Posts in iRetire4Him
126: You’re an Influencer

Part 2 of the 3-Part Series Kingdom Impact as a Senior 

In this episode of iRetire4Him, Jim Brangenberg and Bruce Bruinsma challenge retirees to find purpose in their retirement years by serving and encourage listeners to stay engaged, using their wisdom and experience to mentor and impact their communities. 

The show also features Mark Andrews, who shares his experience starting Adoptive Family Resources at age 60, proving it's never too late to find Kingdom purpose. Mark describes how this work fulfills him, comparing it to a snowball gaining momentum. Despite challenges, Mark believes every small act of service makes a big difference. 

Bruce and Jim discuss practical ways for retirees to influence culture, whether it’s volunteering, mentoring, or simply showing Christ’s love to others. They also highlight the power of prayer and intercession for those who may be less active physically but still want to impact the Kingdom. Making impact through service is possible for every senior!

SHOW GUESTS: Mark Andrews

Ministry: Adoptive Family Resources

125: Your Untapped Potential

Part 1 of the 3-Part Series Kingdom Impact as a Senior 

In this episode of iRetire4Him, Jim Brangenberg and Bruce Bruinsma discuss the untapped potential of retirees to make a Kingdom impact. Bruce highlights that many retirees feel they’ve outlived their ability to contribute because they haven’t realized their role in God’s ongoing plan. The conversation emphasizes moving from passive to proactive engagement in God’s work, with Bruce explaining that Kingdom impact means actively extending God's reign through our lives. He contrasts activity, such as hobbies, with proactivity, which is intentional and purpose driven. 

They also discuss Bruce’s book Living the Fruitful Life, which explores how bearing spiritual fruit leads to Kingdom impact. Bruce shares four key ways retirees can bring about Kingdom impact: living a Christlike life, loving and serving others, advancing God's mission, and faithfulness and obedience. John Avant, this episode’s special guest, shares his story of starting a new ministry at 65, focusing on supporting missionaries and college revival. His testimony reinforces the idea that retirement is not an end, but a new chapter for Kingdom work, where retirees can be freer than ever to follow God’s calling.


Ministry: Passion Promise

124: From Genocide to Good News

Part 3 of the 3-Part Series Operation Christmas Child for Retirees 

We hope you’ve been finding this series about Operation Christmas Child as impactful as we have! This final series episode features Alex Nsengimana, whose life was transformed when he received a shoebox full of goodies – his very first gift. Alex, originally from Rwanda, shares his harrowing story of surviving the 1994 genocide, during which he lost close family members. As a child, Alex experienced profound despair until he received that Operation Christmas Child shoebox at an orphanage. This simple act of kindness sparked hope and planted a seed of faith in Alex’s life. 

Through years of struggle and questions about God’s love and justice, Alex eventually found healing and forgiveness. He recounts the miracles of how God protected him during the genocide, leading to his acceptance of Jesus Christ. Today, Alex serves as a spokesperson for Operation Christmas Child, sharing his story to inspire others to contribute to this life-changing mission. He wants to encourage YOU, retiree, to bring this special project to your home, neighborhood, church, or community 

SHOW GUESTS: Alex Nsengimana

Ministry: Samaritan’s Purse

123: Let’s Get Packing!

Part 2 of the 3-Part Series Operation Christmas Child for Retirees 

Welcome back the Brumbelows as the iRetire4Him Podcast focuses on the impactful work of Samaritan's Purse and their Operation Christmas Child program. Mark and Cherry share their incredible journey of leading a 55-member Texas church to pack over 100,000 shoeboxes for children worldwide over the last several years.  

Cherry reveals how getting involved with Operation Christmas Child after becoming an empty nester gave her a renewed sense of purpose and has profoundly impacted her family and community. This ministry isn't just for the "chronologically superior" but is a family affair that engages all generations. No matter your age, you can make a significant impact! Maybe Operation Christmas Child is where God is leading you next as you walk through retirement. Find out how you can get involved on the Samaritan’s Purse website.

SHOW GUESTS: Mark & Cherry Brumbelow

Ministry: Samaritan’s Purse

122: Pursue Purpose this Christmas

Part 1 of the 3-Part Series Operation Christmas Child for Retirees 

In this special series of the iRetire4Him Podcast, co-hosts Bruce and Jim, and guests Mark and Cherry Brumbelow, want to present you with an excellent idea to add more purpose to your Christmas preparations. They explore the life-changing impact of Operation Christmas Child, a project by Samaritan’s Purse. The Brumbelows share their journey into this ministry, inspired by Mark's mother, who instilled in them a passion for spreading joy and the Gospel through the simple shoebox gifts. 

Operation Christmas Child has become a powerful way for the Brumbelows to find purpose in their later years, and it might just be a project that God is calling you to, too. It connects people of all ages in a shared mission of love and service. Why not bring it to your church and/or community? Check out the Samaritan’s Purse website for details on how to get involved. We’ll leave you with a powerful statement Mark made concerning his retirement years: 

“I don't want to be just involved in good stuff. I want to be involved in the best possible stuff when He comes back.”

