Finding Your Significance
“All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.”
I love it when the Apostle Paul talks about all the different parts of the body of Christ because so often, we get caught up in comparing ourselves to someone who was designed to function differently. We look at their role, giftings, or talents and wonder why we don’t have the same ones or we don’t look the same way.
For instance, I grew up thinking that the mouth was the most important part of the body. But it’s not. It’s just one part of millions. Some of us are tendons, some muscles, some bones; others are hands, feet, arms, or legs. Some of us are hearts and some minds.
No matter which part of the body of Christ you are, you are essential, and your role is significant.
No one part of the human body is independent of the other parts of the body. We, as humans, tend to diminish some parts of the body in their significance because they are less visible, but God doesn’t; every part is completely necessary for the functioning of the whole.
So which part are you? Are you one of those fancy parts that have skin and people can see from the outside? Or are you one of those behind-the-scenes workers like blood vessels, tendons, or muscles?
Whatever your role, whatever your personality, whatever your gifts, talents, and abilities are, they are significant. God made you exactly as you are. There are no mistakes. He made you so that you could impact the lives of those you were designed to. It is through the humility of any believer, in any position, that others are attracted to Christ.
Every part of the body is important, but it’s crucial to know which part you are. We need to understand who God created us to be and what he created us to be doing. If these are questions you haven’t thought about or don’t know the answers to, I recommend checking out Identity & Destiny: 7 Steps to a Purpose-Filled Life. You can also listen to our bonus author interview with the founder’s of Identity & Destiny, Tom and Pam Wolf, HERE.
Celebrate who God created you to be and find out how God wants to use you.
- Jim
About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!