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Get ON MISSION with Him

Just when you think life is going to settle down, you realize that in Jesus life never settles down.  Life as a follower of Christ is not about comfortable and predictable. It is definitely not about schedule and checklists.  Our Heavenly Father, doesn’t want us to become pre-occupied with what the world says is important.

For Him – it is mission one.

Bring the good news message to all those He loves while we fulfill the calling on our lives.  This is what we call ministry but it could also be called friendship with purpose, living with intentionality, mentoring or discipleship.

I do know it will be messy and doesn’t usually involve eating chocolate or binging on TV for hours on end. Life is so much more than that. Our Lord has laid a calling on our lives. Do not be afraid of that calling.

Embrace it.

Embrace it right where you are at. Whatever you do on a daily basis, you can fulfill that calling. Your workplace provides the greatest platform for you to be Jesus to someone TODAY.

Seize the opportunity to live out your faith. Embrace the truth that life with Jesus will never be boring, it will most certainly be messy and it will undoubtedly be thrilling. A story to tell for the ages.

Jump on board to life unpredictable but life so wonderful. Life with Jesus.

On the ride with you.

Hebrews 4:16

16 So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: To transform Christian-run businesses through mentoring Christian Business Owners (CBOs) by incorporating the servant leadership of Jesus Christ in their businesses, their home life and their walk with Christ.