Check Your Attitude About Labor

Labor – do we celebrate it? Do you celebrate it?  No, not the giving birth kind of labor but the everyday work kind of labor. Do you celebrate the labor of your hands and mind?  Do you recognize God’s hand in giving you labor as a gift?  When you head off to work each day…or down the hall to your virtual office, are you celebrating or complaining?

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Col. 3:23

 AS we prepare for next week’s Labor Day Weekend, my challenge to you is to recognize the favor in your life that you have work for your hands and that God has blessed it.  God gave us labor as a gift and as a tool for relationship. This tool in our hands is to be used to provide for ourselves and our family and work is also a platform for relationship for Gospel transfer. What do I mean about Gospel transfer?  (we will talk about that next week). In the meantime, check your attitude towards work because your workplace, its your mission field. And in that mission field you and me may be the only Jesus our co-workers and employees may ever meet. That job that you hold, the work that you do, and the people that you work with, none of that is by chance. The people that you work with need to meet Jesus and you may be their only chance.



About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!