Year to one of those things. And, but it wasn't until gala college where God really got ahold of my life. But that's, that's part of my story.

Jim: Fun fact for all of the, I work room audience, our youngest gave her life to Christ at lake beauty Bible camp in long Prairie, Minnesota.

Scotty Moore: Oh, my gosh.

Martha: I love how God just weaves stories together. So as soon as you said that, I was like, oh my goodness. That is just so great. What a great testimony that camp has.

Jim: All right. Ester. You come from Brazil or Brazil as I would not. I'm sorry. I just, I shouldn't even try that. So from Brazil. How did you meet Jesus?

Ester Moore: So I grew up also in a, not a Catholic family. Like many people would assume since I'm from Brazil. I grew up in a very traditional church, hearing all about Jesus, my entire life. But it wasn't until I was 16 years old that I attended a youth. Outreach in my city. And that's when I actually understand what it meant to have Jesus as my Lord and savior, not just my, just not just something that I professed with my mouth, but something that really made a difference in my life.

Martha: So how then did God bring the two of you together? Scottie, maybe you can share how you and ish day met and where God took

Scotty Moore: you with. This is a fun story. I like telling this story, I'll be really brief. But so we both were involved in crew in college. God really got ahold of our lives and we were taught, trained, and equipped that used to be campus crusade for Christ.

And so we were very involved helping people know Jesus, and we went to a student conference and in fact it was in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Ester was helping out in Brazil and our region. Bluish day up. That's the first time she'd ever been in the United States, flew her up in winter, by the way. So it was about 40 below zero and she grew up four degrees away from the equator right on the ocean.

So first time she'd ever been in that kind of weather. And so she was on stage in front of 1500 students and she speaking Portuguese with an interpreter. And I, I, I literally, I remember this, I leaned over to my buddy and I'm like, she's. Too bad. She doesn't speak English. And so she was talking and she said something, the interpreter didn't understand what she said.

And so she interpreted herself into English. And I literally remember, I just casually lead back over to my buddy. And I said, so you're saying there's a chance. Yes. And so we, we hit it off there. We had some mutual friends, some of my friends had just gone down there to bring up. For some emissions trip.

And so that was a 1998, but we actually didn't start dating until 2001. There's a longer story there, but that's how I first met her. So we started dating when I moved to Brazil in 2001 I asked her to marry me on top of the Sugarloaf mountain and Rio de Janeiro pawn Jessica. And then in 2003, we were married in Brazil.

Jim: Wow, fantastic. And a little credit out there to Jim Carrey and dumb and dumber. Alright. how did the two, I'm sorry, way too early. So how did the two of you come to the decision that God is calling you and your family to run for Congress?

Scotty Moore: Well, I'll start out really briefly and then I'll let Ester carry because she's the one who held really the decision that. Moving forward in her hands.

So you know, four years ago, actually five years ago now it was in December of 2016. God used a guy from Africa who gave me a word, a prophetic word, and I have actually forgotten specifics about that word until 2020. And I remember the Lord was just stirring in my heart and mind and part of what you teach and what we teach is that our responsibility is to hear from the Lord and respond.

And so, as I was, you know, and I've had a career of just walking with the Lord, trying to do that, and as heard. Just the whisperings from the Lord. I called a buddy of mine, Derek Patton, and I called him and I said, Denmark, this is going to sound pretty crazy. But I feel like the Lord is calling me to run for us Congress.

And I can show you where my office, where I was standing at that moment. And he said immediately, cause he was in the room. When that guy gave me that word, he said, immediately go Scotty, I've been waiting for you to step into that. And he said it was such a profound. Just guttural, like a confirmation that it was that man that started stirring.

So I brought it up to Ester and, Ester, emind me again, what was your response?

Ester Moore: I said, no,

Scotty Moore: no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Ester Moore: Yeah. When he, when he came to me and he said, I think the Lord might be calling me to go into politics. I said, no, he's not. You know, I know the mind of the Lord and I know that he's not, but we he's like, let's pray about it.

And I said, sure, I'll pray about it, but I don't want to do it.

