Being Called For The Impossible
Let me get straight to the point.
I am not a visionary. I am a worker bee. I love lists and tasks and I love to complete a job. I don’t usually have innovative ideas or creative ones either. I am not mad about this, it is just who God created me to be. I am comfortable being a Number 2 in a company, being a Number 1 requires skills that I do not naturally have. How about you?
Do you find yourself in a position that you are not qualified to be in?
Six and a half years ago, the Lord led Martha and I into what we thought was a Radio Ministry called iWork4Him. God was really clear to me when this started. I was given two commands.
1. Think Big, Really Big. This is bigger than you can imagine.
2. Don’t reproduce the wheel. You are not to create something that someone else has already created.
So out of these two commands, we have walked with the Lord these last 6 ½ years. My BIG thinking went from thinking of iWork4Him being on 500 to 1000 stations to realizing that God wants us to be obedient in creating a 24/7/365 (366 next year) media network that will collate and collaborate within the Faith and Work movement. The Lord’s big thinking that He has laid on my Heart is an organization that brings all the voices of the faith and work movement into one place so that any Christ Follower in their work, can know EXACTLY where to go to be trained on how to live out their faith in their work. I tell you honestly that THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. But…IT IS GOD POSSIBLE.
God created the heavens and the Earth from nothing – Impossible. Noah built an Ark – Impossible. Abraham fathered a nation – Impossible. Joshua conquered the territory for Israel – Impossible. Daniel hung out with hungry lions – Impossible. Jesus – God in the flesh – came to Earth to live and die and rise from the dead - Impossible. We serve a God of the Impossible.
Will iWork4Him become a Nationwide 24/7/365 network feeding the 50+ Million Christians in the workplace with the encouragement they need to live out their faith in their work in front of a lost and hopeless world? It’s impossible. But in God and with God all things are possible - Matt 19:26 -
if He is in the center of it. So, we walk faithfully one step at a time. Want to join us in the impossible?
About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: We are called to be examples of Christ to those around us. With that in mind, Jim is passionate about helping Christ followers connect their faith to their work!