SHOW GUESTS: Mark & Cherry Brumbelow

Ministry: Samaritan’s Purse

121: Hope for Tomorrow

Even in retirement, our calling from God remains active, providing purpose and direction. What about the days when we feel hopeless? Bruce explains that hope for tomorrow gives us the confidence and energy to face each day, no matter the challenges. He shares personal experiences, highlighting how faith and the guidance of the Holy Spirit provide reassurance in uncertain times.  

Jim and Bruce also touch on the struggles retirees face, such as waning hope due to life's difficulties, and how surrounding oneself with hopeful, faith-filled people can rekindle that hope. The episode concludes with Bruce sharing a personal story about how hope is keeping his family motivated for an upcoming trip to Ireland, illustrating the practical impact of holding onto hope in our daily lives. 

Doug Hunter – an unretired retiree – joins in the second segment to provide exemplary hope to retirement-aged listeners. You can enjoy your retirement to the fullest when you’re asking God “what’s next?” as you journey along life’s way. Tune in for a 30-minute dose of HOPE!


Ministry: Pinnacle Forum

120: Dealing with Your Kids’ Transitions

Part 3 of the 3-Part Series Transitions 

This episode highlights personal experiences, noting the impact adult children's transitions can have on retirees. Bruce stresses the importance of prayer, support, and the complexities of modern family dynamics. Jim recounts his own challenges, including caring for a granddaughter after his son's health issues and his parents moving to stay close. 

Mike Henry of Follower of One joins the show to discuss his ministry and to encourage retirees to integrate faith into everyday life. He explains the five habits for living out faith: pray, appreciate others, know what you believe, serve others, and speak for yourself. Although focused on workplace missions, anyone can take part in Follower of One’s Marketplace Mission Trips for spiritual growth and community support. 

Wrapping up, Bruce emphasizes the significance of being a trustworthy and loving presence in the lives of grandchildren, especially amidst family upheaval. We’re reminded that we can find purpose in the transitions as long as we depend on God, finding strength and guidance in Him.


Ministry: Follower of One

119: How Health Affects Our Retirement

Part 2 of the 3-Part Series Transitions 

Let’s keep examining the transitions retirees face and more specifically those related to health changes. Bruce shares a personal story about his wife Judy's recent health concerns and how they’re coping with this unexpected crisis. It highlights the importance of recognizing and preparing for transitions, especially during our retirement years. 

Dr. Jim Harris joins the second segment to share his journey of rediscovering purpose in his “4th quarter.” Despite being 71, Jim continues to pursue his calling, writing books and hosting a TV podcast, all with the motive of teaching others to discern God's voice. He encourages seniors to utilize their experiences to mentor younger generations.  

Changes are guaranteed to come, but how you deal with them will make all the difference! Keep listening to the iRetire4Him Podcast for practical and spiritual help, and check out the resources at



118: Navigating Retirement Phases

Part 1 of the 3-Part Series Transitions 

Come discuss with co-hosts Bruce and Jim the transitions retirees face, highlighting the three phases of retirement: active, mentoring, and reflective. Bruce explains that the active phase (ages 65 to late 70s) involves fulfilling bucket lists and to-do lists. The mentoring phase (late 70s to mid-80s) focuses on sharing life experiences and guidance. Finally, the reflective phase (mid-80s onward) emphasizes reflecting on and sharing wisdom with future generations. 

Joel Penton, CEO of LifeWise Academy, joins to share how retirees can make a significant impact by helping provide Bible education to public school students during school hours. He encourages listeners to support LifeWise by signing petitions, joining steering committees, teaching, chaperoning, or donating. Find out how you can get involved!  

Bruce concludes by urging retirees to embrace the reflective phase early, finding fulfillment in their relationship with God and sharing their faith journey. He emphasizes the importance of mentoring and supporting not only younger generations but also peers and even parents. Give Ecclesiastes a read for some much needed perspective! 


Ministry: LifeWise Academy

117: Let’s Reflect

Part 3 of the 3-Part Series Evaluating Your Retirement 

In part 2 of this series, hosts Jim and Bruce discussed 9 evaluative questions that all believers 55+ need to be asking themselves on a regular basis. This episode introduces the 9 reflective questions that accompany your evaluation. While your evaluation tells you where you’re at currently, your reflection will help you determine where you need to go

Here’s a hint about all the questions: they’re based specifically on walking out the fruit of the Spirit. Incidentally, that’s the name of Bruce’s newest book – Walking in the Fruit of the Spirit: In Every Age and Life Stage. You can rest easy knowing there’s a strong, biblical approach to making sure your retirement is as fulfilling as possible. As mentioned in part 2, reach out to to request a PDF copy of these evaluative and reflective questions.  

In the second segment you’ll find a special treat, hearing from Scott Couchenour once again. This time he shares the 6 key areas that need to be addressed for your “Fourth Quarter Strategic Plan.” It’s a short but impactful interview!

MID-SEGMENT GUESTS: Scott Couchenour

Ministry: Serving Strong