So we, we prayed. And as we were praying about it, we talked to other mentors and other people that had been walking with Jesus longer than we have. And many of them were very encouraging, saying, we do need people like you then. But all of them, no exception said do not do it if your wife doesn't agree with it, do it, don't do it. And so I kept praying and I didn't feel any leading from the Lord either way for yes or for no for many months until we went to a marriage conference. And we, I was reading, I was reading a book that had nothing to do with it, but I just felt the Lord speaking to my heart saying release Scotty, just because this is something that you will never choose to do with her life doesn't mean that I'm not calling him to do it.

And so I believe that the Lord has been equipping Scotty, and he actually has been, he has made Skydance for campaigning. It's not even. So I didn't find him. And he has been equipping Scotty for this, his entire life. And so I, I said, okay, let's, let's pursue this. Let's go after this. And who knows how to run a campaign?

We didn't until, I mean, until we started on those and we needed somebody to help and God has placed people in our path. And we have just seen story after story of God's sightings. It's just incredible. It's been an amazing

Scotty Moore: journey. Yeah.

Martha: So Scotty, you know, it's, so there's so many things I just want to call out, but it's amazing how you've just been obedient and asking the Lord to show you the next steps.

And so I just want to ask you this real quick. I think Scotty, the call to politics is not for everybody. How did you know that it was your.

Scotty Moore: Yeah, I agree. The call, the politics is, is not everybody's call. In fact, I think all of us have callings and stepping into that calling is really important and being aware of that and listening and, and really opening up some are called into, you know, being a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher and God has gifted us and given us talents and abilities to sow into.

And when people do that, not only are they blessed when they're operating in their giftings, but the people around them are blessed. And so it's really trying to understand that. And so. You know, 20 years ago or a little bit more, God birthed the passion for politics in my life. And so I've been very connected.

And so a lot of people maybe wouldn't know that because of the job that I had working with crew that I really wasn't able to be super political, but I, I really believe that God instituted politics. And so, you know, I would even joke around with this day saying, Hey, you know, maybe someday he'll call us into politics, you know?

Little did I know that it wasn't a part of my plan to say, Hey, I'm going to. You know, raising money, working with crew, and then I'll transition into this. It wasn't. But, but when you hear the Lord and you said the key word it's obedience and what I told Ester, I said, listen, I know you're freaked out.

I mean, I know so many people said, this is a dirty, crazy slimy kind of world, are you sure you want to get into it? And to me, I say, listen, number one, I'm just trying to be obedient. I don't know. You know, I'm not really looking forward to all that craziness, but number two is that if good godly people who follow Lord on.

Don't step into this who feels the void, and then we're subject to the crazy laws that are happening.

Jim: And on that note, we're going to take a break. You're listening to, iWork4Him. As we talked with Scotty and his TA more Scotty Moore for congress.com. Check them out online, Scotty Moore for Congress.

If you live in central Florida, he could be in your district. We'll be right back with more on network brand.

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Jim: Hey, welcome back to I work rooms. We're talking with Scotty in this team. More Scotty Moore for congress.com. Scotty Moore for congress.com. No, this isn't a political show, but we're talking about Scotty and his tased story of how they're being called to run for Congress out of what district.

Scotty Moore: District nine it's part of orange county and into Osceola county. They're redoing the districts right now. So we're kind of on standby. So we're just holding firm on that, but district

Jim: nine, that's where you're. Okay. All right. Okay. Listen, Scotty, this is, you know, you get into politics and it's a danger zone for Jim here.

Well, listen, the American people are fed up to way beyond here with Congress. Rarely does anything ever get accomplished most of the time, it's not good for our country. It's good for the lobbyists and for the Congress. People who seem to get richer and richer, even though the only make $170,000 a year, and they have now millions and millions of.

So, how are you going to go to Washington DC and keep it becoming part of the problem?

Scotty Moore: Yeah, I, and I really appreciate this question and it's an important question that we need to make sure we're addressing, not just with me, but also with the current members, because it is pretty crazy. And we need to look into the fact that, you know, people who make 170 they're public servants yet they're walking away being enriched and there's a power struggle.

I think the very thing is, is it's defined by the. The current people, it feels like they care more about keeping their job and keeping their power than they do at representing the people. We, the people and what's best for our country moving forward. And so what we need to do is have get back to the checks and balances.

We're holding people accountable. I mean, that's the kind of a very basic principle. Regardless if you're in a family, you got to hold your kids accountable. They can't just keep doing whatever they want to do. Also within businesses, if you're running a business and you have employees doing whatever showing up late, you got to hold them accountable.

