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Words To Understand: Part 2

Pastor and Minister

Last week we talked about the word Pastor and the fact that you do not have to quit your job in order to be one. You can do a Romans 12:2 paradigm shift and be a pastor right there in your workplace and your neighborhood, even your small group. Pastor isn’t about a title, it is about a calling and an attitude. You are surrounded by people who need to be led to Jesus, so Pastor them.

Now for the rest of you who think:

“It would be so fulfilling to quit my job and do ministry all day long.”

STOP! The enemy has done such a great job of pigeonholing Christians into a building with which ministry is being done. ENOUGH of this stupid thinking. The enemy cordoned us off in a building while he was out deceiving the masses who don’t want to enter that meeting place.

Have you ever considered that the Body of Christ is spread out all over the world, in every imaginable workplace SO THAT MINISTRY can be done there? You are a minister of Jesus to the masses that you work with. You are there in your workplace or retirement place to teach the lost to be found. You are there to minister to the least of these. You are there to set the captives free. IF YOU LEAVE YOUR WORKPLACE who will take your place and do the ministry that YOU WERE REALLY CALLED to?

You are in ministry. You have been since the day Jesus found you. All around you are hurting and lost people. They don’t know your “church” pastor, they know you. They trust you. They need you. PLEASE DON’T QUIT.

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About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!