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The Four Gifts of Advent: Prayer

Here we are in the season of Advent. For those unfamiliar with this term, it comes from the Latin word adventus, meaning “arrival,” and it is used to refer to the four weeks leading up to Christmas. During Advent, we reflect and prepare for the celebration of Christ’s birth - the ultimate gift.

So, in the spirit of Advent, we’re talking about the four greatest gifts that we, as Christ-followers, can give to those around us. And no, I’m not talking about a vacation in a warm part of the world during winter; I’m talking about the kind of gifts that leave a lasting impact on others. 

The gift we are focusing on today is one that I have been giving away for about 15 years. That’s right. We’re talking about the gift of PRAYER. 

So why is prayer a gift, and why is it so special to give? 

One of the main reasons is because prayer gives to God, others, AND ourselves. Three birds, one stone - talk about a gift that keeps giving! 

Prayer is a direct line of communication with God, an open invitation to come to Him whenever we would like. When we pray, it honors God first and foremost – because we invite God to speak and move in us and through us. Prayer is a form of praise as much as it is a petition. 

Prayer also gives to us because usually, when we pray for someone, it doesn’t change them; it changes US, the intercessor. It changes our hearts and how we see “the other.” When we pray for someone long enough, we start to see them how God sees them, and we begin to look a bit more like Jesus does. 

Then, as our hearts begin to be transformed, so do our attitudes and way of interacting with those we pray for. We begin to not only SEE them how Jesus does but also ACT towards them how Jesus would! And it is in this transformation of our attitudes, words, and behaviors that the person you are praying for will truly be impacted and blessed by the gift of prayer.  

Won’t you give the gift of prayer this Christmas season? Of course, you should pray for your family and friends, but I would also like to challenge you to pray for the people you work alongside each and every day by name. That’s a great start!

If you’re interested in giving the gift of prayer all year round, I encourage you to join the iWork4Him Nation Covenant! To find out more, simply CLICK HERE or go to: iwork4him.com/jointhenation 


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