You can't just say don't keep doing that or not. And that's also true for our government. We have checks and balances. We're not holding them accountable, then they're allowed to keep doing the craziness. Okay. Find that stuff. Those are,

Jim: that was a great, that was fantastic rhetoric. How am I going to hold you accountable?

You go to Washington, DC, you buy your little, you rent your little house in Washington, DC. You are out of touch. I can't walk into Congress and bop, you upside the head and say, listen, idiot. You're not doing what you said you were going to do. How am I going to hold you accountable?

Scotty Moore: It's totally true.

You're right. And so here's one of the things that I love about Congress, even though I'm not a big fan of having to run for reelection every two years, but the reality is. The Congress, the house, the men and women who represent the house of representatives, 435 are supposed to be in their districts more often than they're in DC.

And so they're supposed to have office hours and accessibility is the key. And so the idea is that we're not supposed to be hidden away out of touch, not paying attention. We're supposed to be here, engaging, connecting, and have accessible. And I think we've lost that. I think we've forgotten about that.

And I think so accessibility is a big thing in holding people accountable. Yes, that's so good.

Martha: And I am sure that along the way, your people locally, if they elect you and you go, they're going to know how to access you. And I think that that's going to be a real key to living with. So Ester, we've already established that this is a family decision.

Like you guys had prayed about it and decided that this is the path forward that God wants for you. How do you intend to, to protect your family and your marriage? From what we would assume it would be the pressures and the, shall we call it the plague of, you know, LIS living in the nation's Capitol.

Ester Moore: I think that in any, any calling that you have, where you're going to make a difference, there's going to be a hardship and persecution. And I think it's a little different for pastors, I think is a little different for anybody actually, who is doing any good in the world, there's going to be persecution.

And so I think that. Number one, we need spiritual protection. We need prayer. We need, not only are we playing home, praying for ourselves, but we need people praying for us. And we do have that right now going in. We need that kind of protection. And I think that that's number one. And I think that just, you know Whatever we do to protect our marriage.

Now, it's, we need to keep doing that because

Jim: what are you doing right now to protect your marriage?

Ester Moore: We we pray together. We have other people around us that are mentors and we, whenever we can, we attend conferences. Things like that. And we give time for each other for our marriage. And so I think that this is, this is no different.

I think it will be. It will be different when he is out of town. When he's in DC. Of course, it's, there's going to be restrictions with time in that, but I think it's, it's a season and we're just going to have to, you know, like, I believe that we both are going into this believing that God has called us into that.

And so we're just going to have to adjust to the reality of like him being gone for so many days a week in DC and

Martha: all that stuff, you know? And I just want to commend you on something right now. And I have started following you guys on Facebook and people can do. They you're living real life and you're showing things that God is doing in your life and your family.

And I just, I commend you on that because you're living the life that God's called you to go to be in all areas and allowing your family to keep growing and to invest in your spiritual walk as a family and your church activities and things like that. And so I, I, I hear you loud and clear that that prayer.

I believe also the biggest part of I'm holding you guys up and having that protection around you. All right.

Jim: Hang on. Here's the zinger though. Scotty Moore. You're going alone to DC. Cause you got a wife at home with a couple of girls in high school and something happens in DC. Scotty, something happens and I don't know what it is because I've never gotten to go, but I'm telling you something, the enemy is going to come at you.

All kinds of attacks and I'll guarantee you somebody's going to come at you with their body. Somebody you are going to be attacked sexually in DC because it happens all the time. There's gotta be something for some reason, that's got this hold. It seems like when people get to DC, they get the strangle all on them.

And all of a sudden they start doing stuff that they said they would never do. And what happens are they getting blackmailed or whatever? How are you going to protect you and your marriage to day? How are you going to protect that sexuality? Because that is going to come under attack when you're there alone at night.

Scotty Moore: Yeah, no, it's a really good question. And it's one that I've talked a lot with the state and we've talked with other friends and mentors and I've talked with the Lord about it too. And here are a few things. That have come up in that, that I'm moving forward on number one, I think isolation is dangerous anytime you're alone and you're moving forward.

That's, that's fertile ground for the enemy to really speak lies. We talk about that in first Peter five, that he's a, a prowling lion looking for someone to devour. And so he's just rot roaming around. So number one, I think the, the less that I can be alone and I'm not talking about, I just need to be in proximity to people, but with the right people, you know, David.

