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iRetire4Him – Mentoring in Action - Week One

Over the next couple of weeks, I want to jump back to the discussion that is storming about this country. Millions of Baby Boomers are now retired. They are bored with retirement. They are sick of Politics. They live far from their kids and grand-kids.

More than anything, they still want purpose in their lives and so far retirement is leaving them empty.

Enter the iWork4Him Nation – iRetire4Him Version.  As a retiree, you can make a commitment to impact the next generations with the Love of Jesus – 1 relationship at a time.

1. Pray for those around you that are not in your generation. Those who are 35 to 50 (Gen Xers), 20 to 35 (Millennials) 0 to 20 (Digital Gen). Identify who you come across regularly and write them down by name. This could be friends of your children, grandchildren and their friends, neighbors, and younger people at church. Identify them by name and pray that you could make an impact on them.

2. Look for ways to befriend those that you have written down. Get to know them by name – and all about their family. Look for things you can pray about for them.

3. Look for ways to serve them. These younger people may never have learned how to cook, fix a car, change a light fixture, or paint. Teach them how to do it by serving them.

4. Look for ways to pray with them when you run across them in the street, or at church or wherever you meet them.

5. All along, be a person of excellence in your attitude and actions – showing them you love them even though they are different. Show them they are worthy of your love and your relationship.

Over the next three week’s I will give you specific examples of putting the iWork4Him Nation – iRetire4Him Version – into action.

Retirement isn’t the end of life – it is the putting into action part of life.  The things you know can be fed into the younger lives around you.

Proverbs 27:17English Standard Version (ESV)

17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another

About the Author, Jim Brangenberg

Jim's Mission: To transform Christian-run businesses through mentoring Christian Business Owners (CBOs) by incorporating the servant leadership of Jesus Christ in their businesses, their home life and their walk with Christ.