I ended up where he was, because it says in the spring time, when Kings go to war, David stayed home. What he didn't have is Jonathan and his life any longer to say, what are you doing? What you're not supposed to stay here, man. And as a result, that one decision led to another led to another led to another, and then it was best Sheba.

And then not only that it was murder, you know, because of that one decision of not having someone in his life to speak truth, to power and so often. And so I think there's a few things. Number one you know, you need to have people in your life who speak truth to power that can walk with you to not be isolated and be aware of that.

And then there's another thing. There's a document that we have called the VP Mosa. It talks about vision, purpose, mission, and long before you even get to the vision part, you talk about what, what, what do you want your marriage? What do you want your relationship with your wife and your girls to look like?

Long long ahead, you know, maybe when you're dead or, or, or near the end of your life. And, and that I'm committed to continuing. And so I don't want to risk losing my relationship with my wife or risk losing my relationship with my girls because of a decision now. And so that's gotta be at the forefront of my decision-making.

And so, you know, I'm not, I'm not gonna miss my girls birthdays or certain, certain important dates because of this power struggle because that's primary because I know at some point. I'm not going to be a Congressman, but I'm always going to be remade, but married to Ester and I'm always going to have it.

So what's primary and keeping those in checks. That's, that's one of the many ways that we're

Jim: doing. All right. Great. Shout out to transformational leadership TL on demand.com TL on demand.com. Great plug for there for the VP Mosa. All right, listen. Last, last question of this. Do you want to ask him, do you want to participate in this?


Martha: Oh, that'd be great. You know, the, the extroverts here are having a party. So and I love it. And you know, I think that, I know that that's one of the things that you know, God has given you guys the personality and the character and everything for this, and I'm hearing over and over again, how you've surrounded yourself with good counsel and people that love you.

The God's best for you. So what do you think is going to be the biggest challenge in like this whole election process process each day? Why don't you I dunno, what do you think as the wife of somebody who's out there in know campaigning? What do you think the biggest challenge is going to be for you?

Ester Moore: The pace has been I think challenging the Scotty is gone many times like this morning, he, he was gone before it was out of bed for a breakfast. So the pace has been crazy tends to be pretty intense, but at the same time, I have to say, I have never seen Scotty this energized he is.

There is something about doing what you feel like God has called you to do. And there is something about seeing God move that really energizes you. But I, I, I worry about his, even his health just because he he sometimes he's nicer. Like he's, he sleeps for not as many hours as I feel like I need to sleep because.

You know, he arrives late at night from an event. And then he has to sleep in, wake up at five, 5:30 AM to go to a breakfast Ms. Breakfast or something like that. And so that is

Scotty Moore: okay. The

Jim: pace, the pace. All right. I'm going to hope that he doesn't throw all this pace gets so stressed out. He loses that grip.

You're listening to, iWork4Him with your host, Jim and Martha Brangenberg. As we talked with Scotty and his Taymor Scotty Moore for Congress, Scotty Moore for congress.com. We'll be right back.

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Hey, welcome back to iWork4Him as we're talking with Scotty and Ester Moore, Scotty Moore for Congress and that's Scotty with a y - Scotty Moore for congress.com.

Being a Congressman is an honor. You're one of 435 of the most powerful people in America. And really that influenced the entire globe. How are you going to make sure that you serve those you represent and not the special interests that are giving you money to run for Congress and the people that have all this money that want to influence.

That's a danger cash in a pocket is a danger. How are you going to, how are you going to make sure you serve the people and district nine out of a orange and Osceola county, Florida. And not those that are gone. Hey, Scotty, I can give you a hundred grand for your campaign if you just help me out of your little.

Scotty Moore: Yeah. And, and I think the bottom line is, is really it's honoring God and integrity. And again, it goes back to the earlier point and it wasn't just running. So for the listeners to really hear and understand, I really do care about this country. I care about, I look about what is it going to look like for my daughters, 14 and 11?

What kind of America are they gonna inherit? What about my future grandkids that are not yet born? And if I give into those special interests oftentimes they're not, they're not concerned with the future of America. They're concerned with. Their business or what they want or pushing things. And that's how we've gotten ourselves into this position.

And so, number one, I would say the decision needs to happen before you get there. There needs to be a commitment and there needs to be a public commitment saying like, I'm not going to do that. I don't want to do that. That's not why I'm getting into that. So then now you can hold me accountable, but also that we're.

That we're having some clear boundaries in place. So for example, we worked with crew for over 20 years and we had to raise our funds individually. And so I guarantee you that we've been put in places where people are trying to do the quid pro quo. Can we do this? Can you do this? Clearly, we didn't get into this for the money.

You know, we didn't get into the past 20 years raising funds. And so for us, it's not about the money as much as it's about the mission. Now I'm not trying to say that I'm not corruptible because I'm human in anyone, anyone who thinks that they're not corruptible, that's a very dangerous place to be human.

And so that's the starting point, but I really believe that we need. Make that commitment first honor, the Lord have integrity and then have the track record of the past 21 years of not doing that already. Yeah.

Martha: And an earning the trust and, and, and showing that you're trustworthy along the way is really going to help the people that you are representing.

So one of the things that we really love to drive into is. There is a need for more people like you in the political arena, whatever that role might be. So there might be somebody listening today. That's thinking, you know, I've always thought about maybe running for Congress or maybe some other position.

What kind of advice can you offer to them? Right.

Scotty Moore: Yeah, great question. The bottom line is, is listen to the holy spirit. You know, the Bible talks about staying in step with the spirit and so not get ahead of them, not stay behind. And then conversely connected with that is obedience. You know, when the Lord calls us to do something, it can be scary.

There could be questions, but the Lord doesn't say, if he doesn't mind obedience, in other words, it's not predicated on whether or not I think I'll be successful. God, doesn't say obey me. If you think you'll be successful or step into this. And so oftentimes. Throughout the Bible, we kind of just glance glimpse over these really quick stories of David and Goliath.

There's a conviction and an understanding, but there's, there are real consequences connected to that. And there's, there's pushing through that, but also understanding and whose power look at Gideon. What happened with him? He had 32,000 finding men and it whittled down to 300. I guarantee you that there were people looking at that situation saying that's a suicide mission.

Hearing from the Lord, you know, we talk about Samuel and just hearing and understanding and the responding and listening to your spouse,

Jim: hearing from the Lord and listening to your spouse. Right.

Scotty Moore: It was very much a part of that relationship, right? I mean, he's going to call us

Jim: both. All right. We got to end this podcast.

How do you want us praying for you?

Scotty Moore: Yeah, well, I think again, we've mentioned it, but our marriages. First and foremost of, and I believe families are under attack right now, and I'm not trying to get too political. I'm just saying like, let's look around. And so it starts with us. We need to be good examples.

And then our kids, our kids are under attack right now. You look at what's happening in the culture. Please pray for us, pray for our kids. And as we stay, I want please, would you help us to pray to remain firm to God's truth? And I'm okay with having people vote me out of office because I'm honoring the Lord.

What I'm not okay with is sacrificing my printer. Of what God is asking us to do. And so I want to stay true to that. I believe we need more Patriots and people like that who are honoring the Lord and walking from. And so we covered your pair of prayers on that. All right. Well, let's pray

Jim: now the last dish I should ask.

Is there anything you want to add to what he just said?

Ester Moore: No, I just, I, I wholeheartedly agree because I don't, I don't think we want a, would not be willing to sacrifice our marriage and our family for

Scotty Moore: this. Alright,

Jim: cool. Father, we just lift up Scotty initially. Or we ask that you would protect them, protect their marriage, protect their hearts, their minds, their souls, and their strength as they worship you as they run for Congress.

Lord, if it is your will a scout to be part of a huge freshmen class in Congress, this next year, a Congress that is aimed at really bringing our country back to the standards that we were founded on. Over 250 years ago, almost 250 years ago, father, we just pray, pray for protection or health protection against the enemies attacks and all sorts of areas.

And Lord, we just pray for our country that we would get back to being a country that is a light on a hill shining light to the. And we ask this in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Scotty Anish, Taymor. Thanks for being on. iWork4Him today,

Scotty Moore: Scottie with a Y standing more for Congress. Thank you so much. God bless you guys.

That's right,

Jim: Scotty. More for Congress. You been listed. iWork4Him with your host, Jim and Martha bringing book we're Christ followers, our workplace. It's our mission field, but ultimately iWork4Him.

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Martha Brangenberg